How big is a cup of rice?

In this article, we will answer the question “How big is a cup of rice?”, and how to prevent the rice from boiling over?

How big is a cup of rice?

A single rice cup equals about ¾ US cup which is the same as 180ml. A single serving of rice weighs about 90g, in uncooked form, which equals ½ cup. After cooking, when the rice doubles in size, It becomes 1 cup. Some people use ⅓ cup uncooked rice for a single person serving.

How to prevent the rice from boiling over?

Wash your rice before cooking

Washing your rice before cooking is extremely important. It not only prevents the rice from boiling over by removing excess starch but also keeps the rice from sticking. Pour the rice in a bowl or a colander and wash it with plenty of cold water. 

Use your hands to put a little pressure or punch the rice so that the rice grains rub against each other and water to get rid of excess starch. Rinse and repeat until the water runs clear. Washing your rice followed by soaking in cold water for at least 30 minutes has been linked to shorter cooking times and fluffier rice. However, this step is optional.

Using your rice cooker 

Use your rice cooker right away. Filling the basin of the cooker with excess water will lead to boiling over. Use the correct ratio of water and rice. It is given in the article below.

Add oil or butter to the rice 

Adding oil or butter to the boiling rice will keep the rice from sticking. Not only this, but It will also push the bubbles down by forming a layer on top. You can use coconut oil for a mild coconut-y flavor in your dish. 

This is especially a good idea for Asian-inspired dishes. Olive oil is also a healthy choice. It imparts a neutral flavor to the rice. Butter is also a great option If you do not have a problem with dairy.

Try a different kind of rice 

Each variety of rice has varying amounts of starch content. For example, brown rice, sticky rice, and short-grain rice have rich rich starch content as compared to the white long-grain rice variety. Therefore, try using long-grain white rice like Jasmine rice for your meals.

What causes rice cookers to boil over?

Boiling over rice has to do little with the rice cooker but with the rice itself. Following are some of the reasons why rice boils over every time you cook them in a rice cooker.

  1. Excess starch is the major reason why the rice boils over. The excess starch, along with the water makes large foamy bubbles that move to the surface of the pot and cause the rice to boil over. This can also turn the rice into a mushy mess.
  1. An excess of water in the rice cooker is another contributing factor in rice boiling over. You must add the correct ratio of water and rice. 

For long-grain white rice, use 2 parts water for 1 part rice. For brown rice, use 2 and a half parts water for 1 part rice. For wild rice, 4 parts water for 1 part rice. After adding the water, add a teaspoon or two of salt to remove excess starch and talcum from rice grains whilst seasoning them.

  1. A rice cooker that is too hot for the amount of rice and water can also cause a boil-over. Other than that, cooking the rice on too high heat has also been linked to this problem.

Other FAQs about Rice which you may be interested in.

How to identify plastic rice?

1 cup dry rice is how much cooked?

How to make rice not stick?

How to keep the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pot?

  1. Once the rice is cooked, remove the pot from the flame and let it sit for 5-10 minutes with the lid on to allow the rice to absorb steam and leave the bottom of the pot becoming more fluffy. 
  1. Using a fork, fluff up the rice grains until they are distributed evenly. Pricking the rice using a fork will help release the rice from the bottom and fluff them up.
  1. Using a big slotted spoon(plastic or wooden), scoop out your rice all the way from the bottom. Serve and enjoy.


In this article, we answered the question “How big is a cup of rice?”, and how to prevent the rice from boiling over?


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