Can you boil alkaline water

In this brief guide, we will address the query, “Can you boil alkaline water?” We will also discuss what happens when you boil alkaline water, as well as the health benefits and side effects of boiling alkaline water.

So if you are new to this topic and want to learn more, keep reading to the end.

Can you boil alkaline water?

Yes, you can boil alkaline water safely as this is believed to help your body neutralise acidity.

Despite the safety of boiling alkaline water, this step is worthless if it is just for drinking since this water is usually purified and bottled to be safe and ready.

 However, boiling alkaline water is useful when making some recipes to lower the acidity of certain foods like soup or sauce and enrich them with nutrients.

What happens when you boil alkaline water?

The high pH level of alkaline water compared to regular drinking water will allow this water to boil faster and its pH level to slightly decrease due to the loss of alkalizing minerals too.

Thus based on your alkaline water pH level and how long you boil it, you will eventually get water whose pH level is almost the same as that of bottled or regular tap water. 

How does boiled alkaline water affect acid reflux?

Boiled alkaline water retains the same properties as the regular bottled alkaline water which is found at room temperature regarding the acid reflux and GERD symptoms, but it does not

have the same effect.

However, boiling alkaline water and drinking it while it is still warm may aid in the dilution of the stomach acid and the reduction of your digestive system inflammation. 

This in turn may help in soothing your stomach and alleviating your acid reflux and GERD symptoms, however, note that this fact is still scientifically controversial

So even if it is safe to boil alkaline water in case you suffer from acid reflux and GERD and use them in a wide variety of platters and meals, and also for tea making without affecting your symptoms to be worse or improving them to be better.

You should make sure to avoid overdrinking boiled alkaline water if you have such symptoms to avoid making them worse. 

Besides, you must not substitute regular water with alkaline water directly at once but rather gradually and in an occasional manner as this sudden transformation may lead to several negative consequences in the long run. 

What are the health benefits of boiled alkaline water?

As we have seen so far in this article, the safety of boiling alkaline water is not an issue, but instead, the claims of its health benefits are still under scientific debate and controversy.

According to recent scientific studies, several health professionals and medical experts say there is no fixed evidence about the efficiency and potency of boiling alkaline water in the treatment of any health conditions as claimed in the marketing process made by alkaline water manufacturers and sellers.

However, other health professionals and medical experts  rely on different scientific studies, and found that boiling alkaline water has several potential health benefits which can be summarised as follows:

  • help in the oxygen transportation
  • Maintain and enhance the body energy levels and ensure staying in the best shape
  •  Maintains and enhances acid-base balance in the body
  • Reduces the frequency and severity of acid reflux and GERD symptoms as previously explained 
  • Helps the relieve heartburn 
  • Anti-aging properties 
  • Detoxification properties 
  • Aids in colon-cleansing 
  • Boosts the immune system 
  • Promotes skin health, and enhances its glow
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Prevent cancer formation

For more detailed guidance, please click the link here

What are the side effects of boiled alkaline water?

Although boiling alkaline water and drinking it is considered safe, there’s currently no scientific evidence that revealed the negative side effects of its consumption.

However, as with every other food and beverage, moderation is the key to good health next to consuming a healthy balanced varied diet, therefore excessive drinking in case you suffer from acid reflux or GERD symptoms may worsen your symptoms.

Besides, due to the relatively high pH level of boiled alkaline water compared to regular water, you may notice certain physiological changes made by your body.

For example, your body will continuously produce hydrochloric acid to regulate the pH level of your stomach. 

Other FAQs about Water that you may be interested in.

Where can I buy distilled water?

Why can’t you drink distilled water?

Why does bottled water expire?

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In this brief guide, we have addressed the query, “Can you boil alkaline water?” We have also discussed what happens when you boil alkaline water, as well as the health benefits and side effects of boiling alkaline water.

Hope you found this blog useful. If you have any questions, please let us know.


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