Why do my scrambled eggs get watery?

In this brief guide, we will answer the question, “why do my scrambled eggs get watery?”

We will also discuss how to make scrambled eggs properly. Moreover, we will discuss how you can fix watery scrambled eggs.

why do my scrambled eggs get watery?


Weeping is the process of losing water from the egg whites. This can happen if the egg whites are overbeaten or if they are not cooked properly. When egg whites are beaten, they form stiff peaks. If you keep beating them, the egg whites will eventually become watery. 


When you add vegetables to scrambled eggs, they release water, which can make the eggs watery. Most people use vegetables like zucchini, tomatoes, and mushrooms.  Vegetables to be used in scrambled eggs should be washed and then dried before adding them.

Moreover, the vegetables should be sauteed with butter then eggs added after bubbles have started to form.


The protein in milk can bind with the proteins in eggs, making them tough and rubbery. When making scrambled eggs, it’s best to use water instead of milk. In case you use milk, only two table spoons of milk should be added to each egg. More milk will prolong the time needed to cook eggs and therefore making the food watery.

Cooking temperature

The protein in the egg changes shape when it is heated, and this change causes the egg to become watery. Scrambled eggs are best cooked in low medium heat. You can cook eggs on medium in case you like them dry. 

How do you cook scrambled eggs on a griddle?

  • The griddle is first preheated to medium or 350 degrees. You can spray some vegetable oil and melt butter. 
  • Crack your eggs into a bowl and whisk them together. 
  • Add some butter to your griddle, and then pour in your eggs. 
  • Use a spatula to scramble the eggs until they are cooked to your liking. 
  • Serve hot and enjoy!

How can you fix watery scrambled eggs?

Mix in some flour. Adding flour to watery scrambled eggs will help to thicken the eggs.

Add more eggs. Adding more eggs will make your scrambled eggs more custard-like in texture. If you want fluffy eggs, add more egg whites.

Reduce the number of onions. When you reduce the number of onions in your recipe, you are also reducing the amount of water that is released from the vegetables. This will help to thicken the consistency of your scrambled eggs and prevent them from becoming watery.

Why do scrambled eggs turn brown?

When you scramble eggs, the proteins in the egg whites and yolks begin to unwind and tangle with each other. This process is called denaturation. 

As the eggs cook and the proteins continue to unwind and tangle, they begin to form new bonds with each other. This process is called coagulation. 

The coagulation of proteins is what gives cooked eggs their firm texture. The proteins in eggs also have pigment molecules, called chromophores, that give them their color. 

As the proteins denature and coagulate, the chromophores are also rearranged. This rearrangement of the chromophores is what causes cooked eggs to change color from clear to white to yellow to brown.

Can you make scrambled eggs using a microwave?

Yes, you can make scrambled eggs in the microwave. To make scrambled eggs Put 1–2 tablespoons of butter or margarine and 1 tablespoon of milk for each egg into a microwavable bowl.

 Add the eggs. Beat until the yolks and whites are combined. Microwave on High for 30 seconds. Stir. Microwave again on High for 30 seconds. Stir. Continue microwaving on High in 30-second intervals until the eggs are done to your liking.

Is it safe to have eggs every day?

Yes, you can have an egg or two in a day. Eating more than three eggs in a day is not recommended because eggs are a high-cholesterol food. Consuming too much cholesterol can lead to heart disease. 

One large egg contains 186 mg of cholesterol, which is more than half of the recommended daily limit of 300 mg. Eating three eggs a day can increase your cholesterol levels by 15-20%. 

This may not seem like a lot, but it can put you at a higher risk for heart disease. If you have heart disease or are at high risk for it, you should limit your egg intake to no more than three per week.

For more details on the health benefits of eating eggs. Click here.

Other FAQs about Eggs that you may be interested in.

How many eggs per day can someone eat on the keto diet?

Are eggs high in oxalates?

Do eggs go bad in the refrigerator


In this article, we have answered the question “why do my scrambled eggs get watery?” We have also discussed how to make scrambled eggs and how you can fix watery scrambled eggs, Moreover, we have discussed why it is not safe to have more than three eggs in a day.

Hope you find this blog useful, incase of any questions, please let us know




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