Can you eat steak every day?

In this article, we will answer the question “Can you eat steak every day?” and discuss the health aspects of eating steak every day. In general, men eat more meat than women.

Can you eat steak every day?

Yes, you can eat steak every day. Possible positive and negative effects of eating steak every day are related to the composition of the steak, the size of the portion of steak eaten and the way it is cooked.

In a cross-sectional study, it was observed no relationship between moderate red meat consumption (18–61 g/d) and blood concentrations of cholesterol. Moderate red meat consumption (24–72 g/d) in men and women has been found to contribute to 14.4% and 14.3% of total SFA intakes among Irish consumers respectively, but interestingly, this figure did not differ significantly from SFA intakes in non-consumers of red meat (2).

What are the benefits of eating steak every day?

The benefits of eating steak every day are related to the many nutrients provided by steak. Meat is a good source of proteins, zinc, iron, selenium, and phosphorus followed by vitamin A and B-complex vitamins. 

Meat, especially lean meat, is high in protein and essential amino acids which are important nutrients for humans. Studies based on evidence report a protective effect of dietary protein in relation to cognitive functions. In addition, heme deficiency is potentially associated with the incidence of Alzheimer disease, indicating that low intake of red meat may increase the risk of Alzheimer disease, as 95% of heme iron in humans is obtained from red meat (3).

In addition, meat can contribute up to 20% of long chain omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids intake. This polyunsaturated omega 3 content in meat depends on the feeding source and it is higher in forage-based and grass diet. It is also suggested that polyunsaturated fatty acids of animal fat are indispensable for the development of the brain, particularly in the fetus (1).

What is the best type of steak to be eaten every day?

The best type of steak to be eaten every day is a steak containing high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids or a steak with overall reduced fat, that is, a lean portion of meat.

In general, lean meat is related to positive effects on health. Possible negative effects of the daily consumption of bovine meat are especially due to the saturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3 PUFAs, have positive effects on health (2).

When lean red meat consumption has been investigated in human intervention studies, all have failed to show any negative effects on blood concentrations of cholesterol, thrombotic factors, markers of oxidative stress or blood pressure in both healthy and hypertensive subjects.  

In the case of steaks containing high amounts of fat, they can be healthy, when they are a source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which act as anti-inflammatory and have positive effects on the central nervous system. Concentrations of omega-3 PUFA are recognisably higher within meat from animals fed a grass diet.

Therefore, by choosing the adequate amount and type of meat for your consumption, you can eat steak every day safely. 

What are the risks of eating steak every day?

The risks of eating steak every day are due to the amount of saturated fatty acids in bovine meat. However, as mentioned earlier in this article, the concentration of saturated fat in the meat varies, depending on the feeding patterns of the animal.

Depending on its origin, bovine meat may contain high amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol, which are risk factors for hypertension. In order to avoid the raising of cholesterol levels, it is generally recommended by physicians that individuals have lower intakes of total fat, saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids. The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases also rises with the increased ingestion of these fats.  

What is the best way to cook steak to reduce the health risks?

The best way to cook steak and reduce the health risks related to its daily consumption is to cook the steak using mild temperatures and to a medium doneness. Meat must be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 145°C to ensure its safety, according to the USDA.

It is not recommended to eat grilled steak every day or to overcook meat at high temperatures. 

The negative effect of eating steak daily may be related to the cooking method. Meat intake has been significantly associated with an increased risk of colon cancer by several epidemiological studies. However, this effect may be different, if the beef is baked in the oven or if it is grilled / barbecued. 

Consumption of well-done meat or cooked at very elevated temperatures has been associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. Meats cooked at high temperatures such as by grilling and for a long duration contain heterocyclic amines, which are carcinogenic compounds. On the other hand, when the meat is barbecued or grilling, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are generated, which may also lead to cancer diseases (5).

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are formed when fat drips onto the flame and is burned, and then is transported by the smoke to the surface of the meat. Heterocyclic amines are formed by the pyrolysis of creatinine and amino acids in the meat juices during high-temperature cooking and increase with increasing duration of cooking or by high temperatures of cooking. Oral administration of these compounds are related to increased levels of gastro-intestinal tract tumors.


In this article, we answered the question “Can you eat steak every day?” and we discussed the health aspects of eating steak every day.


  1. Ahmad, Rabia Shabir, Ali Imran, and Muhammad Bilal Hussain. Nutritional composition of meat. Meat sci nutr, 2018, 61, 61-75.
  2. McAfee, Alison J., et al. Red meat consumption: An overview of the risks and benefits. Meat sci, 2010, 84, 1-13.  
  3. Zhang, Huifeng, et al. Meat consumption, cognitive function and disorders: a systematic review with narrative synthesis and meta-analysis. Nutrients, 2020, 12, 1528..
  4. Drouillard, James S. Current situation and future trends for beef production in the United States of America—A review. Asian-Austral j anim sci, 2018, 31, 1007.
  5. Ward, Mary H., et al. Risk of adenocarcinoma of the stomach and esophagus with meat cooking method and doneness preference. Int j cancer, 1997, 71, 14-19.

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