Can I give my dog scrambled eggs?

In this article, we will answer the question “Can I give my dog scrambled eggs?”, and how much egg can a dog eat?

Can I give my dog scrambled eggs?

Yes, you can feed scrambled eggs to your dog. Skip the additives like seasonings and butter/oil. This can do more harm to your dog than benefit. 

You can feed scrambled eggs daily to your god. However, Scrambled eggs cannot replace the main meal. You can serve scrambled eggs as training treats, top off the regular meals of your dog, or as a side to your dog’s regular meals, etc. 

Before feeding scrambled eggs to your dog, make sure your dog is not allergic to the eggs. Symptoms of egg allergy in dogs include dry, itchy skin, redness, and even sores.

Can dogs eat egg yolk?

Dogs can eat cooked egg yolks in moderate amounts only. Egg yolks contain a rich amount of fats and cholesterol which, when taken in high amounts, can cause adverse health effects in humans. 

Dogs have a better cholesterol tolerance than humans. But a high dose of fat and cholesterol might lead to lipemia and hypertriglyceridemia and pancreatitis especially in the case of Miniature Schnauzers and Terriers, which are at a greater risk of getting afflicted with pancreatitis. 

Can dogs eat raw eggs?

No, dogs cannot eat raw eggs. Raw eggs can be contaminated with E. coli and Salmonella. Infections caused by these bacteria afflict both the dogs and their owners and pose a serious health threat. 

The egg protein present in the egg white binds biotin, a B-vitamin. Dogs can synthesize biotin themselves. Therefore, we do not need to supplement it in the form of raw eggs. 

But eating raw eggs induces biotin deficiency in dogs. It is because the avidin protein binds with the synthesized biotin rendering it unavailable to dogs.

Can dogs eat eggshells?

Eggshells are rich in calcium and deficient in phosphorus. Dogs should be given a strictly checked calcium dose especially in the case of growing puppies. 

The high intake of calcium disturbs the calcium and phosphorus balance which affects the Vitamin D profile that negatively impacts the skeletal metabolism. 

A high dose of calcium may also result in the buildup of this mineral in the kidneys. Therefore, experts do not recommend feeding eggshells to your dog.

Can dogs eat cooked eggs?

Cooking significantly reduces the pathogenic bacteria in eggs and eliminates the food safety issues regarding feeding eggs to dogs. But one thing remains unchanged, which is the nutritional profile of the eggs. 

The high-fat content can still pose a serious threat to the health of your dog. The added fat in the form of oil or butter you used during frying adds to the problem. 

In the case of scrambled eggs, the added milk may lead to diarrhea since most dogs are unable to digest dairy. 

Boiled or scrambled eggs with no added fat, milk, or other ingredients may be fed to dogs in moderate amounts. Only 10% of the daily energy intake of dogs should come from incomplete food sources including eggs. 

An egg typically contains 75 calories. This means your dog has to weigh above 50 pounds to eat a whole cooked egg.

Other FAQs about Eggs which you may be interested in.

Can you digest egg shells?

How to boil egg whites?

Can dogs eat hard-boiled eggs?

Yes, you can feed hard-boiled eggs to your dogs because the hard-boiled eggs are not made using any additives plus they are safe. However, you need to practice portion control. 

As mentioned above only 10% of the daily calorie intake of your dog should come from eggs. Boiling does not late the fat content of the eggs. So, do not feed hard-boiled eggs to your dog If It has triglyceridemia, lipemia, or pancreatitis.

Can dogs eat deviled eggs?

No, dogs cannot eat deviled eggs. The added fat that comes from mayonnaise can lead to steatorrhea in dogs. 

Contact your dog If your dog ingests deviled egg and shows symptoms of Gastroninterinal upset such as lip-smacking, drooling, and vomiting.

How much egg can a dog eat?

Typically, an egg contains 60 to 75 calories and provides about 6 grams of protein and 4 milligrams of fat. If you want to feed eggs as a treat to your dogs, you should contact your vet. 

He will suggest the acceptable serving size of eggs for your dog considering its age, size, activity level, and present health issues.


In this article, we answered the question “Can I give my dog scrambled eggs?”, and how much egg can a dog eat?


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