can you eat eggs with a hiatal hernia

In this brief guide, we will address the query, “can you eat eggs with a hiatal hernia?” We will also discuss what a hiatal hernia is, what causes it and how your diet affects its symptoms. So, make sure you keep reading to find out.

Can you eat eggs with a hiatal hernia?

Yes, if you have a hiatal hernia and feel like eating eggs, you can safely do it. Although eggs have been related to acid reflux and hiatal hernia, you can eat them in moderation. If you eat from two to three eggs a day, do not worry about a hiatal hernia.

As eggs have neutral pH, hiatal hernia may not be triggered by them, nor acid reflux. 

What is a hiatal hernia?

People with hiatal hernia have their stomach bulked through an opening in the diaphragm, which makes it easier for stomach acids to come up and leak into the esophagus. This condition is also called GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). 

What causes hiatal hernia?

Sometimes it is not possible to know what has caused a hiatal hernia, but some of the identified causes are:

  • Being born with a larger hiatal opening than normal.
  • Injuries in that area.
  • Changes in the diaphragm because of age.
  • Chronic coughing.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lifting heavy things.

It has also been reported that women older than fifty years are more prone to have hiatal hernia.

How many types of hiatal hernias exist?

Hiatal hernia can be grouped into four kinds. These are types 1, 2, 3, and 4, being type 1 the most common one, as it is responsible for more than 95% of all hiatal hernias.

What are the symptoms of a hiatal hernia?

As hiatal hernia causes leaking of stomach acids into the esophagus, these may cause several symptoms like:

  • Heartburn. Feeling pain in your chest, which may get worse after eating.
  • Dry cough.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomitando.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Problems swallowing.

How is a hiatal hernia diagnosed?

Hiatal hernias are usually discovered when people tests for GERD, some of the usual test to find out if you have a hiatal hernia, or GERD are:

  • Chest x-ray.
  • Upper endoscopy. A tiny camera will be introduced to examine the upper part of your digestive system.
  • X-ray with a barium swallow. This kind of X-rays will allow a radiologist to see the size and shape of the esophagus or the pharynx.

What are the treatments for hiatal hernia?

As said before, most people with hiatal hernia do not exhibit any symptoms, and therefore do not need any treatment.

But if you do have any of the symptoms listed above, you should visit your doctor to get appropriate treatment. This treatment may be:

  • Taking antacids.
  • Prokinetics that make your esophageal sphincter stronger, to avoid the leaking of stomach acids.

Surgery can also be needed if your hiatal hernia exhibits any bleeding, strangulation, or inflammation. Also if you notice that it has grown its size, surgery may be the best option.

What can you eat when you have a hiatal hernia?

If you have developed a hiatal hernia, but it does not exhibit any symptoms, then you would not need any treatment for it. But if you do have symptoms, then some food recommendations are:

  • Water
  • Oatmeal
  • Bread
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Crackers
  • Pretzels
  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Bananas
  • Apples

Which foods should you avoid when you have a hiatal hernia?

When you are experiencing hiatal hernia symptoms it is better to keep your acidic food intake as low as possible, as they can aggravate the symptoms. Some of the foods that can cause GERD symptoms are:

  • Oranges
  • Lemons
  • Cranberry juice
  • Chocolate
  • Fried food
  • Garlic
  • Coffee
  • Dairy products
  • Oil and butter

If you would like further guidance on this subject, click here.

How can you prepare your eggs when you have a hiatal hernia?

When you have a hiatal hernia, you should avoid consuming large amounts of fat as it can worsen their symptoms. So, that is why you can discard egg yolks, and only eat egg whites as they are low-fat.

Actually, some experts suggest eating hard-boiled eggs if you have a hiatal hernia, this is because you only use water to prepare them, instead of oil or any fat that can trigger GERD symptoms. 

Other FAQs about Eggs that you may be interested in.

Can you cook an egg that was frozen?

Can you cook eggs air fryer?

Can you cook hard-boiled eggs again?


In this brief guide, we have addressed the query, “can you eat eggs with hiatal hernia?” We have also discussed what a hiatal hernia is, what causes it and how your diet affects its symptoms. 

Hope you found this blog useful. If you have any questions, please let us know.


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