Can you cook bacon in an air fryer?

In this brief article, we will answer the question “can you cook bacon in an air fryer?”. We will also discuss the ingredients and directions to cook bacon in an air fryer.

Can you cook bacon in an air fryer?

Yes, you can cook bacon in the air fryer. It is recommended to use an air fryer because it is easy to use and it turns out tastier. You can get it just right in an air fryer. Bacons cooked in an air fryer have a uniformly cooked texture and are either tender or crisp.

You can influence how well they finish. Even if you prefer your food a little more chewy or crispy, it’s going to be a delicious meal regardless. Bacon is a breakfast staple in many countries around the globe. 

Simply because it smells amazing and has a great crunch and flavor. The preparation of bacon in the morning can be a big hassle, even if we enjoy it. Therefore an air fryer is recommended because it is easy and quick.

How to cook bacon in an air fryer?

These are the ingredients to cook bacon in an air fryer:

  • Cut up pieces of bacon 
  • Oil
  • Air fryer
  • Baking sheet 
  • Tongs


  • Spread or arrange the bacon strips out in a single layer inside the basket of the air fryer. If necessary, cut the strips in half to accommodate more people. 
  • Cook regular cut bacon in an air fryer to desired crispiness for seven to nine minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. For ten to twelve minutes, cook thick-cut bacon in the air fryer.
  • Serve the bacon by placing it on a paper towel-lined plate. Remove any excess oil from the pan before cooking the next batch of bacon.

Is it safe to cook bacon in an air fryer?

Yes, it is safe to cook bacon in an air fryer. But make sure you use the correct temperature and clean your air fryer before you begin cooking bacon. 350 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature for air-frying bacon. This will ensure that the bacon doesn’t smoke or burn while it’s being browned.

How Long Does Bacon Need to Cook in an Air Fryer?

Due to the thickness and doneness of the bacon used,  cooking time can vary greatly from one air fryer to another. Also, when making bacon, there is no preheating required. When cooking regular cut bacon, air frying at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for seven minutes will produce chewier bacon.

Also if you are cooking for eight to nine minutes it will produce crispier bacon. To make it softer, air fry the bacon for nine to ten minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

How to use an air fryer to cook bacon without making a huge mess?

To avoid making a mess simply air fry the bacon by placing it in the basket. Folding is fine, but don’t cram too much into a small space. For ten minutes, cook at 400 degrees. Cooking it for an additional one to two minutes is customary. Cool or drain excess grease on a wire rack covered in paper towels.

Is it possible to use an air fryer with aluminum foil?

No, it is not possible to use an air fryer with aluminum foil. Since an air fryer generates heat through the use of hot air rather than traditional microwaves, placing aluminum foil inside of one will not result in the same startling spark show. 

The air fryer circulates hot air, which comes from the bottom. If you line it with foil, the airflow will be restricted, resulting in undercooked food.

How to cook and freeze bacon?

1. Batch cook bacon 

To begin, you’ll need to prepare your bacon. However, when you’re making large batches of bacon, you should consider baking it instead of pan-frying. Set your oven temperature to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and line the pan with aluminum foil.

If you want your bacon to be even crispier, put a cooling rack made of wire on top of the sheet pan. Place the bacon in a single layer on a baking sheet or rack, taking care not to overlap the pieces.

Bacon should be laid out on top of each other in order. Depending on the temperature of your oven and how crispy or chewy your bacon prefers, you can bake it for fifteen to thirty minutes. At fifteen minutes, you should begin checking for doneness.

2. Wrap the Bacon in Wax Paper and Freeze It

Bacon that has been cooked can be frozen, and it can be used again for a variety of dishes. The bacon should be laid out in a single layer on a second sheet pan that has been lined with wax paper. This is the only thing that needs to be done.

If you cooked the bacon in multiple batches, feel free to cover the top of each layer with additional bacon slices and wax paper until all of the bacon has been used up. Wrap your bacon in wax paper for the final time. For at least two hours, and up to overnight, place in the freezer. 

3. Use a freezer bag to seal it up

As you have previously frozen the bacon, you can safely transfer it all to a freezer bag with a zip-top closure without worrying that the pieces will stick together. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.

Other FAQs about Bacon that you may be interested in.

Can you cook bacon in a crockpot? (3 Methods)

Can you eat cold bacon?

How long is bacon fat good for in the fridge?


In this brief article, we have answered the question “can you cook bacon air fryer?”. We have also discussed the ingredients and directions to cook bacon in an air fryer.


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