Can you defrost apple pie in the microwave?

In this brief guide, we will address the query, “can you defrost apple pie in the microwave?” We will also discuss the different methods used for defrosting an apple pie and what are the best ways to reheat the pie.

Can you defrost apple pie in the microwave?

Yes, it is possible to defrost apple pie in the microwave. Take the apple pie out of the freezer and remove the wrapping and place it in the microwave. It is mandatory to remove the wrapping as this might melt because of the heat.

The best way to defrost the apple pie in the microwave is by keeping the power of the microwave to a low. Use the 30% less power or 50% low power and it will take about 10 minutes for the apple pie to be defrosted completely.

What are microwaves?

Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic waves or radio waves that interact with the water molecules in the food and that is the mechanism by which the food starts to defrost or heat.

Microwaves that are produced by the magnetron present in the microwave react with the water molecule present in the food in the form of vibration which creates heat thereby heating the food.

Foods that have high water content heat faster when compared to foods containing lower water content. From the above, it is clear that the heat is produced directly in food but microwaves cannot cook food inside out.

The problem with defrosting apple pie in the microwave is that since the microwave heats the food by using the water molecules there are chances of the apple pie becoming soggy because of the steam that is produced.

How to defrost apple pie?

Apple pie can be defrosted using different methods, the most sought after is the microwave and the oven method. Refrigeration and room temperature methods can also be used.

In the microwave method, the apple pie is placed in the microwave and then the power of the microwave is lowered to 30% or 50% and it takes about 10-15 minutes for the apple pie to defrost fully.

Another method that can be used is to keep the power of the microwave at maximum and microwave it for 3 or 3.5 minutes. However, in this method, there are more chances of the apple getting soggy due to the production of a lot of steam.

In the oven method, remove the apple pie from the freezer, place it in a baking tray with parchment paper and turn the heat of the oven to 350F. It takes about 15-20 minutes to defrost and can be consumed after that.

If it is a baked pie, it is better to tent or cover the pie with foil to decrease the browning of the crust and make it have irregular color and thereby change the texture of the apple pie. 

The refrigeration method is controversial when it comes to defrosting pies as defrosting the pie in the fridge might make the apple pie soggy and while defrosting there might be the release of juices present in the middle of the pie. 

It also depends upon the size of the pie but usually takes about 6-8 hours for the pie to be defrosted completely using the refrigerator. This method can be used but has its disadvantages.

The other method that is controversial is resting the apple pie at room temperature for it to defrost completely. This again depends on the size or thickness of the apple pie. If it is smaller portions this method can be used.

However, it is advised not to defrost at room temperature since it is harmful and there is the risk of bacterial growth on the apple pie. It is not advised to defrost any food for more than 2 hours at room temperature. This method is controversial but can be used depending on the size of the apple pie.

How to refreeze apple pie?

Yes, it is possible to refreeze apple pie with or without cooking it. Not only can the entire apple pie be frozen, but the dough of the pie and the filling of the pie can also be frozen separately.

The best way to refreeze cooked pie is to cut them into smaller portions after they cool down to room temperature and then freeze them on a tray or container in the freezer. Once they are frozen they can be wrapped using plastic wrap and stored in an airtight container.

This is extremely important to reduce freezer burn and if stored properly, the apple pie can be frozen for 3-4 months.

In the case of uncooked pie, it has to be frozen as a whole, and the same procedure has to be followed as the cooked apple pie.

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In this brief guide, we have addressed the query, “can you defrost apple pie in the microwave?” We have also discussed the different methods used for defrosting an apple pie and what are the best ways to reheat the pie.


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