How do you eat Thai curry?

In this brief guide, we will answer the question “How do you eat Thai curry?” and list down some side dishes that go well with Thai curry. We will also mention how to make the perfect Thai curry.

How do you eat Thai curry?

Thai curry can be eaten on its own, with a side dish, or some dipping sauce. Since Thai curry is often very spicy, people do not prefer eating it on its own. Take a look at some best ways to eat Thai curry:


Naan is basically an Indian take on kneaded flour dough cooked in a tandoor. Naan goes really well with Indian style curries especially if they are spicy.


Plain steamed rice covered with curry is an excellent way of having curry. If you do not want plain steamed rice, then have the curry with garlic rice or vegetable fried rice.


Well curry can be eaten with additional sauces to elevate the flavor even further. As explained above, mint yogurt raita is one of them. Other than this, you can have yogurt mixed with cucumbers, salt, and some black pepper.


Potatoes are very versatile and can be used with almost any dish. You can have roasted baby potatoes with curry or mashed potatoes.


Achar is another name for pickles. Achar can be eaten with curries for an added tangy flavor.


You can use roasted vegetables or steamed vegetables as a side dish for curries. Not only will they add flavor, they will also make the curry feel less spicy. You can use roasted asparagus, broccoli, carrots, and potatoes.

On its own

If you do not want to eat Thai curry with a side dish, grab a spoon and a fork and dig in! Do not use chopsticks as it can get messy.

How to make the perfect Thai curry?

Follow these tips to make the perfect Thai curry and you will definitely not go back to your old ways. 

Use homemade curry paste

Use homemade curry paste for best results because it will be fresh and will have ingredients according to your own liking. It will also be free of any preservatives. In case you do not have the time or the ingredients to make your own curry paste, then buy one curry paste jar from a store.

Use only fresh ingredients

Store-bought fried or frozen ingredients such as lemongrass or other vegetables are not as fresh and have a worn out flavor. Go down to the farmer’s market and buy fresh, aromatic ingredients.

Toast the spices

Toast the dry spices before adding them to the curry. Toasting them makes them more aromatic and flavorful. It also adds a bit of a smoky flavor to the curry.


If fresh turmeric is easily available to you, then consider using that instead of ground turmeric. Fresh turmeric is more flavorful and adds a vibrant color to the curry.

Use a pestle and mortar

Rather than grinding up the spices in a food processor, use a pestle and mortar to pound them. Now this may be a hectic job but trust me, the end result will be worth it.

Use coconut milk

Take off the top layer of coconut milk and then heat it until it splits up or curdles. Use this instead of oil for frying the paste. It will not only enhance the flavor but also improve the texture of the curry.

Use caramel

Instead of adding sugar directly for sweetness, consider caramelizing it first. You can also caramelize onions for sweetness.

Choose your protein

Chicken goes well with Thai curries but you can also use pork, prawns, beef or salmon. Choose whichever protein works best for you.

A well balanced curry

A well balanced curry is the one in which all flavors are equal. Taste your curry once all the ingredients have been added and then make adjustments.

Garnish it

For the finishing touches, add chopped up chillies, parsley or basil. They are aromatic and also add great flavor. They also add vibrant colors to the final dish.

Eat it the next day

For the best flavor, make the curry a day before and store it in the refrigerator. Reheat and eat it the next day. Curry tastes better the next day because it gets time to release all its flavors overnight.

Learn how to perfect your curry here

Other FAQs about Curry that you may be interested in.

Can I eat 2 days old Curry?

Can I eat overnight curry puff?

How do you fix bland Thai curry?


In this brief guide, we answered the question “How do you eat Thai curry?” and listed down some side dishes that go well with Thai curry. We also mentioned how to make the perfect Thai curry.


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