Is Cipcal 500 vegetarian?

In this brief guide, we will answer the query, “Is Cipcal 500 vegetarian?” and will discuss the composition and side effects of Cipcal 500.

Is Cipcal 500 vegetarian?

No, Cipcal is not vegetarian. It is composed of vitamin D and Calcium Carbonate which is obtained from oyster shells products, that’s why Cipcal is not suitable for vegetarians.

Recent studies have reported up to 70% of older women taking calcium  supplementation in some developed countries (4).

Product description

Calcium and vitamin D3 (also known as colecalciferol) are both included in Cipcal 500 pills. As a supplement to other medications used to treat bone-related conditions including osteoporosis, Cipcal 500 tablet is used to address vitamin D and calcium deficiencies. According to the manufacturer’s sheet information, the calcium source of this product is oyster shells. Aside from that, it is also used as a general supplement to assist preserve healthy teeth and bones. You should not take more of this medication than what has been given to you by your doctor. Try to include foods high in vitamin D and calcium while taking this medication. Vitamin D production is also dependent on sunshine exposure.

Oyster shells have CaCO3 as a main component of their chemical composition (approximately 95–99%) and other minerals in insignificant quantities, it is possible to obtain pure calcium oxide by using a calcination. Several steps or phases take place: an endothermic process between 100 and 140°C related to water removal, followed by an exothermic process between 250 and 410°C associated to the most volatile organic matter and finally, another exothermic process between 500 and 540 °C, corresponding to the most resistant organic matter. This is done to degrade the impurities. After this, the material is cooled, grind, screened and micronized, which consists in reducing the grain size of the product to a few microns in diameter, up to 63 mm (1).

Components and Advantages

When it comes to crucial metabolic operations, calcium is one of the most abundant elements in the body. It is essential for the formation and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It is essential for nerve transmission, muscle function, cellular communication, and hormone production.

An important function of vitamin D3 in bone development, growth, and regeneration are that it aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food. It helps to keep teeth and bones strong. In addition to cell development, neuromuscular and immunological function, and inflammation reduction, it also has a role in the synthesis of collagen.

Nutrition plays an important role in bone health. The two nutrients essential for bone health are calcium and vitamin D. Reduced supplies of calcium may be associated with a reduced bone mass and osteoporosis, whereas a chronic and severe vitamin D deficiency leads to osteomalacia, a metabolic bone disease characterized by a decreased mineralization of bone matrix and an increased osteoid volume (2).

Cipcal 500mg Strip Of 15 Tablets – Purposes

·         Deficiencies in vitamin D and calcium may be treated with Cipcal 500mg tablets.

·         Osteoporosis and other bone problems might benefit from this medication.

·         Vitamin D and calcium supplements are needed by some groups, such as the elderly, pregnant women, and lactating mothers.

There is good evidence that calcium intake influences bone mass in all age groups. In children and adolescents a positive effect of calcium on bone mass has been reported in cross-sectional and intervention studies 19±21. In a prospective study the dietary calcium intake in childhood and adolescence resulted positively related to bone mass in young women. In a cross-sectional study conducted in the UK a positive relation between serum 25(OH)D values and bone mass density was observed in a group of middle-aged women. In another study a significant association between low femoral bone mass density and low 25(OH)D levels was described in normal women older than 60 years (2).

Cipcal 500mg Strip Of 15 Tablets Precautions and Warnings

Consult your physician if you have any of the following symptoms:

·         If you have an allergy to any of the ingredients in the Cipcal 500 mg tablet, do not take it.

·         Tissue calcification is a problem you’re dealing with (deposit of calcium in body tissues).

·         You have malabsorption problems or excessive cholesterol.

·         You’re already taking a vitamin D or calcium supplement.

·         You suffer from heart, renal, or liver issues.

·         Existing medical issues, drugs, supplements, or alternative or integrative health practices are all taken into consideration.

·         You are currently undergoing any kind of surgery or procedure. At least 2-3 weeks before the surgery, you may be requested to cease using these medications.

·         If you have excessive levels of calcium or vitamin D in your blood or urine, kidney stones, or are bedridden, you should not use Cipcal 500 pills.

According to studies, calcium is generally well tolerated and reports of significant side-effects are rare. There has been concern that high calcium intakes may lead to urinary calculi. In this regard, a recent study in women found that dietary calcium intake was inversely related to the risk of stone formation, whereas the use of calcium supplements increased stone risk. The requirement for dietary vitamin D, based on European and Nordic recommendations, depends on the amount of sunshine exposure The RDAs are 400 IU (10 mg) daily for people aged 65 years or over. The excess vitamin D intake should be avoided. Although the maximum safe dose is still unknown, intakes of 50 mg (2000 IU) daily should not be exceeded to avoid some harmful effects, such as hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria (2).

Cipcal 500mg Strip of 15 Tablets Directions for Use

Consult your physician before taking the Cipcal 500 pill.

It’s best taken in the evening, just after dinner.


Keep Cipcal 500mg Tablets in a cool, dry place away from children’s reach

Cipcal 500 pills should be stored in a cool, dry location. Children and pets should be kept away from it at all times.

Natural sources of vitamin D

Vitamin D-rich foods include the following; Vitamin D-rich foods include fatty fish like salmon and tuna as well as liver oils from both fish and cod as well as cheese and the yolks of eggs.

Our skin produces vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight. As a result, 10-30 minutes of daily sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. may help avoid vitamin insufficiency.

The major source of vitamin D is the skin, where it is produced by the action of ultraviolet light on steroid precursors. Vitamin D is not a true vitamin, but a prosteroid hormone that is biologically inert until metabolized. In the liver, vitamin D is metabolized to 25(OH)D, which functions as the major storage form by virtue of its long half-life. In the kidney 25(OH)D is further metabolized by a 1a-hydroxylase enzyme to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1.25(OH)2D), the hormone responsible for the biological effects of vitamin D (2).

What are the benefits of taking Vitamin D?

We spend most of our time inside, in air-conditioned workplaces, homes, and automobiles, with little or no exposure to the sun as a result of our contemporary lifestyle. As a result, vitamin D insufficiency is on the rise among people of all ages, resulting in more fractures and muscular weakness. The major causes of vitamin D deficiency are scarce exposure to sunlight, a decline in the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin and poor nutrition (2).

Many studies show that Vitamin D may help prevent diabetes and malignancies of the colon and breast, as well as aid in the development of immunity. Vitamin D can modulate the innate and adaptive immune responses. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an increased susceptibility to infection. As immune cells in autoimmune diseases are responsive to the ameliorative effects of vitamin D, the beneficial effects of supplementing vitamin D deficient individuals with autoimmune disease may extend beyond the effects on bone and calcium homeostasis (3).

The Cipcal 500 pills have what adverse effects if any at all?

You should avoid using this product if you have any of the following symptoms: constipation, nausea, vomiting, or stomach distress. However, these adverse effects may not be experienced by everyone.

Is Cipcal safe to use when pregnant?

The World Health Organization recommends 1,500–2,000 mg/day calcium for pregnant women with low dietary calcium intakes to reduce preeclampsia risk. Symptomatic or documented vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women should be treated in the same manner as in nonpregnant individuals. Daily doses of 4000 units/day are recommended for treatment in pregnancy. In healthy, asymptomatic antenatal women, 1000-2000 IU can be supplemented daily in the second and third trimesters, without fear of vitamin D toxicity or teratogenicity (5).

. However, it is best to consult with your doctor before using any supplement.

Is it safe for you to take Cipcal every day?

Cipcal as prescribed by your physician, who will base this on your diagnosis and prior health history.


In this brief guide, we answered the query, “Is Cipcal 500 vegetarian?” and discussed the composition and side effects of Cipcal 500.

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