Should I Unplug My Traeger?

In this brief guide, we will answer the query, “Should I Unplug My Traeger?” and will discuss some safety tips while using Traeger.

Should I Unplug My Traeger?

No, you should not unplug your Traeger. After every usage, your Traeger does not need unplugging. To operate, Traeger grills need to be plugged in. You should turn the power off after you’re done cooking and the shut-down procedure is complete. However, although doing so isn’t harmful, it isn’t required.

Do Traeger grills need electricity to operate?

Yes. Because Traeger grills are electric and include many electrical components, they must be plugged in to operate. Wood pellets cannot be fed into the auger or ignited if there is no power. In reality, just a little amount of power is used in this process. Most often, it’s utilized to feed pellets into an auger and to control the thermostat, among other things.

However, all modern Traeger barbecues come equipped with WIFI. Traeger is a lot of fun to use because of the WIFI, which isn’t required for it to function.

No issue if you’re picking up your kid from school and she says she wants your renowned BBQ chicken for supper. Preheat your Traeger with the mobile app before you get home, and then start cooking right away (if you left the power switch on and left it plugged in). If you’re wearing a mask, don’t do it.

How long should a Traeger be left on a shutdown cycle before turning it off?

The quick answer is around 25 minutes, but you’ll have to wait until everything is finished. It’s tempting to simply shut the grill off after you’ve completed grilling or smoking an amazing meal. That would be a grave error of judgment!

To shut down, Traeger’s go through a shutdown cycle. That way, you may finish burning up whatever is left in the firepot. After that, a fan circulates cool air around the room. If your grill has a dial, turn it to the “Shut Down Cycle” position once you’ve removed the food.

The silver power button on the front panel of newer versions is all you need to use (not the on-off switch on the back). As a result, the “Shut Down Cycle” is set in motion. Allow the shutdown cycle to run its course before closing the grill cover. This takes approximately 25 minutes on my Ironwood. However, with earlier models, the wait time is likely to be about ten minutes.

The fan will turn itself off after a certain period. Flip the power switch to the Off position once the fan has finished shutting down. That’s all there is to it! Even if you know how to safely shut down your Traeger grill, there’s still a lot to learn about how to operate it.

Traeger’s, on the other hand, need preheating before use. However, turning it on is as simple as turning on the oven.

Starting a gas barbecue may be a hassle sometimes. Be very cautious while using an older vehicle, especially if the starter stops functioning. If the starter fails, a long lighter can be used to relight it, although I doubt this is a good idea. Using too much lighter fluid while lighting a charcoal barbecue may be hazardous. Furthermore, it’s filthy, making cleanup a challenge.

On the other hand, lighting a Traeger barbecue is easy and consistent. To begin smoking, just flip the dial to “smoke” or use the app on your smartphone or tablet.

When using a Traeger smoker, how do you shut it off?

You must go through the whole shutdown procedure on a Traeger to shut it off once you’ve finished cooking with it. When it comes to older Traeger’s, it’s a bit different than with modern models. After a 20-minute shutdown cycle, only then should you turn the power back on. Traeger’s are simple to switch off and on again.

“When the fan has automatically turned off, you’re done,” Traeger says on their Facebook page. The power switch may be turned off, the grill unplugged, power outlets closed, and extension cables stored. But in reality, there is nothing more you need to do after the shutdown cycle has begun.

When I’m done using it, I flick the power switch, but I don’t disconnect it. In addition, Traeger suggests emptying the hopper of any wood pellets that remain. However, unless you’re moving to a new flavor of wood pellet, I wouldn’t do that if you plan on cooking again in a day or two.

Cooling down with Traeger only takes 10 to 25 minutes. What a time saver! This is far better than a charcoal barbecue or a conventional wood grill. To clean a charcoal grill, you have to wait until the embers have cooled completely. Because you can only use the charcoal once, you’ll have a big mess to clean up.

Even if there are some excellent pieces of wood left after cooking, they don’t have to be replaced every time. However, you must wait for the wood to cool fully before doing anything with it.

Although wood and charcoal have certain similarities, there are significant distinctions between them, as well as between lump hardwood and pellets.

Other FAQs about Grills that you may be interested in.

Can You Use an Extension Cord on a Traeger Grill?


In this brief guide, we answered the query, “Should I Unplug My Traeger?” and discussed some safety tips while using Traeger.


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