Can you freeze fleas to death?

In this article, we will answer the question “Can you freeze fleas to death?” and discuss does flies die in winters?

Can you freeze fleas to death?

Yes, you can freeze fleas to death. Fleas and their offspring usually freeze and die within 2-10 days when exposed to continuous freezing temperatures (32°F/0°C or below). Fleas that are exposed to these subzero temperatures for an extended period of time will perish. There are many reasons why female fleas are such prolific egg-layers.


Even in milder regions where temperatures seldom drop below freezing, fleas are a nuisance year-round. However, some pet owners prefer the colder months because they think they kill the bugs. It turns out, though, that’s not always the case. Fleas may be killed by prolonged freezing temperatures, but they’ve adapted to cold regions.

Temperatures at Which Humans Can Survive

Fleas may freeze at temperatures as low as 32 degrees Fahrenheit. When the temperature drops below 37 degrees, adult fleas, eggs, larvae, and pupae are all killed.

The time it takes for temperatures to drop below freezing

When temperatures drop below freezing, fleas and their offspring do not perish. It may take up to ten days of consistently low temperatures of 37 degrees or less. Fleas may stay out longer if the temperature rises over 37 degrees throughout the day. 

However, any fleas that are left outdoors and exposed will die if the temperature stays at 37 degrees or below both day and night for approximately ten days.

Ways in which They Have Survived

In light of this, it’s clear that not all fleas die as temperatures drop, even in the coldest regions of the nation. Fleas living on wild animals like raccoons, such as foxes, are resourceful enough to discover methods to keep warm. 

There are enough flea eggs left on the animals to keep the colony alive until the warmer temperatures of April allow it to flourish once more. Fleas may also hide in warm places like barns, garages, outside kennel bedding, beneath decks, and around foundations until the weather warms up or an unwary animal comes along to feed on their blood meal.

The Things You Should Do

Fleas may infest your house even when it is below zero degrees Fahrenheit. Pets may get into your home by brushing up against fleas lurking in their hair or fur. You may even track eggs or larvae into your home by picking them up in your shoes as you go around your yard or outbuildings. 

Even in the dead of winter, these fleas will flourish in the warmth of your house and soon become a nuisance. If you find fleas in your home, start vacuuming right away and every day for a few weeks to get rid of them. 

Vacuuming out fleas and their eggs is an effective method to do it, but be sure to put the vacuumed debris in a sealable container to prevent fleas from escaping. Use a vet-approved flea medication on your pet.

What kind of insect is responsible for flea eradication?

Ladybugs are little, wingless insects. Aphids, mites, mealybugs, and fleas are common food sources for ladybugs. It is estimated that a mature ladybug would consume 50 to 60 insects each day, making it a very efficient pest control tool.

Is it possible to be flea-free forever?

Get Rid of Fleas from Your House Immediately! Even after three or four months, a flea infestation may recur since all the fleas in your house have gone through all of their life stages during that time period. Call a professional exterminator or use an environmental flea control spray or fogger that treats all flea stages.

Can fleas be killed with Epsom salt?

Overnight, sprinkle the carpet with Epsom salts. The salt will be consumed by the fleas, causing dehydration and death. Only adult fleas may be killed using Epsom salt.

What’s a natural way to get rid of fleas on dogs?

Fleas are naturally repelled by citronella, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, and rosemary. A few drops of the essential oil in 300ml-400ml of water diluted, spray on the dog’s coat if your dog doesn’t mind the spray bottle.

Do Epsom salt baths work on dog fleas?

Itchy dog skin may be soothed with a variety of salts, including table salt, sea salt, Epsom salts, or plain ol’ ocean water. Taking a salt bath has been shown to dehydrate fleas, which kills them.

Are fleas killed by mothballs?

Fleas are killed by mothballs, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t like the scent or are frightened of them. In most cases, vacuum bags contain the scent. When it comes to eliminating fleas in the house, steam cleaning is an excellent option.

To learn more about freezing fleas to death click here 


In this article, we answered the question “Can you freeze fleas to death?” and discussed does flies die in winters?


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