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In this brief guide, we will answer the query, ‘How to Use a Juicer to Make Orange Juice?’ and will discuss different methods of making orange juice.

How to Use a Juicer to Make Orange Juice?

To make the orange juice in a juicer, peel the oranges to begin preparing them for use. After that, cut them up to make room for the feed tube of your juicer. Once you’ve got a few in your juicer, you’re ready to go.

Even though it takes more time and work to make your own freshly squeezed orange juice than it does to buy one from the store, the difference in taste and freshness is unmatched. Fruity and delicious, fresh orange juice is superior to store-bought ‘from concentrate’ orange juice since it has no added sugars or other “nasty” ingredients.

Additionally, you have the option of producing orange juice with or without pulp when making it at home. To say nothing of the fact that it is loaded with vitamins and loaded with health benefits would be an understatement. Fresh orange juice, even when devoid of added sugar, is a delicious treat.

Studies found that commercial orange juice contained about 15% less vitamin C than homemade orange juice (40.5 ± 10.1 mg/100 ml vs 47.8 ± 8.59 mg/100 ml). This difference may relate to variations in production and storage (2).

Making Orange Juice with a Juicer: A Simple Guide

With juicer

Peel the oranges to begin preparing them for use. After that, cut them up to make room for the feed tube of your juicer.

Once you’ve got a few in your juicer, you’re ready to go.

With blender

Peel the oranges and, if desired, remove and discard the seeds (straining the juice eliminates the need for this step). Blend the orange segments in a food processor or blender until smooth. If necessary, add a little water to help the ingredients mix (around 1/4 cup should be enough).

Juicy, pulpy consistency is achieved by blending the ingredients until they are well-combined. After that, strain the pulpy juice using a fine-mesh sieve or nut milk bag, or leave it as is if you like your orange juice with pulp (for extra nutrients).

With hand Juicer

Most people understand this without any explanation. When using citrus juice, cut the fruit in half, put it over the juicer, squeeze and rotate to extract as much juice as possible while pressing down on the fruit.

Alternatively, squeeze the remaining orange to extract the juice, then use a spoon to scoop off the pulp and pour it into your glass.

How to store orange juice?

To get the most nutrition from freshly squeezed orange juice, drink it right away. For the remainder of the week, keep any leftovers in the fridge in an airtight glass container.

The shelf life of fresh unpasteurized orange juice depends strongly on the storage temperature. The limiting factors are yeast growth, loss in vitamin C and loss in anthocyanins. When stored at 7°C (44°F), the orange juice can be considered proper to drink for 12 days, while at 20°C (68°F), its storage life drops to 2 days, due to excessive yeast growth. However, even at a temperature of 3°C (37°F), 20% of the vitamin C is lost after 8 days of storage. A study concluded that the shelf-life of fresh orange juice is a microbial stability-dependent phenomenon and is not significantly influenced by oxidative damage and a storage temperature of 10°C (50°F) is a critical limit for unpasteurised fresh orange juice, processed with good hygiene practices, to have or not to have a shelf-life of several days (1).

What kind of oranges make the finest juicing?

You may experiment with various orange varieties while producing your orange juice at home. Common oranges, navel oranges, Valencia oranges, tangerines, clementine, and satsumas are all excellent choices. When blood oranges are in season, they may also be used.

There isn’t a single option that can be deemed the “best.” It all comes down to availability, cost, and taste preference.

Instructions for Making the orange juice

·         To prevent bitterness when utilizing techniques one or two, you may spend some time removing as much of the orange’s white pith as feasible. Nevertheless, I seldom do this since it isn’t required of me.

·         To extract more juice from an orange using technique three, roll it back and forth against a counter a few times. Before rolling, you may microwave the fruit briefly (for no more than 10-15 seconds). However, if you’re concerned about losing nutrients, don’t heat anything.

·         Refrigerate the orange overnight before juicing for ‘instant’ cold juice (or for 30 minutes in the freezer before juicing). Adding ice can rapidly dilute the juice, so avoid doing so.

When it comes to orange juice, does it have any health benefits?

Oranges provide a slew of health advantages. Most people are aware of the high Vitamin C content of this tangy fruit. Only one medium cup of orange juice contains close to the daily required amount of vitamin C. Aside from these vitamins and minerals, it also includes a good amount of fiber (4).

Vitamin C aids in the maintenance of healthy gums, the healing of wounds, and the creation of new bones. Potassium, on the other hand, aids in the prevention of heart disease, stroke, and bone loss via the body. It also aids in blood pressure control and kidney stone prevention. One cup of orange juice (248 g) contains 496 mg of Potassium (3).

 Orange juice is a great natural source of folate, which is critical for pregnant women since it lowers the chance of birth abnormalities. Orange juice also has a lot of antioxidants, which help combat free radicals and defend against a variety of chronic diseases. It also has anti-inflammatory qualities, making it an excellent choice for treating inflammation (2).

Drinking a lot of orange juice (or any fruit juice) has just one drawback: it’s high in natural sugars. As a result, you should make fresh orange juice at least twice a week and freeze the rest to use in smoothies or defrost later.


In this brief guide, we answered the query, ‘How to Use a Juicer to Make Orange Juice?’ and discussed different methods of making orange juice.


  1. Zanoni, B., et al. Shelf-life prediction of fresh blood orange juice. J Food Eng, 2005, 70, 512-517.
  2. Miles, Elizabeth A., and Philip C. Calder. Effects of citrus fruit juices and their bioactive components on inflammation and immunity: a narrative review. Front immunol, 2021, 12, 2558.
  3. Weaver, Connie M. Potassium and health. Adv Nutr, 2013, 4, 368S-377S.
  4. Chanson-Rolle, Aurelie, et al. Nutritional composition of orange juice: a comparative study between French commercial and home-made juices. Food Nutr Sci, 2016, 7, 252.

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