How to know if curd is spoiled? (5 easy methods)

In this brief article, we are going to answer the question “how to know if curd is spoiled”, discuss the different methods of identifying spoiled curd and the potential health effects of consuming spoiled curd.

How to know if curd is spoiled?

If you want to determine if your curd is spoiled or not you can use your senses to check its appearance, texture, color, smell and taste.  In addition, you should also always check the expiration date before consumption.

Sometimes it becomes difficult to identify whether the curd is spoiled or not. Usually, we take second opinions to remove our doubts about whether to throw it out or not.

Be careful as eating spoiled curd can cause food poisoning and other health problems (1-2), so you should throw it out if you suspect that your curds have gone bad.

Here we provide you five signs that could help you to decide if your curd is spoiled or still edible:

  • You should check the curd appearance: If your curd has mold or appears to be lumpy or curdled, it may be spoiled. do not eat it!
  • You can check the texture: If your curd is fresh, it should have a smooth and creamy texture. If it appears grainy or slimy, it is most probably spoiled.
  • You can check the color: This can vary from one curd to another, but in general fresh curd should be white or off-white. If you realize that your curd has turned yellowish or grayish, in other words, if you notice that the original color changed, it is probably spoiled and you should not eat it.
  • Check the smell: You can check your curd for spoilage by identifying unusual odors on it. In many cases once your curd is spoiled it will produce a sour or unpleasant smell.
  • You can decide based on the taste: If you tried your curd and it tastes sour, bitter or has a strange aftertaste, it is probably spoiled and you must not eat it.

Finally, if you are consuming packaged curd then you should firstly check the expiration date. If the package has not been opened at all then you may consume it before the expiry date. 

Can you get sick from eating spoiled curd?

Yes, eating spoiled curd can make you seriously sick (1-2). You should be careful!

Spoiled curds can contain different pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, yeast and molds) that can cause food poisoning and other health problems (1,3).

The main symptoms of food poisoning from eating spoiled curd may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and fever (4), which are typical symptoms of food poisoning. 

Sometimes, food poisoning can be fatal, especially if you belong to one of the high-risk groups (infants, young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and immunocompromised people) that are more susceptible to infections (4).

The most common bacteria that can grow on spoiled curd are coliforms (1). These bacteria can produce harmful toxins that can cause food poisoning (5). So, you should avoid eating your curd once you detect any sign of spoilage.

It is important that you know that some lactic acid bacteria in your curd could act as probiotics and control the growth of pathogenic bacteria (6).

However, yeasts and molds could also grow on your curd, which can result in a sour taste and off-odor and the production of potent toxins that can cause food poisoning (7-8).

As we will explain below, you can prevent getting sick from eating spoiled curd by checking the expiration date and following the storage instructions on the packaging. 

What should you do if you suspect you have consumed spoiled curd?

If you have consumed spoiled curd and you start feeling weak and sick, you should seek medical attention immediately. You must take food poisoning seriously!

As mentioned before, you may experience different symptoms that can range from mild to severe, and in some cases can even be life-threatening. 

So, you should take any symptoms seriously and seek medical attention as soon as possible!

You should stay hydrated during your infection by drinking plenty of water or fluids that contain electrolytes. This can help to replace any fluids or electrolytes that you may have lost due to vomiting or diarrhea (9).

Do not eat any other dairy products or food that could potentially make your symptoms worse (9).

At the hospital, you should inform them that you have consumed spoiled curd, so that they can select the best treatment for your recovery. It is probably that you have to take antibiotics. 

How should you handle curd to prevent spoilage?

Here, you can find some tips on how to handle curd to prevent spoilage and how you can extend its shelf life:

  • Store curd in the refrigerator at a temperature below 5°C. Make sure to keep it in a tightly sealed container to prevent air and bacteria from entering.
  • Always check the expiration date before purchasing curd. So, you should always avoid purchasing curd that is near its expiration date.
  • Use a clean spoon or utensil when scooping curd out of the container to prevent introducing new bacteria into the curd. Bacterial cross contamination is a serious issue (10-11)!
  • Do not leave curd at room temperature for an extended period, especially in warm weather. The warmer it is the faster microorganisms can grow!
  • It is not a good idea to freeze your curd as it can alter its texture and flavor.

You should know that the shelf life of curd varies depending on the storage conditions and the type of curd (i.e., its composition) (12-13).

In general, unopened curd can last for up to one month in the refrigerator depending on the expiration date. Once opened, it should be consumed as soon as possible and stored properly in the refrigerator to reduce microbial growth.

Try not to keep your curd at room temperature for more than 1-2 hours, spoilage microorganisms will grow on it!


In this article, we answered the question: “how to know if curd is spoiled?” We provided 5 tips that may help you to determine if your curd is spoiled or it is still edible. We also discussed the shelf life and related foodborne illnesses after consuming spoiled curd.


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