Does grapefruit juice go bad?

In this article, we will answer the question “Does grapefruit juice go bad?”, how long does grapefruit juice last, can you drink expired grapefruit juice, how to freeze and defrost grapefruit juice, and how to make grapefruit apple carrot juice.

Does grapefruit juice go bad?

Yes, grapefruit juice goes bad. Discard the juice if it grows mold or develops an off-color or off-flavor. Read on if you want to know how long before the grapefruit juice goes bad. 

How long does grapefruit juice last? 

Grapefruit juice, sold unrefrigerated, lasts about 12-18 months at room temperature as long as it is unopened. The quality of the grapefruit juice starts to decrease quickly after 18 months but it remains safe to drink.

Grapefruit juice sold refrigerated should be used within 7-10 days of opening. Freezing extends the shelf-life of grapefruit juice. Properly frozen grapefruit juice at a steady 0F has an indefinite shelf-life. However, frozen grapefruit juice is best used within 4 months. 

Can you drink expired grapefruit juice? 

If the can or bottle of the grapefruit juice is unopened and the juice was sold unrefrigerated, you drink it past the printed expiry or best-by date. This only applies if the grapefruit juice was stirred under the ideal conditions. 

How long does frozen and thawed grapefruit juice last? 

Once frozen and thawed, grapefruit juice should not be kept for more than 3-5 days in the fridge. If the grapefruit juice was defrosted in the microwave, it can not be refrigerated and requires immediate use.

How to freeze grapefruit juice? 

In a plastic container

Grab a plastic container or multiple plastic containers if you have the bulk of grapefruit juice to store. Then follow the steps below to successfully freeze grapefruit juice in a plastic container.

Use the freshest grapefruits: If the initial quality of the juice is bad, it won’t last in the freezer. Therefore, carefully select sound grapefruits for squeezing the freshest possible juice out of them. The best grapefruits are the ones available in the season. 

Fill the container: Divide the juice equally between the container or pour it into a single plastic container. Make sure to leave an adequate headspace of 1-½-inch. This space between the juice and bottle cap will prevent the container from collapsing when the juice expands during freezing. 

Seal the container: Label the container with the current date, put the cap on the bottle, and chuck it into the freezer. Labeling the container will help you keep track of how long the grapefruit juice has been frozen.

Freezing grapefruit juice in ice cube trays 

Freeing grapefruit in ice cube trays is super easy and it makes the defrosting a lot easier. Plus you can defrost as much grapefruit as you want at a time. Follow the steps below to freeze grapefruit juice in an ice cube tray.

Fill the ice cube tray: Pour the grapefruit juice into the ice cube tray. You can also use a muffin tray depending on how much grapefruit juice you will need to defrost at a time. 

Put the cubes into a freezer bag: Freeze the tray for 1-2 hours or until the juice cubes become rock solid. Then transfer the juice cubes from the tray to a freezer bag. 

Label and freeze: Make sure to squeeze as much air from the bag as possible. Put a clear label on the bag and chuck it into the freezer.

How to defrost frozen grapefruit juice? 

There are a number of ways to go about it. The best one is to leave the grapefruit juice overnight in the fridge for at least 12 hours. If you intend to use the grapefruit juice in cooking, you can use the frozen juice cubes as-is. 

If you are strapped for time, there are other time-saving ways to defrost grapefruit juice. Fill a bowl with room temperature water. Then dump the grapefruit container into the water. Keep it there until the juice has defrosted. Make sure the container is leakproof.

Another method is to defrost the frozen grapefruit juice in a microwave. But this is not recommended. Microwaving works best if you are in a hurry. Never refreeze or refrigerate grapefruit juice that is defrosted in a microwave. 

How to make grapefruit apple carrot juice? 


  • 1 whole grapefruit
  • 1 small apple
  • 2 medium carrots


  1. Cut the grapefruit into quarters. Remove the peels and the white pithy part of each quarter.
  1. Deseed and cut the apples. Leave the skins intact and divide the apples into 1-2″ cubes.
  1. Trim the ends of the carrots and peel to get rid of the surface dirt. Cut the carrots into 1″ long pieces.
  1. Put the cut grapefruits, apples, and carrots into the blender. Process for 1-2 minutes until homogeneous.
  1. Pour the juice into a bowl lined with 4-5 layers of cheesecloth. You can also use a strainer or a nut milk bag for this purpose.
  1. Enjoy the fresh juice or refrigerate for up to 24 hours.

Other FAQs about Grapefruit that you may be interested in.

Can you eat grapefruit when taking Eliquis?

Can you eat grapefruit when taking azithromycin?

How to eat grapefruit?


In this article, we answered the question “Does grapefruit juice go bad?”, how long does grapefruit juice last, can you drink expired grapefruit juice, how to freeze and defrost grapefruit juice, and how to make grapefruit apple carrot juice.

References stored%2C%20unopened%20grapefruit%20juice,safe%20to%20drink%20after%20that

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