Does salt water taffy go bad?

In this brief guide, we will answer the question “Does salt water taffy go bad?” and discuss how to store it. We will also discuss how to tell if salt water taffy has gone bad.

Does salt water taffy go bad?

Yes, salt water taffy can go bad. Salt water taffy stays good for only a week when it is kept unrefrigerated. If you refrigerate it, it will last for about 2 weeks. You can also store salt water taffy in the freezer to make it last for a couple of months. 

Store-bought salt water taffy can last upto 6 months.

How to store salt water taffy?

Salt water taffy should be stored in airtight containers to keep them away from air and moisture. When freezing, make sure you place the salt water taffy in a freezer safe bag to avoid freezer burn. You can refrigerate the tafy to make it last longer but make sure it is properly sealed so that it does not get hard.

How to tell if salt water taffy has gone bad?

You can tell if salt water taffy has gone bad by looking at its color. If there are any discolorations, then the taffy has gone bad. Additionally, look at its texture. If the texture feels weird or slimy then throw it away. Look for mold and smell it to see if it smells fine or bad. Bad odor is a sign of spoiled taffy. 

Does salt water make you throw up?

Yes, salt water can make you throw up. Body needs salt but only in small amounts but if you consume too much of it, it could be dangerous. Some people with eating disorders may use salt to throw up but it is very unhealthy. High concentration can send signals to the vomiting center in the brain to induce nausea and vomiting so as to get rid of it. 

However, by the time vomiting is induced, a lot of salt may have already been absorbed leading to hypernatremia. 

Does salt make you thirsty?

Yes, consuming too much salt can make you thirsty. When you eat too much salt, sodium levels in your bloodstream increase. This increased saltiness sends signals to the thirst center in the brain, which then increases thirst so that you drink water and the balance inside the body is restored. 

Does salt water dehydrate you?

Yes, drinking salt water can dehydrate you. When you drink a lot of salt water, the higher concentration of salt outside the cells will pull out water from our cells leaving them dehydrated. This is why humans can not drink seawater as the salt content of seawater is very high.

Does salt have calories?

No, salt does not have any calories at all. If you add it to your food, the total calorie count of your food would not increase because of salt. 

Is taking too much salt bad for you?

Yes, taking too much salt in your diet is bad for you. An average human only needs about 1500 milligrams of sodium per day and if you consume more than this on a regular basis, you may face some immediate and long term side effects of it.

Although sodium and chloride both are essential for the body to maintain the electrolyte balance and proper nerve function, you should take it in moderation.

Some short term effects of taking too much salt are as follows.

  • Taking too much salt can lead to water retention in your body. You may feel like your stomach is bloated and your hands, feet or face is puffy. You may even weigh more than before due to all the water weight.
  • It can also cause a rise in your blood pressure.
  • It can make you feel so thirsty because a lot of sodium can leave you dehydrated so you end up drinking a lot of water.
  • Your urine frequency may also increase because since the sodium will leave you dehydrated, you will be drinking a lot more water.

Find out more about the harmful effects of taking too much salt here.

Other FAQs about Salt that you may be interested in.

How long does salt stay in your body?

How much is 10g salt in tsp?

How much is 5g salt in teaspoons?


In this brief guide, we answered the question “Does salt water taffy go bad?” and discussed how to store it. We also discussed how to tell if salt water taffy has gone bad.


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