Can beef jerky cause acid reflux?

In this brief guide, we will answer the question, “can beef jerky cause acid reflux,” and discuss what are the symptoms of acid reflux caused by eating beef jerky, and how you can relieve acid reflux symptoms caused by eating beef jerky.

Can beef jerky cause acid reflux?

Yes, consuming jerky can be a cause of acid reflux, as processed meat, and increased salt intake are considered risk factors for acid reflux disease. 

According to studies, the higher intake of animal protein and processed foods can increase the rate of incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in a population, when compared to a diet of higher intake of fruits and vegetables (1).

In addition, the ingestion of an increased amount of salt is also a positive factor of higher risk of developing GERD.

Jerky contains a high amount in its composition. In 100 g there are more than 1500 mg of sodium (2).

What are the possible symptoms of acid reflux caused by eating beef jerky?

The symptoms of acid reflux include (1,3):

  • A burning sensation in the chest
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Nausea
  • Regurgitation
  • Sore throat and coughing 

Acid reflux can be caused by eating certain foods, and diet plays an important role in improving or worsening the symptoms. The exact mechanism underlying the effects of the ingestion of certain foods on GERD is not well understood. 

What are the foods that may cause acid reflux?

Foods that may cause acid reflux are (1,3):

  • Acid foods, such as acid and citric fruits and tomatoes, which cause increase acid fluid intake
  • Spicy foods, such as chili and other spices, which increase the pressure on the esophagus 
  • Fried foods, greasy foods, high-fat diet, which increase the acid production in the stomach and increases the exposure of the esophagus to acids
  • Chocolate and coffee are related to increased acid reflux, although no scientific explanation is certain and studies may differ

What are the factors besides foods that may cause acid reflux?

The factors besides dietary habits that may cause or worsen the symptoms of acid reflux are related to daily habits. 

Although the fundamentals clarifying the mechanisms between lifestyle and acid reflux are not well known, it is possible to relate higher rates of symptoms by individuals who have the following habits (1,3): 

  • Late meals at night (going to bed after 2 hours or less after dining)
  • Eating beyond fullness
  • Smoking
  • Depression, anxiety,stress, lack of sleep 
  • Sedentarism
  • Alcohol consume

How can you relieve acid reflux symptoms caused by eating beef jerky?

You can relieve acid reflux symptoms by avoiding foods that trigger GERD symptoms such as spicy foods, fried and fatty foods, as well as acidic. You should also avoid eating large meals before bedtime (1,3).

It has been reported that eating some foods such as vegetables with a bitter taste such as bitter gourd and pumpkin, eating pomegranate, honey and food grains like wheat, rice and barley can reduce the symptoms of acid reflux (4).

The Ayurveda medicine suggests the use of a powder made of dried mature fruits of Amalaki, a berry-type of fruit which has been reported to be effective in treating symptoms of acid reflux and gastritis.


In this brief guide, we have addressed the question, “can beef jerky cause acid reflux,” and other questions related to the subject, such as what are the symptoms of acid reflux caused by eating beef jerky, and how can you relieve acid reflux symptoms caused by eating beef jerky.


  1. Zhang, Mei, et al. Dietary and lifestyle factors related to gastroesophageal reflux disease: a systematic review. Therap Clin Risk Manag, 2021, 305-323.
  2. Jerky, beef. Food Data Central. United States Department of Agriculture. 
  3. Sethi, Sajiv, and Joel E. Richter. Diet and gastroesophageal reflux disease: role in pathogenesis and management. Curr opinion gastroenterol, 2017, 33, 107-111.
  4. World Health Organization. Traditional herbal remedies for primary health care. 2010.

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