How much juice is equal to half a lemon? (3 Influence)

In this brief guide, we will answer the question, ‘how much juice is equal to half a lemon?’. We will discuss the quantity of juice that yields from half of a lemon in small, medium, and large-sized lemons. We also discuss the juice in half of a lemon in milliliters, tablespoons, and fluid ounces.

How much juice is equal to half a lemon?

1.5 tablespoons or 0.75 fluid ounces is equivalent to half of a small lemon, while half of a large lemon will be 2.5 tablespoons or 1.25 fluid ounces.

Various reasons would affect the amount of lemon juice in a lemon. We need to explore to try to narrow down as to how much lemon juice is in a lemon or half of a lemon.

Lemon is an evergreen fruit found that is known to have originated from Asia. Due to its acidic taste and characteristics, it can be a vital constituent of a recipe. The importance of lemon juice is also due to nutritional richness such as vitamin C and potassium. Its healing properties provide relief from various issues ranging from the kidney to the digestive system.

To determine how many lemons, you need to obtain the right amount of juice for your recipe, you must know the amount of fluid a single lemon has.  

The estimate used to get an idea of how much lemon juice is there; depends on the lemon’s size.

No fixed amount of juice is present in citrus fruit. Individual fruit tends to vary based on many reasons. Some could be juicier than the other based on ripeness. However, the main factor can be where you are purchasing your fruit and the current season. 

The average amount of juice you can expect to obtain from a single lemon is roughly three tablespoons. Accordingly, the average amount of juice in half of a lemon would be 1.5 tablespoons.

How many tablespoons of lemon juice in one lemon?

Three tablespoons are equal to 45 ml or 1.5 fluid ounces. However, the size of lemons and juice obtained from them tends to vary. It is possible to get first a juicy lemon and then a non-succulent lemon from the same batch.

The factors that cause the amount of lemon juice to vary are as below:

The fruit

A difference in size, breed, and season causes a difference in the characteristics of a lemon. Some fruits tend to be more succulent than others. 

The freshness of lemons is also of significance. Lemons left outside or kept in the fridge for long lose out their water content gradually.

Your location

An external factor that could affect the amount of juice is the place. Temperature and humidity tend to have an impact on the moisture content of fruits. Lemons bought at different times of the year have different amounts of fluid in them.

The juice extraction impact

The severity also causes the amount of lemon juice or vary. The juice content that is strained out is under a person’s control. People who like to be absolute while they juice their fruit end up with more. Others, who lightly squeeze their lemons get a reduced amount. The greater the rigor applied, the more juice you get. 

If your recipe demands lemon juice from a single lemon, it would be two tablespoons of lemon juice or 30 ml. According to calculations, that would be 50 percent reduced to a tablespoon or 15 ml.

However, if you have bottled lemon juice instead of half of a lemon, you could substitute it with one tablespoon of lemon juice.

Other FAQs about Lemon which you may be interested in.

Does lemon juice go bad?

How long does it take for a lemon to grow?

Let us look at the amount of juice that lemons of different sizes yield.

A small lemon that weighs 4 oz yields 3 tablespoons of liquid, half of which will give you 1.5 tablespoons.

A medium lemon that weighs about 5 oz yields 4 tablespoons of fresh juice, half of which will give you 2 tablespoons.

A large lemon that weighs 6 oz yields 5 tablespoons of fresh juice, half of which will give you 2.5 tablespoons.

The size alone cannot guarantee the amount of juice as some have thick rinds and other lemons have thin rinds. The lemons also vary with variety and season. Some may turn out juicy from the inside, some dry.

The more thoroughly you squeeze the juice out of lemon, the more you would obtain.  

Now you know that if your recipe calls for half of a lemon, the amount of bottled juice required could be anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 spoons.

In this brief guide, we answered the question, ‘how much juice is equal to half a lemon?’. We discussed the quantity of juice that yields from half of a lemon in small, medium, and large-sized lemons. We also discussed the juice in half of a lemon in milliliters, tablespoons, and fluid ounces.


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