Can you use the fridge and freezer baking soda for baking?

In this article, we will answer the question “Can you use fridge and freezer baking soda for baking?” and discuss the difference between baking soda and baking?

Can you use the fridge and freezer baking soda for baking?

No,  you cannot use the fridge and freezer baking soda for baking. It’s typical for people to mix up baking soda with Fridge-N-Freezer baking soda. Activated charcoal removes freezer odours, while baking soda is used in the kitchen and in the oven.

We don’t advocate cooking with Fridge-N-Freezer baking soda or using it as a multi-purpose product because of this. And now, here’s why this is so. Both are sodium bicarbonate-containing baking soda, however, they have distinct functions.

Baking soda, on the other hand, is made entirely of sodium bicarbonate, which is completely safe to use in the kitchen.

The “Fridge-N-Freezer” Arm & Hammer baking soda boxes include double-sided vents to provide the baking soda additional contact with the refrigerator/air. freezer’s Baking soda absorbs scents, so be sure to do this before using your appliance.

If you check at the ingredients label, you’ll see that the only difference is that it says “100% sodium bicarbonate,” which is baking soda. Before using it for baking, make sure it hasn’t expired; baking is best done within a month after using it.

In order to avoid an ‘off’ fragrance while baking, don’t use the box that’s been sitting in your refrigerator to absorb aromas.

Fridge-N-Freezer Armed with a pound of baking soda In order to keep food fresh for a longer amount of time, Baking Soda, marketed as Fridge-N-Freezer, absorbs fridge aromas and deodorizes food odours.

Boxes should be replaced every 30 days after they are stored in the freezer since they collect odours quickly.

Its main function is to keep the fridge free of odours that might persist within. Fridge-N-Freezer baking soda has already absorbed the aromas and may emit some scent, so using it in cooking is dangerous. If you’re still not convinced, the packaging specifically states that it should not be used in any cooking.

Soda bicarbonate of soda

As a leavening agent, baking soda is a food-grade sodium bicarbonate that’s often used in cooking and baking. It has a delicate acidity to it. When combined with an acid such as tartaric acid, vinegar, or lemon juice, it emits carbon dioxide gas. 

This component is often seen in recipes that also call for these other acidic substances. Baking soda is used in a variety of recipes, including these:

  • It helps to soften tough meat.
  • It makes beans softer and cooks them more quickly.
  • When added to boiling veggies, a sprinkle of baking soda enhances the colour but also damages nutrients.
  • It makes the chicken’s skin crisp and brown by raising the pH level.
  • When added to mashed potatoes, it creates a fluffy texture that’s ideal for serving with gravy.

Baking soda and baking powder are two different things, and should not be used interchangeably. Baking powder includes acid, but baking soda requires an acidic component to trigger a reaction, despite the fact that they are both used in baking.

Because all of them include baking soda, there are certain similarities that might lead to misunderstanding. However, it’s a good idea to be familiar with their features and functions before putting them to use. 

Baking soda from the Fridge-N-Freezer is an odour absorber and should not be used in place of baking soda in recipes. Baking soda and baking powder have their own unique properties and cannot be substituted for one another. This little explanation, I hope, clarifies the similarities and differences between the two concepts for you.

Is baking soda for the refrigerator and freezer the same as conventional baking soda

Baking soda absorbs scents, so be sure to do this before using your appliance. If you check at the ingredients label, you’ll see that the only difference is that it says “100% sodium bicarbonate,” which is baking soda.

Is it safe to cook using Arm & Hammer baking soda?

Baked goods benefit from the use of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda, which helps dough or batter rise and become airy and porous when cooked. On the other hand, it may be used in the kitchen to clean things like lunch boxes and microwave ovens as well as dishes and other cookware.

Is it OK to cook with baking soda straight from the fridge?

The nasty particles will have something to bind with other than your leftovers if you keep a box of baking soda in your refrigerator. Just keep in mind that although baking soda is often used in recipes, baking soda that has been used to neutralize smells should not be used in cooking.

To read more about using fridge and freezer baking soda for baking click here

Other FAQs about Baking soda that you may be interested in.

Does baking soda stain?

Can you eat baking soda?

Where is baking soda in the grocery store?


In this article, we answered the question “Can you use fridge and freezer baking soda for baking?” and discussed the difference between baking soda and baking? 


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