Can cherries cause gas?

In this short article, we will answer the question, “can cherries cause gas?” We will also explore the other digestion problems caused by cherry consumption in detail. Moreover, we will inform you about the cherry intake without causing gas.

Can cherries cause gas?

Yes, cherry consumption may lead to gas problems in some individuals. Cherries, like the vast majority of fruits and vegetables, have the potential to be a nutritious addition to your daily diet. This delicious summer fruit, believe it or not, may induce gas, bloating, stomach pain, and diarrhea in certain people, especially those who already suffer from digestive problems.

Cherries and Digestion Problems: A Relationship?

It’s important to understand why cherries may be harmful to your digestive system in the first place.

FODMAP foods include cherries, which are high in fructose and sorbitol and, according to Item Intolerance Diagnostics, are a FODMAP food. FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols, which are all sugars that may be fermented.

FODMAPs, according to Harvard Health Publishing, are a kind of carbohydrate that should be avoided. FODMAPs are carbohydrates that are not fully absorbed by the small intestine. It is thus possible that eating cherries may cause gas, bloating, stomach pain, and diarrhea later on if you have IBS or another digestive problem.

Cherries and Gas

In the colon, microflora (gut bacteria) metabolize cherries and other FODMAPs quickly, resulting in gas production – and gas production causes farts and burping for those with IBS.

While this may happen to anybody, those suffering from IBS may have more bacteria in their small intestine, resulting in greater gas output.

Cherries and Bloating

Unfortunately, gas is just the beginning of the problem. The sugar in cherries may draw water into the digestive tract and cause bloating. This is according to Dr. Ray Scott Daugherty Jr., a colon and rectal surgeon at Baton Rouge General.

In addition, when this happens, it changes how the muscles in the gut wall contract, resulting in occasional constipation – which in turn leads to increased belly bloat.

Cherries and Stomachache

According to Dr. Daugherty, stomach pain and discomfort may be caused by cherry gas and bloating.

The International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFGID) also cautions that the discomfort associated with cherries and other FODMAP foods may be significant for individuals who suffer from IBS and other gastrointestinal disorders. Stomachaches have been described as cramping, stabbing, and intense by those who have experienced them.

Cherries and Diarrhea

According to Harvard Health Publishing, sugar, namely, fructose, is a significant contributor to diarrhea. Sugars stimulate the gastrointestinal system to produce water and electrolytes, which helps in the loosening of bowel movements.

According to Harvard Health, about 75% of those who consume more than 40 to 80 grams of fructose per day may have diarrhea. A cup of cherries (pitted) has just 8 grams of fructose, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.

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How to Eat Cherries Without Digestion Problems?

One way of avoiding all of these problems is to avoid cherry intake, which is a huge disappointment in this case. Consequently, Ashley Kravitz, RD, founder of Nutrition Specialists of New Jersey, was contacted by to provide insight on the best way to eat cherries without experiencing digestive problems.

Eat-in Moderation 

IBS is extremely unique, and some people can tolerate more things than others,” she continues. “A serving size of 1/2 cup would be fine,” she says.

If you have IBS, start with a smaller quantity (for example, 1/4 cup) and watch your symptoms closely to see how they change.

 Don’t Eat Them on an Empty Stomach

Consuming an excessive quantity of fructose all at once may result in digestive issues, according to research. Instead, combine cherries with low- or no-fructose meals such as lean meats, cheddar cheese, oats, eggs, nuts, and seeds, or anything else that is low in sugar.

 Stay away from other triggers

What one person finds tolerable may not be endured well by another person. As a result, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, if you are sensitive to FODMAPs, you should avoid the following meals:

• Additional fruits such as apples, pears, and peaches may be added to the diet.

• Certain veggies, such as artichokes, asparagus, onions, and garlic, are high in antioxidants.

• Lentils combined with beans

Chew slowly 

The more broken down your food is, the easier it will be to digest it later on. To be sure, if none of these suggestions work and you are convinced that cherries are causing gas, bloating stomach pain, or other digestive problems, you may need to completely remove cherries from your diet.


In this short article, we answered the question, “can cherries cause gas?” We also explored the other digestion problems caused by cherry consumption in detail. Moreover, we informed about the cherry intake without causing gas.


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