Why do raspberries have hair?

In this guide, we will answer the question, “why do raspberries have hair?” Also, we will discuss whether all varieties of raspberries have hairs and in-depth discuss which varieties lack hairs. We will also explain what are raspberry hairs.

why do raspberries have hair?

Raspberries have hairs because they are part of the plant’s reproductive structure. These hairs are called styles. The style is a stalk that supports the fruit’s ovary and helps to transfer pollen from the male organ (stamen) to the female organ (carpel). This process is necessary for the plant to produce seeds.

The raspberry’s style is also important because it helps the fruit to stay attached to the plant. When the fruit is ripe, the style breaks away from the plant, taking the fruit with it. This ensures that the plant’s seeds are dispersed far and wide, which increases the chances that some of them will take root and grow into new plants.

So, in short, the raspberry’s style serves two important functions: aiding in reproduction and helping the fruit to detach from the plant.

What is a raspberry style?

Styles are the small, stalk-like structures that connect the ovary of a flower to the stigma. The stigma is the receptive surface of the pistil that the pollen grain germinates on.

The raspberry is an aggregate fruit, meaning that it is composed of many small fruits that are clustered together. Each of these small fruits is called a drupelet, and each drupelet has its own seed. 

The drupelets are attached to the receptacle, which is the fleshy part of the fruit. The styles are attached to the drupelets. not all raspberry varieties have styles, with some seedless varieties available. 

Do all raspberry varieties have hairs?

No, not all raspberry varieties have style hairs. The hair-like structures on the raspberry are called styles, and not all raspberry varieties have them. Some varieties have very few styles, while others have many. The lack of styles does not necessarily mean that the raspberry is not of good quality.

Which raspberry varieties lack hairs?

Meeker variety

The Meeker raspberry is thought to be a sport of the Meeker blackberry because it lacks the fine, downy hair that covers the fruit of the blackberry. 

This hairless variety of raspberry was found in a field of Meeker blackberries in Puyallup, Washington, in the early 1900s. The Meeker raspberry was named after the man who found it, Fred Meeker.


The Williamette raspberry variety is bred to be hairless, which makes it less likely to harbor pests and diseases. The lack of hair also makes the berries more visually appealing, and easier to clean before eating.


The Tulameen raspberry is a hairless variety of raspberries, meaning it does not have the fine, bristly hairs that are found on other varieties of raspberries. This lack of hair makes the Tulameen raspberry smooth to the touch, and also gives it a shiny appearance. 


The Taylor raspberry variety lacks hair because it is a smooth-skinned variety. The lack of hair on the raspberry is due to a genetic mutation that occurred during the development of the variety. This mutation resulted in a loss of the gene that codes for the production of hair on the fruit.

Is it safe to eat raspberries with hair?

Raspberry hairs are not harmful to eat, but they can be irritating to the digestive system. If you are eating raspberries with hair, it is recommended to remove them before consuming them.

Raspberry hairs can cause digestive issues because they can get caught in the digestive tract and cause irritation. Raspberry hairs are also known to contain a substance called lignin, which can be difficult for the body to digest. 

In some cases, raspberry hairs can also cause an allergic reaction, which can lead to digestive issues. Raspberry hairs can also cause side effects including skin irritation, redness, and swelling.

Do raspberry hairs have any nutritional value?

Raspberry hairs do not have any nutritional value. They are made up of keratin, which is a type of protein. Keratin is not digestible, so it cannot be used by the body for nutrition. Raspberry hairs are also known as trichomes. Trichomes are found on many plants and help to protect them from predators and insect pests.

For more details on the health benefits of raspberries. Click here

Other FAQs about berries that you may be interested in.

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In this article, we have answered the question, “why do raspberries have hair?” We have also discussed the raspberry varieties that lack hair. Also, we have discussed whether it is safe to eat raspberry switch hairs.



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