Do Jehovah witnesses drink coffee?

In this short guide, we are going to answer the question “Do Jehovah witnesses drink coffee?”. In addition, we are going to talk about the reasons that other religions are not allowed to drink coffee.

Do Jehovah witnesses drink coffee?

Yes. Jehovah witnesses drink coffee. According to Jehovah witnesses, since there is no biblical basis for categorically condemning all drinking of coffee or tea, it should allow others, without criticizing them, to make their own decision. 

For, from a biblical point of view, whether a Christian will drink coffee or tea in moderation is a personal matter.

While “moderation” is an important word when it comes to coffee or tea, just as important is “understanding”. Whether or not you choose to drink any of these drinks, strive to show understanding to those who do otherwise.

Do seventh day adventist drink coffee?

Seventh day adventist do not drink coffee. The Adventist Church has not changed its stance on the issue of tea, coffee and other caffeinated beverages.

In the General Conference Ecclesiastical-Administrative Regulations 2007/2008, page 293, we read the following: “The use of coffee, tea, and other beverages that contain caffeine and any harmful substance is discouraged.” 

Also, at the Annual Council in the fall of 2007, church administration confirmed that “Adventist health care ministries should promote only practices based on the Bible or the Spirit of Prophecy, or methods of disease prevention, treatment, and maintenance of disease.” evidence-based health” (Ibid., p. 297).

What do Mormons think and why don’t they drink coffee?

For Latter-day Saints (or Mormons) the body is sacred: it is a gift from God – an essential part of the human soul – that makes possible the mortal test, which, if passed well, leads to Eternal Life.

The apostle Paul put the importance of the physical body in proper perspective: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him; for the temple of God, which you are, is holy.” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17).

Thus, Latter-day Saints know that ingesting substances that negatively affect the body contribute to the destruction of “the temple of God.”

God has always commanded, out of love for us, that we abstain from certain substances. For example, Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat fruit from the Tree of Good and Evil and for the Israelites, there were strict rules about eating the flesh of certain animals.

God laid down temporal rules on food “because of the wickedness of men.” These rules vary from time to time and according to God’s omniscience. Thus, in our day, God has revealed, through the prophets, that certain substances should not be used. 

The law of health that God in these last days is called the “Word of Wisdom”. Joseph Smith who receive this revelation.

The revelation of God is independent of scientific confirmation. However, for over 180 years, the Word of Wisdom has been wonderfully touted by many scientists as a true recipe for optimal health. 

In fact, it is more than proven that smoking and alcohol are extremely harmful. Coffee is also very bad for your health. It’s addicting. It causes insomnia, headache, nervousness and heart rhythm disturbance. In addition, it is a gateway to other vices: such as smoking.

The reason for abstaining from coffee cannot be supported exclusively by scientific research – since, unfortunately, some of them are biased – and the great coffee industry will seek to keep expanding to obtain more and more profits.

They do not drink coffee, for they are assured that God, who loves them, has revealed His Will to His Prophet. And they follow this revelation – not blindly – ​​but with individual spiritual confirmation that it is true – and that it is for them eternal well-being!

What are the side effects of too much caffeine on teens?

The side effects of too much caffeine on teens are: putting them in a bad mood, depriving them of sleep, contributing to bad behavior like risk taking and aggression, and making some teens feel jittery and anxious or nauseated.

The threat of sleep may not seem like the most serious of all these side effects to you. But it could be. The National Sleep Foundation, a nonprofit organization that funds and conducts sleep research, recommends that teenagers get about nine hours of sleep a night. But studies show that, on average, teenagers sleep much less than that.


In this short guide, we went to answer the question “Do Jehovah witnesses drink coffee?”. In addition, we went to talk about the reasons that other religions are not allowed to drink coffee.


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