Can salt go in the fridge? (5 Pieces of information)

In this brief guide, we will answer the question, can salt go in the fridge? We will discuss if we should store salt in the fridge and the reasons to refrain from it. We will also shed light on the uses and discuss ways to store salt so that it stays in an optimum condition.

Can salt go in the fridge?

Salt can go in the fridge. When used in marinades and prepared food, salt often goes in the fridge. However, storing salt on its own in the fridge is pointless. Keeping salt in the fridge will not preserve it for longer, but rather have a contradictory effect on it.

Salt is a shelf-stable commodity with an indefinite life. When stored properly in an airtight glass jar, salt will keep for at least five years. Sodium Chloride or table salt is a highly stable compound that can not be broken down in any case. 

Salt is hygroscopic. Hygroscopic substances have the ability to absorb moisture from the environment. Evident by the clumping observed in salt or sugar, it is a result of deliquescence.

If you live in a humid climate, your salt is prone to absorbing moisture from the air and causing it to clump. In a dry location, however, you will be protected from such a fate as long as moisture doesn’t make its way into the salt.

For most edibles, moisture causes food to spoil. However, such is not the case for salt. Salt is a natural preservative, the moisture that comes in contact has a low water activity. Active water molecules bind with salt, hence there is none left for bacteria to thrive.

A similar phenomenon occurs in sugar as well, where the low water activity makes both salt and sugar have an indefinite shelf-life.

Salt serves many important functions in food, including acting as a flavor enhancer and a preservative. On top of it, salt has antibacterial properties. The mineral is used for its medicinal properties to ward off bacteria, hence we can safely say that salt is invincible to bacteria.

Salt or sodium chloride is a mineral that sometimes has iodine added to it. Salt comes with a best-by date, however, in most cases, it does not need one. 

Why does salt lose its quality in the fridge?

Inside the fridge, salt will pick up odor and flavor from other foods and lose its own quality. Salt will pick up aroma from surrounding food inside a refrigerator and lose its freshness.

Secondly, the fridge has a moist environment. Water condensates can get into your salt container and speed up the clumping process. Hence, it is not advisable to store salt inside a refrigerator.

Salt must be put in an air-tight glass container with its lid always shut when not in use. Put the jar in a cool and dry place. Refrain from putting salt in a plastic or a metal container or inside the refrigerator.

Does salt spoil?

Salt can spoil despite its antibacterial properties and a theoretical indefinite shelf-life. If you fail to store your salt properly, then it will surely go bad. 

Salt in its pure form will thrive, however, if you add seasonings or herbs to it, their subsequent spoilage will have a negative impact on the quality of salt as well.

If salt wasn’t stored in an airtight container, contaminants can get into the salt. Pests and insects can thrive in the salt. In some cases, you can even spot mold or fungus in the salt. 

Table salt, iodized salt, kosher salt, pink Himalayan salt, sea salt or even ice cream salt has an indefinite shelf-life of a minimum of five years. 

Why do we need salt?

Salt is used as a flavor enhancer. Despite its overpowering taste, it is added to every cooked food possible as a seasoning. Salt is added to savories, sweets, baked goods, and even beverages. 

Salt is a terrific preservative that delays the spoilage of pickled foods for months. Salt added to meat helps to store it for weeks or even months. 

A balanced quantity of sodium in a diet helps maintain healthy blood pressure and prevent numerous diseases such as kidney diseases, strokes, and heart attacks.

The membrane potential counts on a balanced sodium level for muscle contraction and nerve transmission.

Other FAQs about Salt that you may be interested in.

Can you be allergic to salt?

Can you boil and drink salt water?

Can you boil salt out of meat?


In this brief guide, we answered the question, can salt go in the fridge? We discussed if we should store salt in the fridge and the reasons to refrain from it. We also shed light on the uses and discussed ways to store salt so that it stays in an optimum condition.


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