What are the benefits of lime water?

In this brief guide, we will answer the query, “What are the benefits of lime water?”, and will discuss some benefits of using lime water.

Benefits of lime water

Lime, this citrus fruit, which hails from Asia, delivers a nutritious punch in a little package. In the USDA’s estimation, barely 20 calories may be found in one lime with a 2-inch diameter. One of the main natural sources of flavanones for humans is the consumption of fresh fruit, and hand-squeezed citrus juices, such as lime (1). Because of the high amount on flavanones, Lime water has several benefits like:

·         Aids indigestion

·         Prevents cancer

·         Helps in weight loss

·         Enhances skin texture

·         Improve diet intake

·         Boost immune system

Health benefits of lime water

Consumption of water is enhanced by lime water

A squeeze of lime may help those individuals who aren’t drinking enough water, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

Several studies have shown that increasing fluid intake reduces the risk of stone formation. With low fluid intake, urine output is decreased and urine flow is slower, both of which increase the risk of stone formation. Enough fluids should be taken for a daily volume of urine of 2.5 L, and lime water can favor liquid ingestion (2).

Lime water contributes to a healthier diet

Nutritional Epidemiology published research recently demonstrating the health benefits of drinking water instead of sugary beverages like soda or juice. Sugar and fat consumption decreased among those who drank water rather than sweetened beverages. Soda consumption may play a role in stone formation (2). Lime is also a source of vitamin C and folate and important bioactive polyphenols (3).

Lime water helps in the process of digestion

Lime may be added to water to assist with digestion, as stated above. Compounds in limes aid in the production of digestive juices in the stomach. In addition, the acid in lime juice aids digestion in the saliva. These compounds are Flavonoids, especially Hesperidin, found in the fragrant oils extracted from lime. They stimulate the digestive system and increase secretion of digestive juices, bile and acids and also stimulate the peristaltic motion (3).

Lime water lowers the risk of cancer

Citrus fruits have been linked to a lower risk of several forms of cancer in many studies. Flavanones found in citrus fruits, in particular, are potent inhibitors of the proliferation of different types of cancer cells. Both in vitro and in vivo research has demonstrated that flavanones such as naringin, hesperidin, and 20-hydroxyflavanone inhibit tumor growth and induce cancer cell apoptosis through cell cycle arrest, death receptors, and the involvement of caspase-dependent and mitochondrial pathways (1).

 Lime water enhances the skin’s texture.

Lemons include vitamin C and antioxidants, which are often used in commercial skin care treatments. Lime juice has natural compounds that may enhance the look of aged skin when mixed with water.

Lime juice and its oil are very beneficial for skin when consumed orally or applied externally. It rejuvenates the skin, keeps it shining, protects it from infections and reduces body odor due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin-C and Flavonoids, both antioxidants, antibiotics and disinfectants. When applied externally on skin, its acids scrub out the dead cells, cures dandruff, rashes, bruises etc. and gives you a refreshing bath if its juice or oil is mixed into your bathing water (3).

Lime water helps you lose weight

To avoid overeating, nutritionists advocate having a glass of water with a meal. Adding lime water to your diet provides an extra advantage. Lime juice contains citric acid, which aids weight loss by increasing calorie expenditure while decreasing fat storage.

Moreover, literature reports have shown the potential of some Citrus juices to decrease cholesterol level in the human organism. This relies on the presence of flavanone derivatives (naringin and hesperidin, the main lime flavanones), whose structure resembles one of the most common and widely used statins, a drug able to inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis (1).

Lime water  is known to strengthen the immune system

Lime’s vitamin C and antioxidants help the immune system by boosting the body’s production of white blood cells. Lime water, when used daily, may help prevent and decrease the duration of colds and flu.

The effect of vitamin C as anti-inflammatory is, in part because of its role as an antioxidant, and also has roles in several aspects of immunity, including leukocyte migration to sites of infection, phagocytosis and bacterial killing, natural killer cell activity, T lymphocyte function and antibody production. Folate is also essential for immunity, because of its significance on the synthesis of RNA and DNA and consequently for cell division, protein synthesis and tissue growth (4).

Lime water helps to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease

Vitamins magnesium and potassium are abundant in limes, which are a good source of both. Including both of these components in your diet may help keep your heart in good shape. The potassium included in bananas and other foods may boost blood flow and lower blood pressure. Lime juice may also help lower cholesterol levels, according to a little amount of study.

In addition, a large number of studies have demonstrated the positive relationship between citrus flavanone intake and the lower risk of cardiovascular disease. They suggest the cardioprotective activity of hesperidin and its aglycone form, hesperetin in particular (1).

Lime water helps in lowering blood sugar

Vitamin C, according to some studies, may help reduce blood sugar fluctuations in the morning and after a meal. People using vitamin C supplements were the focus of the research but its conclusion said that vitamin C has great potential for improving blood sugar levels (5).

Lime water prevents the growth of microbes

Limonins present in limes may be able to help prevent Streptococcus bacteria from accumulating. Streptococcus is a bacterium that causes a wide range of illnesses and infections, including those of the respiratory system and the mouth. Drinking lime water might help inhibit the growth of these hazardous organisms and hence avoid bacterial infections.

Citrus flavanones are effective against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Although the exact mechanisms behind the antimicrobial activity of flavanones are unclear, different mechanisms have been proposed, including disruption of the bacterial membrane and interference with bacterial DNA synthesis and microbial enzymes (1).

Lime water is anti-inflammatory.

Vitamin C may be found in citrus fruits such as limes. Vitamin C is an anti-inflammatory agent in the body, among many other possible effects. According to a study by Oregon State University, vitamin C has a good impact in reducing inflammation. Vitamin C seems to be effective in decreasing inflammation, according to the majority of trials.

Also the flavanones present in lime act against inflammations. Hesperetin, naringenin and their glycosylated derivatives are the main flavanones that have been investigated for anti-inflammatory properties. Their ability to modulate inflammation is, on one hand, a consequence of their antioxidant potential but most probably also depends also on the inhibition of key enzymes (such as protein kinase,  phosphodiesterase, lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase, and phospholipase) essential for cellular signal transduction and activation (1).

Lime water prevents kidney stones.

Vitamin C and citric acid are found in limes. Vitamin C and citric acid have been shown to break down or prevent the production of several forms of kidney stones in  2014 research. By including vitamin C and citric acid into a person’s daily diet, the researchers found that they might lower their chance of getting certain stones again (2).

Consuming fruit juice prevents stone formation not only because it increases urine volume but also because it is high in potassium and citric acid. Citrate prevents stone formation by two mechanisms. First, it binds with urinary calcium, thereby reducing the supersaturation of urine. In addition, it binds calcium oxalate crystals and prevents crystal growth (2).

How to make lime water?

Lime water may be made by following these instructions. Within a day after producing lime water, it is ideal to consume it. You don’t need a lot of ingredients to produce lime water:

·         Before slicing a lime, wash it well.

·         Squeeze the juice from lime into a glass of water and enjoy!

·         Fill a pitcher halfway with water, then pour the juice of one lime into it.

·         Add a few lime wedges to the pitcher for a little more zing!

·         For the finest taste, drink the water within a day after purchase.


In this brief guide, we answered the query, “Benefits of lime water”, and discussed some benefits of using lime water.

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