Can dogs eat twiggy sticks?

In this article, we will answer the query, “Can dogs eat twiggy sticks?” along with some other questions like are twiggy sticks safe for your dog? What can you do if your dog ate twiggy sticks? And what foods are dangerous for your dog?

Can dogs eat twiggy sticks?

No, dogs cannot eat twiggy sticks. It is not safe for your dog to eat twiggy sticks because it has high salt and fat content in them. Dogs need a certain amount of salt in their diet but the daily requirement of dogs is less than that of humans. High-fat content can cause pancreatitis and unhealthy weight gain in your dog.

Are twiggy sticks safe for your dog?

No, twiggy sticks are not safe for your dog to consume. Following are the reasons why twiggy sticks are not safe for your dog:

High-fat content

High-fat content is not healthy for your dog. High-fat content can lead to pancreatitis, obesity, and cardiovascular problems.

High-fat content can lead to obesity. Obesity is a big problem in dogs because the extra weight gain is unhealthy for your dog. The extra weight gain can cause joint problems. Joints are unable to lift the extra weight gain of the body. This leads to joint problems in your dogs.

High-fat content causes pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas in the body. The pancreas is an organ in the body that is responsible for the digestion of food in the intestine. If the amount of fat in the food is too high the pancreas is unable to digest it leading to pancreatitis.

High-fat content can cause cardiovascular problems. The fat droplets can get stuck in the blood vessels and stop the supply of blood to the major organs of the body. If the blood supply is cut off to the heart, it can lead to a heart attack.

High salt content

The high salt content can lead to dehydration and blood pressure problems. High salt consumption can also cause salt poisoning in your dogs.

High salt consumption can lead to blood pressure problems in your dog. High blood pressure is the silent killer in the body. High blood pressure can lead to heart attack because the heart is unable to compensate for the high blood pressure in the body.

The high salt content can lead to dehydration in the body. Dehydration is due to the movement of water from inside the cells to outside. This causes cellular dehydration in the body. 

Cellular dehydration if not treated in time can lead to hypovolemia which decreases blood volume in the circulatory system of the body. If not treated in time hypovolemia can lead to shock. If an animal goes into shock, it is very difficult to stabilize the animal. 

Following are the clinical signs of salt poisoning in your dog:

  • Increased thirst
  • Increased urination
  • Vomiting Diarrhea
  • Dehydration
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy

If you observe these signs in your dog you should take your dog to your nearest vet.

So far we have discussed the harmful effects of twiggy sticks on your dog’s health. Now let’s dive into the details of what you can do if your dog ate twiggy sticks?

What can you do if your dog ate twiggy sticks?

The first thing you should do is not to panic. Give plenty of water to your dog because of the excess amount of salt in it. The excess amount of water helps to flush the excess amount of salt from the body. 

This is the first strategy you should adopt. The next thing is you should know the number of twiggy sticks your dog has consumed.

If your dog has consumed a small number of twiggy sticks, there are mild symptoms you should observe in your dog. You shouldn’t be worried about your dog if your dog has consumed a small number of twiggy sticks.

If your dog has consumed a large number of twiggy sticks you should be worried about your dog. Visit your nearest vet if your dog has consumed a large number of twiggy sticks.

Twiggy sticks are unhealthy for your dog and you should supervise what your dog should eat and what your dog shouldn’t eat. 

What foods are unhealthy for your dog?

There are various other foods that your dog cannot eat. These foods are either unhealthy or toxic for your dog.

Following are the foods that are unhealthy for your dog to consume:

  • Chocolates
  • Avocados
  • Cooked bones
  • Onion and garlic
  • Raisins
  • Grapes
  • Uncooked yeast dough

You must avoid these kinds of foods.


In this article, we answered the query, “Can dogs eat twiggy sticks?” We also discussed other questions like are twiggy sticks safe for your dog? What can you do if your dog ate twiggy sticks? And what foods are dangerous for your dog?

References shock%20is%20a%20 common,immediately%20life%2Dthreatening%20if%20untreated.

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