Can you eat peanut butter with gastritis?

In this brief guide, we will answer the question, ‘can you eat peanut butter with gastritis?’. We will also discuss related issues like the causes and symptoms of gastritis; what foods should be eaten or avoided in such conditions.

Can you eat peanut butter with gastritis?

Eating peanut butter may cause problems for people suffering from gastritis. This is due to the high-fat content in peanut butter. It can also increase acid reflux symptoms in some cases. 

Contrary to this, some research shows that eating peanuts is good for acid reflux symptoms.

In totality, it depends on the person consuming peanuts to be careful about how their body reacts to peanuts.

What are the causes and symptoms of gastritis?

Gastritis is the inflammation of the lining of the stomach wall. It is caused by damage to the inner wall of the stomach. It can also be caused by the infection of the bacterium H. pylori. It may happen suddenly (acute) or over time(chronic). 

The symptoms include a burning ache or pain in the abdomen which may worsen before or after eating, nausea, and vomiting. It can also simply present as indigestion and stomach irritation. A doctor should be consulted if the symptoms persist for more than a week. 

More severe symptoms that appear over time are blood in the stool, abdominal cramps, fatigue, feeling dizzy, shortness of breath, and vomit that looks like blood.

What is the treatment for gastritis?

Gastritis can be treated by your doctor after getting a correct diagnosis. Diagnosis is usually done by blood tests, stool tests, an endoscopy, or a biopsy. Home remedies include quitting smoking, limiting or avoiding alcohol consumption, avoiding spicy food, managing stress, etc. 

Various treatments include antibiotic medications to kill bacteria, medications that block or reduce acid production, or neutralize stomach acid. 

What can you include in a gastritis diet?

A gastritis diet should include low acid, low sugar food and avoid acidic and spicy food. Such a diet eases the symptoms and reduces inflammation.

Here is a list of foods that can be eaten:

Anti-inflammatory foods

  • Include foods like berries which include anthocyanins, and flavonoids.
  • Fiber-containing foods like lentils and pulses.
  • Carbohydrates with low glycemic index like whole grains.
  • Having healthier fats like fish, nuts and seeds.

Probiotic foods

  • Natural yogurt
  • Miso
  • Kimchi
  • Sourdough bread

Following is a list of foods that should be avoided:

  • Sweets
  • Spicy and salty foods
  • Meat
  • Barbeque foods
  • Fried foods
  • Sour foods

Diet recipes for gastritis:

Baked fruit

Place 6 apples or pears on a baking tray, side by side, and add ¾ cup of water at the bottom of the tray. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes till the fruit becomes tender. Add mild spices like cinnamon for taste or sprinkle on top.

Fruit jelly

Add one packet of gelatin to 200 ml of pure grape juice or any other juice and place in the refrigerator and chill till ready to serve. 

Fish broth

Take 500g of fish filets diced in cubes and season with lemon. Add salt to taste and let it marinate. In a pan, sprinkle some olive oil, and saute some onion and garlic. Then add some water, potatoes, pepper, and tomatoes and bring to a boil. Add fish to the mix and leave to cook for a few minutes. Add chopped parsley, turn off the heat, and set aside. 

Other FAQs about Peanut Butter that you may be interested in.

Do I need to refrigerate peanut butter

Is expired peanut butter safe to eat?

Can dogs eat skippy peanut butter?


In this brief guide we answered the question, ‘Can you eat peanut butter with gastritis?’. We also studied the symptoms, causes, and treatment for gastritis. We also discussed the food that should be eaten and avoided in such conditions.


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