Can you get sick from eating fermented pomegranate seeds?

In this brief study, we will answer the question, “can you get sick from eating fermented pomegranate seeds?” and we will also look at the shelf life, storage, and spoilage of pomegranate.

Can you get sick from eating fermented pomegranate seeds?

Yes, you can get sick from eating fermented pomegranate seeds. If pomegranates are fermented over a long time, they may acquire an odor and flavor that is similar to that of alcohol. This fermentation is an indication of microbial spoilage.

How to detect spoiled pomegranate?

It’s simple to determine if a pomegranate has been destroyed or not, and you’ll usually know whether yours has been ruined or not very far away. Here is a list of the most frequent symptoms of rotting pomegranates to look out for:

  • Colored seeds that are brown or black in appearance. If the bulk of the seeds are black or brown, the fruit should be discarded. It is OK to eliminate just the bad ones if only a part of them are there and the rest seem to be in good condition. 
  • The presence of soft or sunken-in spots, mushiness, etc. External damage or a reduction in water content are the two most common causes of these symptoms. In any event, as long as the damaged region is not too large, the rest of the structure should be OK. If, on the other hand, the whole fruit is mushy, it should be discarded.
  • If the pomegranate seems to be underweight for its size, or if it appears to be hollow, throw it away.
  • If just one of your pomegranate seeds gets moldy, you should discard the whole container.

How Long Do Pomegranates Keep Their Freshness?

Pomegranates are one of the fruits that can be stored for a lengthy time. When it comes to this, they are often likened to apples.

Pomegranates may be stored in their whole form for up to two months in the refrigerator. They are unlikely to retain their freshness for so long if they have already been sitting unrefrigerated in the vegetable section for a couple of days in the store’s vegetable department.

It is recommended that you leave pomegranates out on the counter rather than putting them in the refrigerator (as is often the case with mine) since they will keep for a week or two. Again, for the sake of safety, aim for the lower end of the range this time.

Pomegranate seeds are the last, although not the least, of the fruits. Once they’ve been removed from the pith and put in a container, they should be good for around a week after that.

Room temperatureFridge
Pomegranate (whole)1 – 2 weeks1 – 2 months
Pomegranate seeds1 week

Pomegranates: How Should They Be Stored?

Ideally, pomegranates should be harvested when they are at their ripeness peak. Therefore, there is no need to decide whether or not they should be allowed to ripen at room temperature (as is often the case with mango).

When keeping pomegranates in their whole form, keep them cool, dry, and well-ventilated, and keep them out of direct sunlight. All of those requirements may be met in one convenient location: the refrigerator.

Steps to freeze pomegranates

1. Using a paper towel, gently pat the seeds dry. If you’ve just separated your seeds from their pith, and especially if you’ve used the water bowl method as I do, there will be a few drops of water dispersed throughout your work. First and foremost, we need to pat dry the arils since we don’t want them around.

2.Prepare a cookie sheet by lining it with a silicone mat (if you have one). Make a single layer with all of the seeds, ensuring that they are all in touch with one another. The tray should be frozen for at least an hour or until the seeds are fully frozen.

3. Place the container in the freezer for long-term storage. Place the frozen seeds in a container or freezer bag and tightly seal the bag or container. You may label it and store it in the freezer for long-term storage if you so want.

4.The whole process should not take more than ten to fifteen minutes. Additionally, it allows you to gather as many seeds as you need at one moment without having to wait.


In this brief study, we answered the question, “can you get sick from eating fermented pomegranate seeds?” and we also looked at the shelf life, storage, and spoilage of pomegranate.


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