Can you eat lobster rolls when pregnant?

In this article, we are going to answer: can you eat lobster rolls when pregnant? and discuss the benefits and risks of eating lobster during pregnancy and the safety guidelines to prepare and eat lobster rolls during pregnancy. 

Can you eat lobster rolls when pregnant?

Yes, you can eat lobster roll when pregnant but you need to be cautious. Lobster roll can be unsafe if it is made of lobster than has not been handled correctly. Also, it contains mayonnaise that also is a risk of food-borne illness. 

If the lobster used in the lobster roll has been boiled to the right temperature and mayonnaise is made with pasteurized eggs, you are safe to eat lobster rolls (1,2). 

Lobster rolls have to be eaten in moderation because they tend to be high in calories and fat due to the addition of mayonnaise or butter (6). However, lobster is a lean meat, which is recommended during pregnancy (7). 

What are the benefits of eating lobster during pregnancy?

The benefits of eating lobster rolls during pregnancy are the nutrients present in the lobster meat. Seafood is recommended during pregnancy as a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which intake is related to improved cognitive development of the baby (5).

Lobster is a source of lean proteins due to the low level of fats and cholesterol. However, the fat in lobster is unsaturated and beneficial for the mental health of the unborn child. It is also high in amino acids, which are necessary for the building of muscles and hormones (8). 

Minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and phosphorus are also present in this seafood, as well as vitamins A, B12, B6, B3 (niacin) and B2 (riboflavin) (4). 

Iron is important during pregnancy and can reduce the risks of low weight at birth and anemia, as well as preterm birth (3). Calcium reduces the risk of preeclampsia, which is the increase of the blood pressure during pregnancy. It is also related to lower body weight.

Seafood also contains choline, a vitamin which is needed for the development of the spinal cord (2,7).

What is the risk of eating lobster roll when pregnant?

The main concern of eating lobster rolls when pregnant is that if lobster is not handled well and not fully cooked, pregnant women may get foodborne illnesses, which may be caused by bacteria, virus and parasites present in seafood (1,2,7). 

The risk of food poisoning with lobster roll can be very high if not cooked to the right temperature. Pregnant women are too susceptible to this type of food poisoning. 

Also, lobster rolls contain mayonnaise that, if not pasteurized or not stored correctly, also can have food poisoning bacteria. The most important bacteria related to the consumption of egg-containing dishes, such as mayonnaise, is Salmonella (1). 

Symptoms of salmonellosis include headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, chills, fever and vomiting. 

In addition, seafood usually has a high level of mercury. Mercury is considered a neurotoxicant to the fetus and fish and seafood containing mercury should not be eaten regularly during pregnancy (2,5).

High intakes of mercury can cause negative effects on the brain development of the unborn child. However, a study showed that the ingestion of seafood during pregnancy was not negative for the neurological development of the fetus, despite the mercury present in this type of food.

How to safely prepare lobster rolls during pregnancy?

To safely prepare lobster rolls during pregnancy, you should be aware of the following recommendations (1,2,9):

  • Use mayonnaise that were made with pasteurized eggs only
  • If you make the mayonnaise at home, purchase pasteurized eggs and store them under refrigeration for 3 to 5 weeks. Don’t keep eggs out of the refrigerator more than 2 hours
  • Wash the eggs prior to using them
  • Wash hands with soap and running water as well as all utensils to be used in cooking
  • Avoid handling other foods while preparing the lobster rolls – avoid handling meats and fresh vegetables to prevent cross-contamination
  • When purchasing lobster, choose a live animal that shows some leg movement. Because lobster degrade rapidly after they die, they should be bought live
  • Do not use lobster that has signs of spoilage, such as bad odor or discoloration
  • Cook the lobster meat to a minimum temperature of 145°F till the flesh becomes clear and firm
  • If you buy ready-to-eat lobster rolls, heat them to a minimum temperature of 165°F before eating


This article answered the question can you eat lobster rolls when pregnant? and discussed the benefits and risks of eating lobster during pregnancy and the safety guidelines to prepare and eat lobster rolls during pregnancy.


  1. Dean, J., and P. Kendall. Food safety during pregnancy. Food and nutrition series. Food safety; no. 9.372, 2004.
  2. Selecting and Serving Fresh and Frozen Seafood Safely. US Food and Drug Administration  
  3. Jackson, A. A., and S. M. Robinson. Dietary guidelines for pregnancy: a review of current evidence. Public Health Nutr, 2001, 4.
  4. Cooking and eating lobster. The University of Maine.  
  5. Hibbeln, Joseph R., et al. Relationships between seafood consumption during pregnancy and childhood and neurocognitive development: Two systematic reviews. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes Essent Fatty Acids, 2019, 151, 14-36..  
  6. Mason’s Famous Lobster Roll. Lobster Roll kit.
  7. Build a Healthy Eating Routine When You’re Pregnant or Breastfeeding. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
  8. Elango, Rajavel, and Ronald O. Ball. Protein and amino acid requirements during pregnancy. Adv nutr, 2016, 7, 839S-844S.
  9. Shell eggs from farm to table. United States Department of Agriculture. 

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