Why do I crave lemons?

In this brief guide, we will answer the question “why do I crave lemons?” We will also discuss whether lemon is addictive and why pregnant women crave lemons. Moreover, we will discuss the side effects of eating too many lemons.

Why do I crave lemons?

Lemon craving could be a sign that the body requires vitamin C or you are dehydrated or have low blood sugar.


Lemon cravings are often caused by dehydration because lemon juice is a natural diuretic. When we are dehydrated, our bodies crave fluids and electrolytes that will help us rehydrate. 

Lemon juice is high in electrolytes like potassium and magnesium, which is why we often crave it when we are dehydrated. Dehydration can also cause our bodies to crave sugar. 

When we are dehydrated, our blood sugar levels drop and our bodies crave foods that will raise our blood sugar levels. Lemon juice is high in sugar, so it can help to raise our blood sugar levels and make us feel better when we are dehydrated.

Low blood sugar levels

Lemon cravings are caused by low blood sugar levels because lemons contain high levels of citric acid. When blood sugar levels drop, the body releases a hormone called glucagon, which signals the liver to release stored sugar into the bloodstream. 

The body then craves foods that are high in sugar to raise blood sugar levels back to normal. Lemons are a good source of citric acid, which can help to raise blood sugar levels. 

When blood sugar levels drop, the body releases a hormone called glucagon, which signals the liver to release stored sugar into the bloodstream. The body then craves foods that are high in sugar to raise blood sugar levels back to normal.

Why do pregnant women crave lemons?

Pregnant women may crave lemons because of the sour and acidic taste. Lemons are also a good source of vitamin C, which is important for pregnant women. Pregnant women may also crave lemons because of the high levels of citric acid. 

Citric acid can help to settle the stomach and can also help to prevent nausea and vomiting. Lemons are also a good source of potassium, which is important for pregnant women. Potassium can help to regulate blood pressure and can also help to prevent cramping.

Pregnant women may also crave lemons because they are a good source of folic acid. Folic acid is important for pregnant women because it can help to prevent birth defects.

Is lemon addictive?

Yes, lemon is addictive due to its sour flavors. Some people may feel a strong desire to consume lemons or lemon-flavored products on a regular basis. This could be due to the pleasurable taste and smell of lemons, or the refreshing and invigorating feeling that they provide. 

Additionally, lemons contain a high amount of vitamin C, which is essential for good health.

What are the side effects of eating too many lemons?

While lemons are a healthy food, they are also very acidic. Citric acid is a strong acid that can irritate the lining of the stomach, leading to heartburn, indigestion, and other symptoms of stomach discomfort. 

While a small amount of citric acid is not likely to cause problems, consuming large amounts of citrus fruits (or other foods and beverages high in citric acid) can increase the risk of developing stomach problems.

Moreover, Lemons are acidic, and over time, the acidity can wear away at tooth enamel.

How do lemons help reduce the risk of cancer?

Lemons contain a type of flavonoid called hesperidin, which has been shown to fight cancer in a number of ways. It can help prevent the formation of cancer-causing compounds, stop the growth of cancer cells, and induce cancer cell death. 

Hesperidin is not the only cancer-fighting compound in lemons. They also contain limonene, which has been shown to kill cancer cells in test tube studies, and flavonoids like naringenin and quercetin, which have both been shown to have anti-cancer effects.

In addition to their cancer-fighting properties, lemons are also a great source of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect cells from damage and reduce the risk of cancer.

Why do people eat lemons with salt?

When you add salt to a lemon, it helps to break down the lemon’s cell walls. This process is called osmosis, and it helps to release more of the lemon juice. The salt also helps to balance out the tartness of the lemon, making it more palatable. 

For more details on how to use lemon in recipes. Click here

Other FAQs about Lemon that you may be interested in.

What is reconstituted lemon juice?

How to tell if a lemon is ripe

How to store cut lemon?


In this article, we have answered the query” why do I crave lemons?” We have also discussed the side effects of eating too many lemons and explained how lemons help reduce the risk of cancer.

Hope you find this blog useful, in case of any questions please let us know


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