What bird doesn’t lay eggs?

In this brief discussion, we’ll answer the question “ what birds don’t lay eggs? “ We will also talk about how often birds lay eggs, whether they need a nest to lay eggs, if egg laying is painful and if birds need to mate before laying eggs.

What birds do not lay eggs?

All birds lay eggs except male birds, which do not lay eggs. They are not capable of laying eggs. However, they may contribute to hatching those eggs. Both parent birds sometimes take turns incubating their eggs.

When the female bird goes hunting for food, the male bird takes her place till she comes back. The female usually incubates the egg all night.

Do all female birds lay eggs?

Yes.  All species of female birds lay eggs and later hatch them. The eggs are then incubated by either or both the parent birds. After a certain period of time, the eggs hatch and produce a young bird.The incubation period of the egg, its color, and size varies in different species.

How often do birds lay eggs?

The frequency of egg laying differs in every species. It also depends on whether the bird is in a living capacity or in the wild. For example, hens or ducks can lay eggs as long as they have access to light and space for the new eggs. 

If you remove the laid eggs, they will lay more eggs. Whereas, in the wild, birds are known for laying one or more clutches of eggs in warmer months of the year. Some birds lay their eggs over a period of several days while some complete the egg laying process in one day. 

Do all birds lay eggs in a nest?

It depends on the environment they’re in, the available nesting material, and the species they belong to. Birds like pheasants and cassowaries prefer to lay eggs in a rough space on the ground rather than in traditionally constructed nests.

Whereas, some urban birds tend to lay eggs in nests made of twigs and grass. Birds like woodpeckers and some ducks lay their eggs in a cavity, a hollow in the tree trunk or a branch rather than building their own nest.

Some birds, like common murres, lay eggs on the edge of a cliff since their colonies are very crowded. Penguins lay eggs on ice and birds like flamingos lay their eggs in mounds of wet mud and stones. 

Are all eggs the same?

No, eggs differ in size and color depending on the species they belong to and the environment they are laid in. For example, if a bird lays eggs in an open setting, her eggs are most likely to be colorful or full of spots compared to the birds who lay their eggs in hidden nests or spaces.

If a bird lays eggs on the ground, it will probably contain brown or dark speckles. If eggs are laid in a cavity, they are more likely to be bright white or blue in color as they are more visible in the dark.

Is egg laying painful for birds?

There is not enough evidence to declare whether laying eggs is painful for female birds or not. However, there is one theory that suggests that birds don’t experience pain unless the mother bird is a very young female or the laid egg is large in size or disoriented.

Do all birds need to mate before laying eggs?

No, all birds don’t need to mate in order to lay eggs. Most bird species can lay eggs without a male. Chickens are one of those birds who can lay multiple eggs without mating. Hormonal changes within the reproductive systems of female birds allow them to lay eggs without a male partner.

Some birds do require mating in order to lay eggs. However, to successfully hatch an egg into a young bird, the mother bird does not need to mate with a male.

Do eggs differ in shape?

Yes, eggs do differ in their shape. The most common shape of an egg is an oval shape, found mostly in chickens. Birds  like owls and woodpeckers are known to lay round, ball-shaped eggs. 

Whereas guillemots and common murres lay conical or pointy eggs. The conical and pointy shape of eggs prevents them from rolling off the cliff.

According to recent findings, the shape of a bird’s egg may be linked with its ability to fly. For instance, flightless birds are known to have oval-shaped eggs but birds who are able to fly lay mostly elongated or asymmetrical-shaped eggs.


We answered the question “ what birds don’t lay eggs? “ We also talked about how often birds lay eggs, whether they need a nest to lay eggs, if egg laying is painful and if birds need to mate before laying eggs.



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