How to preserve homemade rose water

In this brief guide, we are going to answer the question “how to preserve rosewater” and discuss methods to preserve rosewater. 

How to preserve homemade rose water

Home-made rose water can be preserved by:

  • Using the correct extraction method
  • Adding a natural preservative such as alcohol or witch hazel
  • Refrigerating and freezing

Rosewater is an essential item for some recipes. It also has many uses in personal care. Rosewater can be either store-bought or homemade. 

Store Bought rose water is very durable and will last for many years. Unlike storebought rosewater, homemade rosewater has a short shelf-life. This is because it lacks artificial preservatives. 

By using the correct production techniques, using natural preservatives, and proper storage, you can make your homemade rosewater last for many months. Let’s look at how.

How to properly preserve homemade rose water?

There are 2 methods to make rosewater at home: the infusion method and the steam distillation method. If you are planning to store your rosewater for a few months use the steam distillation method. Both methods are explained below.

The infusion method

The infusion method is the easiest way to make rosewater. But the rosewater produced will have a short shelf-life. Infused rosewater can be stored at room temperature for about 3 days. It can also be either refrigerated or frozen for a couple of weeks.

To make infused rosewater:

– Place the rose petals in a bowl or a jar and pour 2 cups of hot water over them.

– Cover the bowl and leave until the water cools down.

– Drain and pour the rose water into a clean bottle.

– Seal, label, and store it in a cool, dry place.

The steam distillation method

The steam distillation method uses the first few steps as the infused method to obtain rosewater. 

To make steam distilled rosewater:

  • Boiled the rosewater made from the infused method.
  • Capture the steam in a flask.
  • The stem will condense back to a liquid and you will have steam distilled water.

Steam distilled rose water has a longer shelf-life. This is because boiling and distillation destroy the microorganisms in the rosewater. Distilled rose water will last for about a year when stored properly. 

Preserving rose water by alcohol extraction

Alcohol is a natural preservative.  Using alcohol as an ingredient to extract rose water will help to extend its shelf life. 

Using alcohol will make the rosewater shelf stable by destroying some of the microorganisms.

Rosewater made from the infused method can be preserved for a few extra days by adding about 2 tablespoons of vodka. Add the vodka along with the water, before draining.

Preserving rosewater with witch hazel

Witch hazel is another natural preservative. Rosewater preserved with witch hazel is mainly used for skincare, as a toner.

To preserve rosewater with witch hazel:

  • Place the rose petals in a clean jar.
  • Add water and witch hazel.
  • Close the jar and label it.
  • Keep it for about 2 weeks in a cool, dark place.
  • Drain away the petals and transfer the rose water into a spray bottle.

The only downside of this method is that the slow extraction process takes about 2 weeks.

The detailed method for preserving rosewater with witch hazel can be found here

Preserving rose water by refrigerating and freezing

Refrigerating preserves homemade infused rosewater for a few weeks.

If rosewater is made from the steam distillation method and then refrigerated, it will stay good for about 2 years. If you are planning to use rosewater as a face toner, refrigerate it in a spray bottle. 

Rosewater can also be frozen. You can either freeze them in ice cube trays or inside a container. But if you are planning to use rosewater in small quantities, it is much easier to refrigerate. If you freeze rosewater, you will have to allow it to reach room temperature before use.

Tips for storing homemade rose water

  • Store the rosewater in a glass bottle. You can use either a spray bottle or any other bottle depending on how you are planning to use the rosewater.
  • Keep the rosewater in a dark bottle. This will reduce the exposure to light.
  • Sanitize the bottles used to store rosewater. The bottles can be sanitized by washing with alcohol.
  • Try to use small bottles and fill up the bottle as much as possible. Less air will increase the storage time of the rosewater.
  • When you need to use rosewater, pour it into a dish. Don’t dip anything into the rosewater bottle.
  • Don’t refreeze melted rosewater. Instead, keep it chilled and use it up as soon as possible.

Uses of rosewater

Rosewater has many uses, both in the kitchen and in personal care

Uses of rosewater include :

  • Used as a flavoring ingredient for desserts and drinks.
  • Used to make fragrances.
  • Used as a natural skin toner.
  • Used to wash hair.


In this brief guide, we answered the question, “how to preserve rosewater” and discussed methods to preserve rosewater. We also looked at the uses of rosewater.


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