How hot is the gas stove flame?

In this brief guide, we will answer the question “How hot is the gas stove flame?”, discuss answers to other related questions like can you measure how hot a gas stove gets, and what do flame colors mean.

How hot is the gas stove flame?

The gas stove flame is hot to about 2000℃, but this value is not constant. The hotness of the gas stove flame ranges from 600℃-3000℃ depending on two important factors. One of these important factors is the amount of energy beings released from fuel combustion, while the other important factor is the availability of pure oxygen rather than air to ensure complete combustion.

You can also adjust the temperature of the flame according to the recipe that you are following or according to your temperature requirement.

Simmer settings

Some stoves have a very low simmer setting that will melt cheese, gently simmer sauces or soups, or heat leftovers slowly. This setting raises the temperature of the food to about 140 Fahrenheit.

Low settings

The low setting is ideal for a faster simmer, for slowly pan-cooking chicken, lamb, pork, or another type of meat. This setting raises the temperature of the food to about 195 Fahrenheit.

Medium settings

The medium setting is ideal for cooking vegetables, such as onions, asparagus, and broccoli. The temperature ranges from 210-300 Fahrenheit, depending on the type of stove.

High settings

The high setting will quickly create a crispy crust on meats and heat oil to a very high temperature at which you can fry tortillas, donuts, or any other type of dough. The temperature at high settings ranges from 300-350 Fahrenheit.

At what temperature does gas burn? 

The temperature values required to burn gas depend on the type of gas that is being used. The table below shows some commonly burnt gasses: 

GasBurning temperature 
Methane (Natural gas) 1950°C 
Butane 1970°C
Propane 1980°C
Propane – Butane mixed with air 1970°C
Hydrogen in air 2111°C

Can you measure how hot a gas stove gets?

A flame coming from a hot gas stove can have different temperatures at different intervals. This hotness of the flame can be estimated by the color of the flame, but there are certain scientific methods too that help you determine the temperature of the flame:

  • Measurement through a pyrometer

A pyrometer determines the temperature of the flame by measuring the wavelength of the radiations being emitted by the flame of the gas stove. A good thing about a pyrometer is that you can measure the temperature at a safe distance as it will be using the radiations produced by the flame as the basis for calculating the temperature.

  • Measurement via infrared

The temperature of the flame coming out of the stove burner can also be measured via infrared. But this method requires a great scientific comprehension and enough understanding of the scientific protocols to compare the results obtained with the statistical data which is already available to find the counterclaim.

  • Estimation via the burning temperature of the fuel

The best way to estimate the temperature of a gas stove is to determine the burning temperature of the fuel being used to stoke the fire. There are a lot of factors that can affect the temperature using this method, such as climate and typical temperature of the surrounding area, which make this method difficult but still it is efficient enough to determine what temperature might be, by estimating the nature of the fuel being burned.

Other FAQs about Stoves which you may be interested in.

How to unhook a gas stove?

How to convert natural gas stove to propane?

What do flame colors mean?

Flame colors are very meaningful if you have their complete understanding. They can indicate the temperature of the flame, the complete combustion process, and the type of fuel being burned in the stove. If the combustion process is occurring completely and if a good quality fuel is being used to burn the stove, there will be a hotter blue flame coming out from the burner of the stove. But if the combustion process is not occurring completely, and the quality of fuel being burned in the stove is also not of good quality, then the flame coming out of the burner of the stove will be yellow-orange and it will not be hot enough.

Blue flame

A blue flame means complete combustion of the gas. In the case of complete combustion, there is an accurate ratio of fuel and gas. As a result, water and carbon dioxide are produced. The water is evaporated due to high temperature while the carbon dioxide is released into the environment.

Orange flame

An orange flame means incomplete combustion of the gas. In incomplete combustion, there is fuel and gas ratio is not so accurate. As a result, water, carbon, and carbon monoxide are produced. Water gets evaporated, carbon forms the soot in the orifices of the burner of the stove, while carbon monoxide is a silent killer. It is very important to fix the orange flame, as a high level of carbon monoxide in the environment can cause you to lose consciousness and suffocate.


In this brief guide, we answered the question “How hot is the gas stove flame?”, discussed answers to other related questions like can you measure how hot a gas stove gets, and what do flame colors mean.


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