How long does Brie last in the Fridge? (5 Tips)

In this brief guide, we will answer the question, “how long does Brie last in the Fridge?”. We will look at the proper way to store brie in the fridge. We also implore the process of brie making and ways to tell if the cheese has spoiled.

How long does Brie last in the fridge?

Brie Cheese, when properly stored will last for 1-2 weeks in the fridge.

Brie cheese will stay edible even after 2 weeks. Brie does not spoil quickly, as it is a cheese that takes a while to mature. The fermentation process in brie takes place for over 6 weeks. Other microorganisms do not get a chance to thrive in brie cheese easily. Since brie cheese is a soft cheese, it has a much shorter shelf life as compared to other types of cheese.

How to store brie?

You can wrap pieces of brie in waxed paper or parchment paper and store them in the refrigerator for a few days. Pre-cut wedges of brie can be wrapped in plastic and stored for many days. Brie should not be wrapped very tightly as this will cause it to develop mold.

How to store Brie Cheese in the fridge?

Wrap the Brie Cheese in an airtight plastic container or bag or an aluminum foil over its original packaging. 

Alternatively, you could use wax paper or parchment paper and then with plastic wrap.

The wrap protects the cheese from spoiling. 

Make sure that cheese is not in direct contact with the plastic wrap. Storing cheese in plastic will cause the taste and flavor to spoil.

The temperature of the fridge should be at least 40 degrees. Store the brie cheese in the coolest part of the fridge, such as the door and the lower compartment.

Also, most people do not recommend that you freeze brie cheese instead of refrigerating it. Therefore, to play it safe, put the brie cheese in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

How to tell if Brie has spoiled?

When brie spoils, it becomes tough from the exterior. It also becomes darker in color and develops an off-odor.

Brie already has a white mold that appears powdery, which will change when it spoils. The newly formed mold will be green-blue. Otherwise, it could develop a gray and flaky appearance. 

Some dark spots in the cheese are ordinary. However, sometimes a pink slimy mold appears, which is a sign of bacterial spores.

 A putrid smell or colorful spores means that the brie must be thrown away. If the smell is slightly mild and bearable, the cheese is still edible. 

Do not consume if the brie exhibits any of the above signs. If the cheese smells and looks normal but tastes different, it is best to throw it away. 

However, after a week, the cheese may remain safe for consumption even though it further matures. The taste will continue to change, and for some, it might be unbearable.

After significant maturation of brie, a noticeable and unpleasant change in taste occurs, which signals that the cheese is past its prime.

As Brie spoils, it will not develop a sour taste as cottage and ricotta cheeses do.

Other FAQs about Brie Cheese which you may be interested in.

Can you eat the rind on brie cheese?

Can brie cheese go bad?

Can you freeze brie?

Is Brie a popular cheese?

Brie is a soft cheese made from cow milk. It originated in northern France but can be found all over the world now. 

Brie has a mild and creamy taste. 

Brie is a semi-soft cheese, among others such as Brie cheese, Feta cheese, Ricotta cheese, and Cream cheese.

Soft cheeses spoil quicker than hard cheeses. Softer cheeses have more moisture than others. High water content in foods; means that bacteria are attracted easily and make the food spoil quicker.

Like most cheeses, brie has calcium, vitamin B12, and Riboflavin. Brie is served with other cheeses and acidic fruits; grapes, apples, pears. Other foods such as nuts go well with brie too. 

Beverages that pair with brie are champagne, scotch ale, or porter. Non-alcoholic Beverages will also complement brie well such as grape juice or apple juice. 

Brie naturally has a white rind that resembles mold. Therefore, the preexisting mold makes it harder to spot the apparent spoilage signs. 

The white mold cheeses undergo the aging process and are allowed to mature for 6-8 weeks. The maturation process is closely monitored in a controlled environment.

The rind of brie is also edible. It is a natural mold caused by penicillin, Penicillium Candidum. This penicillin is responsible for the characteristic taste of brie. The texture of the mold is soft, and the taste is sweet. 

Initially, the texture of the cheese is creamy, which by the consequent breakdown of fat and protein, makes it runny.

The maturation process makes brie develop an overpowering flavor.

When the brie cheese is packaged and transferred to the distributers, it takes a further 2-3 weeks to ripen.

The notable point here is the spoilage brie has nothing to do with an opened or unopened package. 

In this brief guide, we answered the question, “how long does Brie last in the Fridge?”. We looked at the proper way to store brie in the fridge. We also implored the process of brie making and ways to tell if the cheese has spoiled.


Soft and Semi- Soft Cheese,Brie%20cheese%2C%20discard%20it%20entirely.

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