Can you eat cucumber seeds?

In this article, we will answer the question “Can you eat cucumber seeds?”, and what are the benefits and risks of eating cucumber seeds?

Can you eat cucumber seeds?

Yes, you can eat cucumber seeds. Just like melon and pumpkin seeds, cucumber seeds are safe to consume. Read on if you want to know why and how you should eat cucumber seeds.

Why eat cucumber seeds?

According to a study published in the Pakistan Journal of Nutrition under the title of “Comparative Studies on Nutritional Composition of Four Melon Seeds Varieties”, cucumbers had the highest level of calcium as compared to its melon cousins analyzed in the study. 

Besides, cucumbers also provide a rich amount of sodium, manganese, iron, and zinc

Are cucumber seeds hard to digest?

Cucumber seeds are packed with nutrients and water. Besides, they are quite thin. Therefore, your stomach can easily digest cucumber seeds unless you have a certain digestive condition that strictly demands you to eat soft foods.

Health benefits of eating cucumber seeds

Apart from being rich in proteins, fats, and minerals, cucumbers are rich in phytonutrient compounds such as lignans and cucurbitacins, that have anti-cancer properties. Cucurbitacins are particularly known for fighting pancreatic cancerous cells.

The phytochemicals in cucumber seeds prevent bad breath which is a consequence of stomach bacteria or excessive heat.

Pickled cucumber seeds promote digestion. Like cucumber peel, cucumber seeds are a concentrated source of Vitamin K that promotes blood clotting and improves bone density.

Cucumber seeds are a low-calorie snack that helps reduce weight. Cucumber seed minerals like magnesium actively reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Cucumber seeds are a good source of vitamin C, manganese, and beta-carotene oxidants. Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant and an immunity booster while beta carotene is crucial for healthy vision.

The high potassium and low sodium nutrition content of the cucumber seeds prevent cardiovascular and ischemic heart diseases. Cucumber seeds are very healthy for hypertension patients.

What are the health benefits of cucumber seeds for men?

The problem of Erectile dysfunction is common in men aged 40-70 years and those with low blood pressure. This condition can be treated by eating cucumber seeds that are naturally rich in Citrulline.

Citrulline is a naturally occurring amino acid. It proves men’s sexual health by promoting blood flow to the penis. It does so by transforming first into arginine, then into nitric oxide.

Combined with carrot juice, cucumber seeds help reduce uric acid levels in the blood. This strengthens joints, relieves gout pain and arthritis in men.

The lignans present in cucumber seeds reduce the risks of prostate cancer. Cucumber seeds are also helpful in reducing hangovers in men.

How do cucumber seeds benefit your face and hair?

Cucumber seed oil provides alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol. Both of these components moisture skin and prevent redness and rashes. 

The linoleic acid and Vitamin E content of the cucumber seeds help in skin rejuvenation. They prevent wrinkles and fine lines by promoting collagen production.

The oleic acid in cucumber seed oil helps nourish and moisturize skin. The omega-6 fatty acids present in cucumber seed oil are effective against eczema and dermatitis. Fatty acids protect the skin from dryness, bacteria and keep it healthy and glowing.

Cucumber seed oil is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and silica, which promotes hair growth, repairs hair and prevents hair thinning. 

The silicon and sulfur content of the cucumber seed oil prevents hair fall. Tocopherols and phytosterols present split ends.

How to eat cucumber seeds?

Scoop out the cucumber seeds from the vegetable and let them air dry under controlled conditions. 

Alternatively, just leave them at room temperature for a few days. Then store the dried cucumber seeds in an air-tight container. 

Roast or cook the dried cucumber seeds with some ghee and jazz things up by adding your favorite spice mix. 

Alternatively, you can simply dry roast the seeds and add your favorite seasonings. Roasted cucumber seeds can be added to assorted seed snacks or cold and warm salads for texture.

Are there any health risks associated with eating cucumber seeds?

Cucumber seeds contain a compound called cucurbitacin which may be toxic for people that have digestive issues. In such individuals, eating cucumber seeds may lead to bloating and flatulence. 

Cucurbitacin and fatty acid content of the cucumber seeds may cause dehydration and fluid imbalance by inducing frequent urination.

People who are allergic to melons and bananas may experience hives, breathing difficulty, and swelling on eating cucumber seeds.

Excessive intake of cucumber seeds can interfere with the blood clotting mechanism and may also damage the kidney.

Other FAQs about Cucumber that you may be interested in.

Can you eat cucumber without cooking it?

How much cucumber should I eat?

How long does it take for a cucumber to grow after flowering?


In this article, we answered the question “Can you eat cucumber seeds?”, and what are the benefits and risks of eating cucumber seeds?


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