How long can chocolate milk sit out?

In this brief guide, we are going to answer the question “How long can chocolate milk sit out” with an analysis of the shelf life of chocolate milk at room temperature. Moreover, we are going to discuss different ways to spot bad chocolate milk.

How long can chocolate milk sit out?

Unopened shelf-stable chocolate milk does not need refrigeration and can sit out for about 6 months in your pantry stored adequately. 

After opening, chocolate milk lasts for about 2 hours if left out at room temperature, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) [1].  For homemade chocolate milk, this rule also applies [2].

Chocolate milk is a perishable commodity and has a lot of water and sugar in its formulation, besides other nutrients, making it perfect for bacteria and other microbes to multiply.

Bacterial growth takes place at a faster pace between the temperature of 4 and 60°C [1], and at optimum temperature, the bacteria population doubles every twenty minutes.

Therefore, there is a great chance of the chocolate milk being already contaminated when left out for more than 2 hours.

Moreover, if the temperature of the surroundings is about 30°C, the process of spoilage takes place at a faster pace and it is recommended to discard chocolate milk that is left out for more than an hour at this temperature.

What are the risks of leaving chocolate milk out?

When you consume chocolate milk that has been left out for more than 2 hours, you put yourself at a high risk of poisoning. 

Chocolate milk is highly perishable because it has a very favorable environment for microorganisms’ growth, which is boosted between 4 and  60°C [1].

Specifically, harmful bacteria, such as salmonella, prefer temperatures between 25 and 35°C.  According to studies, at such optimal temperature conditions, the bacteria population doubles every 20 min [2]. 

How long can chocolate milk stay good in the fridge?

It lasts about 4 days in the fridge (4-8°C). 

How long can chocolate milk stay good in the freezer?

Chocolate milk lasts for about 3 months when stored properly in the freezer [3].

What is the optimum temperature to store chocolate milk?

You should always store your chocolate milk at 4°C or below in the fridge. 

Bacterial growth takes place at a faster pace between the temperature of 4 and 60°C, therefore it is always advised to store chocolate milk at a lower temperature to preserve its safety, freshness, and quality for a long time.

Ways to spot bad chocolate milk

There are a couple of indicators that point out bad chocolate milk. You should consider the appearance, texture, smell, and taste of the chocolate milk to give a final verdict on whether or not it has gone bad.


If you spot a mold or any other organic growth in your chocolate milk carton (it is a really rare phenomenon), then the best thing you can do is to get rid of this chocolate milk as it is an indication of bad chocolate milk.


If the chocolate milk is curdled or has lumps present in it, then it is an indication of bad chocolate milk and you should get rid of it.


If you smell something foul or sour while taking a sniff test then it is an indication that the chocolate milk has gone bad and the best thing to do is to discard it.


If the chocolate milk has passed the visual and smell test, then you can go ahead and taste it. If you notice a sour or slightly bitter taste after taking a little sip of milk then it is an indication that the chocolate milk has gone bad. 

Is chocolate milk safe to use after the best-before date?

The “best by” or “best before” date that is written on the carton of chocolate milk refers to the quality rather than safety so chocolate milk doesn’t necessarily go bad immediately after the best before date. 

This date refers to the time during which you can enjoy the peak quality and flavor of chocolate milk but you can still use chocolate milk that is past this date as long as it was stored properly, there is no leakage in the carton and no signs of spoilage are present.

You can read how to make chocolate milk here.

Tips to properly store chocolate milk

  1. Chocolate milk can pick up odors therefore it should be stored in an air-tight container or bottle in the fridge. Moreover, it should be stored away from strong-smelling food items like garlic, onion, etc. 
  1. It is better to store chocolate milk on a shelf of the refrigerator rather than the door as there is a lot of temperature fluctuation at the door of the fridge and that can harm the quality of chocolate milk.


In this brief guide, we answered the question “How long can chocolate milk sit out” with an analysis of the shelf life of chocolate milk at room temperature. Moreover, we discussed different ways to spot bad chocolate milk.


  1. Jay JM. Food – Microbiology. 6th Ed, Aspen Food Science, 2000.

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