What is the Difference Between Jamaican and Indian Curry?

In this brief guide, we will answer the query, “What is the Difference Between Jamaican and Indian Curry?” and will discuss the ingredients of Jamaican and Indian Curries.

What is the Difference Between Jamaican and Indian Curry?

Curry powder is used to make Jamaican curry, whereas curry paste is used to make an Indian curry. As opposed to the curry powders of the UK, Indian curries use coconut milk or cream, fresh herbs, and roasted spices as the basis of the sauce.

What ingredients are used in Jamaican curry?

Pre-made curry powder spice mixes are often used in Jamaican curries, which usually contain a mixture of turmeric, cumin, paprika, cardamom, garlic, and fenugreek in addition to the other spices. However, the addition of allspice gives Jamaican curry its distinct taste and distinguishes it from other curries.

Jamaican curry powder is often used as a seasoning in recipes. Before cooking, the components (chicken, peppers, potatoes, and onions, for example) would be marinated for several hours. To make a stew, the components are usually cooked in boiling water.

What are the main ingredients in Indian curry?

Curry is just a term used to describe a mixture of spices in Indian cuisine; the meal itself is not known as “curry” there. Fenugreek, cumin, turmeric, and coriander are among the most often used spices. Curry plant leaves, on the other hand, are used in a variety of simmered meals.

The term “curry” has several etymological origins. According to one theory, the term “curry” derives from the Portuguese word “carel,” which was used to describe the fragrant and spicy foods they discovered in India. Another theory says it comes from the Tamil word Kari, which means sauce. In the end, the term “curry” came to refer to virtually any Indian meal with a sauce.

Traditional Indian curry spice blends, on the other hand, often include cream or coconut milk base, as well as salt or acid. Lime juice, garlic, ginger, tomatoes, and onions may all provide a salty or acidic flavor. Turmeric, coriander, fenugreek, curry leaves, and cumin are other common ingredients in curry.

Curries from various nations have varying degrees of complexity.

Spices like turmeric and allspice are used in Caribbean curries, while in India, the curry plant’s leaves may be utilized. Thai curries are prepared with coconut milk with a paste of garlic, chili peppers, and sometimes lemongrass.

Curry isn’t a single spice; rather, it’s a blend of spices, with the curry plant’s leaves being a key component in India. Curries are now available all over the globe. To name a few places: India, Thailand, and Jamaica. Even in Japan and portions of China, curries may be found.

  • For a long time, the phrase “Indian curry” referred to any meal made with heavy cream or sauce.

When Europeans arrived in India, they introduced the spices we associate with curry today. When it came to developing Indian curry’s wonderful spice blend, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and ginger all played a role.

Curry dishes in the United Kingdom often include a lot of tomatoes, onion, garlic, and ginger. They often have a coconut milk basis and are spiced up. They tend to be redder in color than other types of curries.

  • Turmeric is prevalent in Caribbean curries.

Some common spices found in Indian cuisine include cumin, paprika, cardamom, and fenugreek. As a marinade, they may be turned into a paste or powder. The large quantity of turmeric in Jamaican curry gives it a brilliant yellow color. One of the greatest distinctions between Indian and Jamaican curry is the usage of allspice, which is uncommon in Indian cooking.

  • Pre-made curry spice mixes are more common in Jamaican curries.

Jamaica, on the other hand, is home to a sizable Indian community. Instead of buying pre-made spice blends, Indian families make their curries and combine their spices in the kitchen. Curry in Jamaica, I’m sure, combines the finest of Indian and Jamaican flavors!

There are many kinds of curry paste used in Thai cooking. Fresh ingredients are used to make curry pastes, which have a thick, wet consistency. Most supermarkets have it on the shelf. Unopened, the paste has a shelf life of almost three years. Please see my most recent blog post for additional information on how long Thai curry paste may be kept. After that, the curry paste and coconut milk are combined to create a thick sauce.

What’s the difference between Indian and Jamaican curries in terms of nutrition?

Jamaican curry powder, like other curry powders, includes nutrients from spices. Various vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, may be included in these nutrients. Premade spice mixes, on the other hand, may be salty to an unhealthy degree.

While Indian curries use more fresh ingredients, they are often served with meals that are already loaded with fat and butter. An exception to this is the chicken curry.

Jamaican food is more likely to be healthy as a whole, even if the Indian spices are better for you. You may also regulate the salt content by making your Jamaican curry powder. Leaner meats and fish, as well as vegetables, are common ingredients in Jamaican cuisine.

To check out the curry recipes, click here 

Other FAQs about Curry that you may be interested in.

Can I add curry powder at the end?

Can I defrost chicken curry in the microwave?

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In this brief guide, we answered the query, “What is the Difference Between Jamaican and Indian Curry?” and discussed the ingredients of Jamaican and Indian Curries.


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