Can you eat fig newtons with diverticulitis

In this brief guide, we will address the query, “can you eat Fig newtons with diverticulitis?” We will also discuss what diverticulitis is, and how Fig newtons can affect people with this condition.

Can you eat fig newtons with diverticulitis?

Yes, you can eat fig newtons with diverticulitis. However, some people have reported an attack of diverticulitis after consuming fruits with seeds, or products with seeds, which is the case of fig newtons.

So, if you belong to this group of people, it is better to not take a risk and avoid seeds, popcorn, figs, grapes, and cucumbers, as all of them have small seeds on them and might cause you a flare-up of diverticulitis.

What are fig newtons?

Fig Newtons are popular cookies trademarked by Nabisco, they are a version of a pastry filled with fig paste.

It was in 1891 that some experimenting ended up creating these delicious snacks. Ever since Fig newtons are mass-produced and each year they produce about 320 pounds of snacks. Can you imagine such a thing?

Fig newtons are made up of a crumbly-like pastry that in the middle has added a scoop of fig jam. They are produced by an extrusion process. You can find them coated with several flavorings, like:

  • Strawberry
  • Raspberry
  • Blueberry

Also, did you know Fig Newtons became so popular they even have their day? January 16th is National Fig Newton Day. So, be ready to get some of these delicious snacks for the day! 

What is inside Fig Newtons?

Fig Newtons are a modern way of packaging figs to make them more appealing to people. Inside the pastry recipient, the fig filling will be placed. Not only figs are the only ingredient but cookies add texture and flavor to the mix.

Once they are mixed, some corn syrup will be added to improve moisture and sweetness, of course. Some salt is also added, and now the jam for the Fig Newtons is complete!

Now, the pastry and fig jam will be placed with the help of certain machines to give them their popular presentation. They will be cut, and then they are ready to be baked until they exhibit a gold color. And now, they are ready to be packed and distributed! 

To know more about this process, click here.

What is diverticulitis?

Diverticular disease, also known as diverticulitis, is a popular digestive condition in Western countries. It is assumed that by the age of 60 years, at least one-third of the US population will develop diverticulitis, and by the age of 85 years, around two-thirds of the population!

But what is diverticulitis? Well, diverticulitis takes place when small pouches located outward through the colon or large intestine become inflamed or infected. This condition can lead to several symptoms, such as:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Chills
  • Cramping
  • Constipation

These are the most common symptoms, but if your case is more severe, it can also cause bleeding and blockage. For recurring cases, surgery may be needed.

What are the causes of diverticulitis?

The exact cause for this condition remains unknown, but it has been associated with a diet poor in fiber. Fiber is helpful for the digestive process, as it softens the feces. If you do not consume enough diet, hard stools will be excreted and they will need more pressure from your colon.

The more pressure your colon needs to push the stools down, thej it is more likely that you develop the small pouches.  

Also, before 2008 it was believed that consuming foods with seeds can cause diverticula, but it was found there is no relation between these factors.

Can you eat foods with seeds on them if you have diverticulitis?

Several foods that contain seeds were thought to be the cause of cases of diverticulitis, but scientists in 2008 found no evidence to support this belief. However, the results of these studies suggested there is no relation between the consumption of these foods and diverticulosis.

Some of the foods that were on this list are:

  • Nuts
  • Popcorn
  • Corn
  • Figs
  • Grapes
  • Cucumbers

If you want to read more about what these scientists have found, please click here to read the full article and clarify any doubts you may have.

Nevertheless, as this disease is not fully understood, if you feel like your symptoms worsen after eating some of these foods, then I may suggest reducing or avoiding its consumption. But, to get more accurate advice, it is needed to visit a specialist.

Other FAQs about Figs that you may be interested in.

Are all figs safe to eat?

Can figs go in the fridge?

Can you eat fig bars with acid reflux


In this brief guide, we have addressed the query, “can you eat Fig newtons with diverticulitis?” We have also discussed other queries related to the subject at hand. 

Hope you found this blog useful. If you have any questions, please let us know.


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