Does unopened bone broth go bad?

In this brief guide, we are going to answer the question “Does unopened bone broth go bad” with an in-depth analysis of whether or not unopened canned bone broth goes bad. Moreover, we are going to discuss the proper way to store bone broth and the way to spot bad bone broth.

So without much ado, let’s dive in and figure out more about it.

Does unopened bone broth go bad?

Like all other food items, unopened canned bone broth also goes bad after a certain time even if it was unopened. But you should not worry because if you have properly stored your unopened bone broth then it still has a very long shelf life before going bad.

You can read how to make bone broth here.

Can beef broth go bad?

The homemade beef broth goes bad after 4-6 days if it remains refrigerated. It is recommended to use the store-bought broth within 5 days of opening. If it is unopened and refrigerated, then consult the mentioned expiry date.

How long does unopened canned bone broth last?

Unopened canned broth lasts for about 1-2 years or even more if it is stored in a cool, dry, and dark corner of the pantry away from direct sunlight and heat. 

How should I store opened canned bone broth?

  1. Meat is a highly perishable commodity that is rich in protein. There is a great risk of bacterial contamination if the bone broth is not handled and stored appropriately.
  1. It is a good practice to store the bone broth on the shelf of the fridge rather than the door as there is a lot of temperature fluctuation at the door of the fridge that can mess up the quality of the bone broth. 
  1. Moreover, as soon as you open a can of bone broth, it is recommended to transfer the leftovers in the air-tight container or plastic zipper bag immediately and store it in the refrigerator at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
  1. In the case of the homemade bone broth, you should never store the hot bone broth directly in the air-tight container as the moisture can build up inside the container and can provide a suitable environment for bacteria to grow, which can resultantly spoil your chicken broth. You should let the bone broth cool thoroughly before storing it in an air-tight container.
  1. Moreover, once you have reheated your refrigerated or frozen bone broth, you should never refrigerate it. The reason behind this is that when you heat the previously refrigerated or frozen bone broth, its temperature rises from 40 degrees Fahrenheit and that is the suitable temperature for bacteria to grow, thereby bacteria can grow at a faster pace at it and you should never refrigerate such bone broth again.
  1. It is better to store bone broth in shallow containers.
  1. You should never leave your homemade bone broth or the open canned broth at room temperature for more than 2 hours. You should discard the bone broth that has been left in open for more than 2 hours as bacterial growth takes place at a faster pace between the temperature of 40°F and 140°F, therefore there are greater chances of your bone broth being already contaminated with bacteria when left out for more than 2 hours.
  1. If you want to store the bone broth in the freezer, then it is recommended to keep it in an air-tight heavy-duty freezer container in the freezer. Thus keeping the bone broth in the freezer will increase its shelf life considerably (4-6 months) owing to the cool temperature of the freezer that halts the bacterial growth on the bone broth.
  1. Bone broth if thawed in the fridge can be kept there for 3-4 days before reheating and eating it. If the bone broth is thawed in the microwave, it is better to reheat and consume it immediately.
  1. Last but not least you should always remember not to store the unopened canned bone broth in the freezer as freezing increases the volume of the broth and if it is kept for too long in the freezer there are chances that the can even burst or leak in the freezer.  

Other FAQs about Bone Broth which you may be interested in.

How to blanch bones?

How to tell if the bone broth has gone bad?

You can tell whether or not your bone broth has gone bad by considering its appearance and smell.

If you spot a mold in your broth then you should immediately discard such bone broth as it has gone bad.

Moreover, if you smell something rotten, putrid, or sour while taking a sniff test of your bone broth then it is an indication of bad bone broth.

In the case of unopened canned bone broth, if you spot some dent or leakage in the can or if it has a bulging lid or bulging body, it is better to discard it.

Other FAQs about Bone Broth that you may be interested in.

Can beef broth go bad?

How long does chicken broth last unopened?

How to blanch bones?


In this brief guide, we answered the question “Does unopened bone broth go bad” with an in-depth analysis of whether or not unopened canned bone broth goes bad. Moreover, we discussed the proper way to store bone broth and a way to spot bad bone broth.


Does Chicken Broth Go Bad? How Long Does It Last?

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