Can you eat graphite?

In this brief article, we will answer the question, ”Can you eat graphite?” Also, we will answer for which purpose graphite can be used, and, if graphite is ingested or inhaled accidentally, what could be the consequences. 

Read on to know the problems caused by graphite swallowing. 

Can you eat graphite?

No, we cannot eat graphite. Our body is unable to use graphite as a nutrient. Although it is not classified as a toxic (1), it is not recommended to eat graphite. In very large quantities, it may block the digestive system . 

What is graphite made of?

Graphite is basically a form of carbon in a crystalline form. It has a soft texture. It shows flexibility but not elasticity. It is black colored and opaque. It also has a metallic luster. 

Although it is associated with lead (pencil leads, etc.) graphite actually contains no lead metal. The reason for that association is historical. Before chemistry was well developed, graphite was wrongly considered to be a lead-containing mineral and, thus, it passed to the English language (2).

What will happen if we eat graphite?

Graphite is a non-poisonous material. Further, at present, graphite is not considered dangerous, toxic or hazardous (3). If it is eaten by mistake or unintentionally, usually it creates no symptoms. If pencil leads (graphite) are ingested, they may cause choking and, if severe cases, stomachache and vomiting due to intestinal blockage (4). 

Can I get lead poisoning if I eat pencil leads?

No, you cannot get lead poisoning by eating or being injured with graphite pencil leads. Pencil “lead” contains only graphite. Graphite contains no lead metal.

Is graphite bad to breathe?

Inhalation of graphite dust for extended periods may cause a type of fibrosis of the lung named graphitosis (5). Graphitosis is also known as a form of pneumoconiosis (lung fibrosis due to inhalation of particles) and may, in severe cases, induce death.

Is Graphite harmful to the environment?

Graphite is a naturally occurring substance. It is close to pure carbon in composition and it shows no significant toxicity for the environment (1). 


In this brief article, we have answered the question, ”Can you eat graphite?” Also, we have explained for which purpose graphite can be used, and, if graphite is ingested or inhaled accidentally, what could be its consequences. 

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Evans, John W. (1908). “V.— The Meanings and Synonyms of Plumbago”. Transactions of the Philological Society. 26 (2): 133–179.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2004) Changing patterns of pneumoconiosis mortality–United States, 1968-2000. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 53(28):627-32.