Does baking soda soften water?

In this brief guide, we will discuss the following question, “does baking soda soften water?” and other queries related to this topic.

Does baking soda soften water? 

No, baking soda does not soften water. While added to the water it will not chemically soften it. Baking soda or also known as sodium bicarbonate, are surfactants that make the water feel slicker and cause your skin to feel softer.

The carbonate ions from washing soda produce a chemical reaction and remove the calcium and magnesium from the water. Try to add ½ a cup of baking soda to a tubful of water and soak in the bath for about 15 minutes.

Is it safe to put baking soda in your bathwater?

Yes, adding baking soda to your bathwater is typically safe. However, dissolved baking soda can be absorbed into the skin, and some groups of people like those having high blood pressure, or serious infections and open wounds should avoid baking soda baths.

What is hard water?

Hard water contains dissolved minerals like calcium, carbon, bicarbonate, and magnesium ions but the most prevalent hard water components are calcium and magnesium. This happens when the water passes underground through layers of chalk or limestone or when transported by pipes.

In hard water, soap does not lather easily, so it creates build-up in pipes and soap scum rings in bathtubs. Also washing clothing with hard water makes them wear out more quickly.

How to reduce the hardness of the water in a bath?

There are several solutions to reduce the hardness of the water in a bath:

  • Adding bath salts to your bathwater doesn’t only perfume the water, but also softens it by releasing sodium and potassium ions.
  • Adding baking soda, as mentioned before, softens the water naturally.
  • Install an ion-exchange shower head filter: these filters claim to remove chlorine from your water thus leaving your hair and skin softer. They are also effective in removing any unpleasant smell.
  • Boil away impurities: boiling, for a few minutes, removes calcium from hard water. Let your boiled water cool down then remove impurities from the top of the water using a spoon.

These are temporary remedies and not too practical for everyday use, however, you need to look for long-lasting solutions that soften the water in your entire home.

How to soften water in the entire home?

 Here are some methods to soften water in the entire home:

  • Installing an ion-exchange softener for your entire water supply.
  • Template-assisted crystallization (TAC) or nucleation-assisted crystallization (NAC): used to soften water in houses and for commercial purposes by little ceramic polymer beads that collect calcium and magnesium.
  • Reserve osmosis system: it softens water and removes impurities by forcing it under pressure.
  • Demand initiated regeneration system: helps in the recreation of water.

How to soften hard water aquariums?

Soft water is needed to ensure that your fish will stay alive in your aquarium. Adding salt to the water reduces the water hardness, but not all salt types work the same. Make sure to use a salt table instead of rock salt.

Use distilled water or deionized water, which is free of minerals and impurities.

Is Hard Water Good for Bathing? 

No, Hard water is not as good as soft water is for bathing because it contains a high content of calcium and magnesium ions.

Calcium and magnesium ions in the hard water react with the soap leading to soap scum, which prevents a clean lather. However, you need more soap to get clean and this will leave a  white grimy stain in the bathtub.

Moreover, the daily use of hard water impacts your hair and your skin. Hard water leaves a film on the surface of your skin resulting in dry skin and itchy hair.

How to know that you have hard water?

One of the signs of having hard water is seeing a scrum around your sink, during or after washing your dishes or clothes. In case you are using a dishwashing machine to clean your dishes, you will notice the presence of calcium carbonate dots on your glasses or dishes.

Furthermore, you will notice that the pressure and the flow of the water will reduce, this is due to the deposition and the accumulation of minerals inside the water pipes.

As well, you will notice that the clothes tend to wear off fast, this is due to the high concentration of minerals in the water and that your water is hard.

Other FAQs about Baking Soda that you may be interested in.

What happens when baking soda is mixed with water?

Why put baking soda in the fridge?

What Can You Substitute For Baking Soda?


In this brief guide, we discussed the following question, “does baking soda soften water?” and other queries related to this topic.


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