How long do cooked tomatoes last in the fridge?

In this article, we will answer the question “How long do cooked tomatoes last in the fridge?”, and how to identify bad tomatoes?

How long do cooked tomatoes last in the fridge?

Cooked tomatoes, stored within 2 hours of cooking, last 3-5 days in the fridge. Once the tomatoes cool, transfer them to a shallow air-tight container or resealable bags for refrigeration. Store the cooked tomatoes in the fridge to extend their shelf-life upto 10-12 months.

Slow-roasted cherry tomatoes recipe 



  1. Preheat the oven to 220℉ for 15-20 minutes. 
  1. Spread the sliced cherry tomatoes over a baking tray. Season the top side with some olive oil, salt, and pepper. For more juicy tomatoes, roasting time ranges from 1 ½ to 2 hours. For dry and wrinkled tomatoes, 2  to 2 ½ hours are sufficient. 
  1. Transfer the roasted tomatoes to an air-tight container and store them for 1-2 weeks in the fridge.
  1. To freeze store roasted tomatoes, spread them in a single layer on a baking tray and pre-freeze until solid. Transfer the freeze-solid roasted tomatoes to an air-tight container or freezer bag and store them in the freezer. 

How to tell if a tomato has gone bad?

Smell: If the tomatoes give off a sour or rancid smell, particularly near the stem, they are spoiled.

Appearance: Moldy tomatoes should immediately be discarded. Sometimes, the tomato can be safely eaten after removing the discolored or bruised areas. 

However, you may not want to risk it if you have a sensitive stomach. Mushy or overripe tomatoes can either be discarded or used in cooked dishes.

Texture: If the tomato flesh slips through its skin on a slight grip, it has gone bad. Tomatoes with an overly soft texture or juices oozing out of the flesh are better off discarded.

The shelf-life of tomatoes

The shelf-life of tomatoes greatly depends upon their storage method. Fully ripe tomatoes can be safely kept on the counter for upto 7 days. This only applies if the temperature is relatively cool outside and the tomatoes are not exposed to any direct sources of heat like direct sunlight or the stovetop. 

Refrigeration prolongs the shelf-life of the ripe tomatoes upto 2 weeks. Unripe tomatoes should not be refrigerated or else they won’t ripen properly and fail to develop the desirable texture, flavor, and aroma. 

How to store tomatoes?

Unripe tomatoes 

Store the unripe tomatoes at room temperature in a well-ventilated area. Instead of a plastic bag, keep the tomatoes inside a bowl or basket. Unripe tomatoes should never be refrigerated as this interferes with their ripening process.

Ripe tomatoes 

Take out the ripe tomatoes from plastic bags or blister packs. Keep them at room temperature away from sources of heat like direct sunlight or the stovetop. Refrain from piling up the tomatoes to prevent bruising them.

Store whole, ripe tomatoes in the vegetable drawer. Keep cut tomatoes in an air-tight container and use them within 3 days of refrigeration.  

How to make tomatoes last long?


  1. Make a cross at the bottom of each tomato. This will make it easy for the tomatoes to peel off. 
  1. Bring water to a rolling boil in a pot. Boil the tomatoes in it for 2-3 minutes.
  1. Transfer the blanched tomatoes to an ice-cold water bath to halt the cooking process. Peel off the tomatoes at this stage if you want. 
  1. Drain the tomatoes and pat them dry using paper towels. 
  1. Spread the tomatoes on a baking tray lined with parchment paper such that they do not overlap each other.
  1. Slide the tray into the freezer and pre-freeze until solid. 
  1. Transfer the frozen tomatoes to a freezer bag and chuck them in the freezer.


Pickled tomatoes stay good for weeks in the fridge. The tomatoes are simply submerged in a pickling solution along with other spices and herbs for flavor. The main ingredients of the pickling solution are vinegar, sugar, and salt. 


There are two types of canning methods, namely, the water bath canning method and the pressure cooker canning method. The former is used for the canning of high acid fruits or veggies. Tomatoes are canned by the water bath canning method. Use this guide to preserve any food that you want. 


Dehydrated or sun-dried tomatoes are another great product of preservation methods. Dehydration removes 90-95% water content of the tomatoes. Reduced water activity inactivates the enzymes and prevents spoilage. 

Dehydrated tomatoes should be stored in an air-tight container. You can either use the dehydrated tomatoes in the form of slices or grind them to a fine powder. 

Other FAQs about Tomatoes that you may be interested in.

7 ways to preserve tomatoes

How to store homemade tomato sauce?

How to know if tomatoes are spoiled


In this article, we will answer the question “How long do cooked tomatoes last in the fridge?”, and how to identify bad tomatoes?


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