Is elemental 028 vegan?

In this brief guide, we will answer the query, “Is elemental 028 vegan?” and will discuss precautions and dosage recommendations for elemental 028.

Is elemental 028 vegan?

No, elemental 028 is not vegan. Elemental 028 is a mixture of amino acids which may be derived from animal products that’ why it is not suitable for vegans.

What is elemental 028?

Medical supervision is required for the usage of Elemental 028 Extra Liquid, which is a Food for Special Medical Purposes. Nutritionally complete and based on amino acids, Elemental 028 Extra Liquid is formulated to give comprehensive nutritional support or dietary supplements to help manage situations when the GI tract is severely impaired. Sugars and other sweeteners are used. Child-to-adult age range: 1-year-old and above. From the age of five, this product may be used as a single source of nourishment. Children above the age of one may use this product as a supplement.

One of the main uses of Elemental 028 is the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, which is a chronic disease mediated by the immune system and characterized by the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Inflammatory bowel disease includes Crohn’s disease as well as ulcerative colitis. One of the possible treatments for this pathology is a change in the type of diet. One of the potential changes in diet is the use of enteral nutrition, which is based on the administration of enteral foods/ formulas through different means. These foods are nutritionally-complete liquid mixtures of pre-digested foods that have carbohydrates such as simple sugars, fats such as different types of oils, and nitrogen as protein, along with vitamins and minerals (1). 

When to use elemental 028?

In cases when the gastrointestinal system is severely impaired, Elemental 028 Extra Liquid is an elemental diet that may give comprehensive nutritional support or extra feeding.  

Administration of enteral nutrition has long been considered the standard of care for nutrition support among patients unable to meet energy and protein requirements orally in efforts to prevent undesirable outcomes associated with malnutrition. Elemental and semi-elemental formulas are often used among patients with malabsorptive disorders and/or those having difficulties absorbing and digesting standard polymeric formulas. This is the case of patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (2).

Crohn’s disease Intractable malabsorption, intestinal fistulas, radiation enteritis, and food allergies are all symptoms of short bowel syndrome.


·         Not for intravenous usage

·         Must only be used under physician supervision


·         Gastrointestinal failure

·         Complete intestinal failure

·         Major intra-abdominal sepsis

Direction to use

Elemental 028 Extra Liquid is best given as a cold drink and should be used within 24 hours after opening. The amount of feed should be set by a clinician or dietician solely and is depending on the patient’s age, body weight, and medical condition.

What exactly is an “elemental diet?”

Nutritionally complete formulae in “pre-digested” form constitute an elemental diet. In liquid or powder form, these formulas are designed to be blended with water and sipped.

Protein, fat, and carbohydrates in elemental formulations have previously been broken down into their amino acids, fatty acids, and sugars for ease of digestion and absorption. Vitamins and minerals are also found in them.  Macronutrients are hydrolyzed to improve absorption. Carbohydrate may be included from sources such as hydrolyzed cornstarch, maltodextrin, or fructose; protein from free amino acids and dipeptides or tripeptides (hydrolyzed casein, whey, or soy protein isolate); and lipid from fatty acid esters or medium-chain triglycerides (2).

For this reason, an elemental diet enables your digestive system to relax without compromising your nutritional intake. Carbohydrates and protein make up the bulk of most basic formulae since fat is difficult to digest. People with severe digestive difficulties are typically advised on an elemental diet.

Elemental formulas differ from polymeric formulas, which are designed to mimic a general diet by providing carbohydrate, protein, and fat in non-hydrolyzed forms. Common sources of carbohydrate in enteral formulas include corn maltodextrin and corn syrup solids. Common sources of protein include sodium and calcium caseinates and soy protein isolates. Lipid sources are usually canola, soybean, and/or safflower oil. Normal digestion function is typically required for polymeric formulas (2).

How does an elemental diet work?

People on an elemental diet often don’t eat anything other than elemental formulations. Other than water and simple tea, the only other liquids that may be consumed are water and water. It is possible to provide elemental formulae through a feeding tube or intravenous treatment, as well as combine them with water and drink them.

To avoid cramping and gastrointestinal discomfort, healthcare practitioners typically advise consuming elemental formulae at a gradual speed. It’s possible to get a professionally produced elemental formula that provides all the calories and nutrients you need. These may either be purchased over the counter or prescribed by a doctor.

When following an elemental diet, a qualified dietitian and a medical practitioner are usually always involved in making recommendations on the sort of formula and how much to consume.

Elemental formulas provide the majority of a person’s daily nutrition, although some individuals may only obtain a fraction of their daily requirements through formulas and the remainder from solid meals. Half- or semi-elemental diets are often referred to in these cases.

People who have had a large portion of their intestine removed may continue on an elemental diet continuously, while others may only use elemental formulations until their symptoms subside. If you’re looking to lose weight, an elemental diet may not be the best option.

Before commercial tube feeding products were available, most patients were fed by blending hospital food thin enough to be put through a feeding tube. However, microbial concerns and ease of preparation led to the development of commercially prepared formulas. The first formulas were elemental and introduced in the late 1960s; the first nutrient-intake formula came on the market in 1973. Most early formulas did not contain fiber due to difficulty with flow and clumping issues. The first fiber containing formula came out in 1987, using soy protein (2).

Some further advantages of an elemental diet

Elemental diets are effective in managing the symptoms of inflammatory disorders and digestive system issues. Inflammatory bowel disease can provoke various symptoms that include abdominal pain, low fever, fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea, bloody feces, etc. Within the identification of the environmental risk factors, diet is one of the most important as it regulates intestinal inflammation by modifying the intestinal microbiota, which has an effect on the gastrointestinal permeability (1). 

Elemental formulations have already broken down the macronutrients—protein, lipids, and carbohydrates—so your small intestine can easily absorb them. Your bowel, on the other hand, will be able to relax.

Crohn’s disease, which causes chronic inflammation of the digestive system, stomach discomfort, malabsorption, and other problems, has long been treated with an elemental diet. EOE (esophageal eosinophilic esophagitis) is caused by damage to the esophageal lining and results in difficulty swallowing, discomfort, and heartburn. Dietary therapy in EOE consists of elemental and empiric elimination diets. Elemental diet with amino acid-based formula is most effective in achieving disease remission (4). 

After four weeks on an elemental diet, 88% of people with EOE no longer had symptoms, according to a study of 21 participants. Inflammation was also reduced significantly as a result of the diet. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), which is defined by gas and stomach discomfort, may also be treated with elemental diets (4). 

An elemental diet’s nutrients are quickly absorbed, so they may not be accessible long enough for your gut bacteria to feed on them, thereby avoiding overgrowth and starving them. Elemental formulations may directly affect bacteria of the GI tract. Early observations of the effect of an elemental diet on stool microflora show that this diet significantly reduces coliforms, enterococci, and bacteroides. The same study showed that the longer subjects were on the diet, the lower the bacterial counts. In a study of 93 persons with SIBO, 85 percent of those who followed a 21-day elemental diet had normal lactulose breath tests. There is a correlation between SIBO and abnormal lactulose breath tests (3).

Furthermore, the symptoms of more than half of individuals who had a normal breath test improved. Last but not least, limited data suggests that an elemental diet may help control the discomfort associated with chronic pancreatitis.


In this brief guide, we answered the query, “Is elemental 028 vegan?” and discussed precautions and dosage recommendations for elemental 028.


  1. Comeche, Jose M., et al. Enteral nutrition in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression. Nutrients, 2019, 11, 2657.
  2. Brown, Britta, Kelly Roehl, and Melanie Betz. Enteral nutrition formula selection: current evidence and implications for practice. Nutr Clin Pract, 2015, 30, 72-85.  
  3. Pimentel, Mark, et al. A 14-day elemental diet is highly effective in normalizing the lactulose breath test. Digest dis sci, 2004, 49, 73-77.
  4. Warners, M. J., B. J. Vlieg-Boerstra, and A. J. Bredenoord. Elimination and elemental diet therapy in eosinophilic oesophagitis. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol, 2015, 29, 793-803.

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