What happens if you eat bad green beans?

In this brief guide, we will answer the question, “What happens if you eat bad green beans?”. We will also talk about why green beans go bad, how to tell when green beans go bad and how to safely store green beans.  

What happens if you eat bad green beans?

If you eat bad green beans, you might get sick. However, this largely relies upon the state of your green beans. If your green beans are just wilted, and they give a bad odor but are kept in your refrigerator, there is only a slight risk of you getting food poisoning because of the green beans. 

If you soaked your green beans before putting them in the fridge, then the likelihood of getting ill from bacteria is rather low. 

You won’t get a deadly infection from accidentally cooking and consuming green beans that are not so fresh.

However, make sure to examine your green beans for freshness before using them in your dishes. Mold can grow on green beans. If you find your green beans covered with green or blue mold, discard them right away. 

However, if only a part of the green beans is moldy while the remainder is good, then you can just cut out the moldy part and use the remaining normally. 

How to tell if green beans have gone bad?

Examine the color

The first thing to determine if the green beans have gone bad, is to examine the texture and color of the green beans. Fresh green beans should have a green color and separate in half upon breaking. 

Gradually, green beans will turn brown and become less crisp. However, this does not necessarily indicate they have gone bad but rather that their quality has been compromised.

Inspect for mold growth

If you see any visible mold or black scars on the green beans, this is an obvious sign that the green beans have spoiled. 

Examine the texture

Next, examine for a soft, mushy texture of the green beans. If this is so, toss them out. 

Notice the smell

Sniff the green beans, if they give a bad odor, toss them.

How long do green beans last?

Green beans do not last for a prolonged period. Their quality remains best for 3-5 days in the refrigerator and they remain usually perfectly okay for almost one week. The same is the case with cooked green beans – they also last for one week in the refrigerator.

If that is not sufficient for the bundle of green beans you have purchased, you can keep them in a freezer. 

Green beans Refrigerator 
Fresh green beans 5-7 days
Cooked green beans 5-7 days

Warning: Bacteria can grow rapidly between the temperature range of 40℉ to 140℉, therefore, cooked green beans should be tossed out if kept at room temperature for over two hours.

How to store green beans?

Green beans should be kept in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. Avoid the exposure of green beans to light and heat sources.

You can also cover green beans in a resealable satchel. Cooked green beans must also be stored in the refrigerator, in an airtight jar.

Warning: Do not wash the green beans prior to storing them as this can accelerate their spoilage rate. Rather, rinse them well when you intend to use them for cooking.

How to freeze green beans? 

Freezing the green beans will prolong their shelf life for about 6 months. To freeze the green beans, follow the steps below:

Washing: To keep green beans in a freezer, you will first have to wash them, in contrast to when they are kept in a refrigerator. Just rinse them underneath cold water.

Cutting: Always cut the stems from the green beans. Subsequently, cut the green beans into tiny fragments. Cropping them in half works well.

Blanching: This step isn’t really needed, but blanching most of the vegetables is recommended prior to keeping them in a freezer. For this, boil the green beans for almost 3 mins, and then dip them in ice water till they feel cold when touched.

Drying: Be sure to dry the green beans prior to keeping them in a freezer.

Packing and freezing: Put the green beans in a freezer-safe pouch and store them in the freezer.

How to Thaw Green Beans?

You do not really need to thaw green beans when taken out of the freezer, but you definitely can. 

Refrigerate: You can keep the green beans in the refrigerator to thaw them out prior to adding them to any recipe. This will gradually increase their temperature.

Microwave: Keep the green beans in a microwave-safe container and pour enough water to fully submerge them. Microwave the green beans till they just start to become warm.

Other FAQs about Green Beans that you may be interested in.

Can you cook green beans in the microwave

Can you cook green beans in the oven

Can you eat green beans when pregnant?


In this brief guide, we have answered the question, “What happens if you eat bad green beans?”. We have also talked about why green beans go bad, how to tell when green beans go bad and how to safely store green beans.  



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