Can you overwhip meringue? (+7 tips to get the perfect peak)

In this article, we will discuss whether we can over-whip meringue, how to fix over-whipped meringue, and a detailed guide on how to get the perfect peaks in your meringue along with its 4 different types.

Can you overwhip meringue?

No, over-whipping your meringue will only lead to disastrous results. You must whip your meringue to just the right extent in order to get the perfect firm to touch meringue.

Overwhipping will lead to extra stiff meringue that might not be pleasant. This happens because over-whipping deprives the meringue of its moisture and prevents it from becoming crispier.

How to fix overwhipped meringue?

There is nothing much you can do to save your over-whipped meringue because it will not be the same. However, it can be still be saved by adding one more egg white and gently incorporating this foam into your overbeaten meringue mix.

Tips to make the perfect meringue

  • Add sugar slowly so that you do not end up deflating the egg foam. Always whip half the sugar and slowly add the rest. Finish off by gently folding the remaining sugar into the meringue.
  • Use acid in the form of lemon juice or cream of tartar. The acid helps stabilize and increase the volume of the foam structure and keeps it from deflating.
  • Make sure the bowl you use for whipping the egg whites does not have a single drop of water or oil. This will prevent the whites from whipping to their full potential. Use metal bowls.
  • Do not break your eggs one after the other in the same bowl. If a single drop of yolk gets in, you will have to toss all the whites in the bin because that is going to ruin your meringue quality.
  • Use room temperature eggs. They tend to incorporate more air.
  • Do not over-whip or under-whip or egg whites. You want the perfectly whipped whites with a having a certain sheen and a moist look to them.
  • Gently pipe your meringue onto a sheet. Do not push too hard to avoid deflating.

What is meringue?

Meringue is a dessert that originated in Switzerland and is made from whipping egg whites and sugar together along with other optional ingredients like lemon, vinegar, and cream of tartar to add a tangy hint to it. Egg whites are beaten to denature ovalbumin to the extent of getting the perfect foam. Flavors include vanilla, apple juice, or orange juice.

What are the meringue peaks?

Soft peaks

After a few minutes of whipping, soft peaks form. When you flip your whisk or lift your spatula, you can see these cloudy peaks collapsing in just a second. This light mixture can be easily incorporated into cake batters, macarons, and marshmallows.

Firm peaks

After a few more minutes into whipping, when you flip your whisk or lift your spatula, you will notice that the cloudy foam is now starting to grasp the whisp/spatula but the tips collapse. This leaves a clear trail when picked with a finger and is used in cookies.

Stiff peaks

few more minutes later, you will start to notice that the cloudy foam now stands strong and the tips of the peaks are sharp and pointy.

Other FAQs about Meringue which you may be interested in.

Does meringue have to be baked?

Does Meringue Powder Expire

Types of meringue

French meringue

It is the most basic type and the home chef’s favorite. It is simply made by whipping castor sugar with egg whites to just about when soft peaks are developed.

Italian meringue

This type of meringue is made by incorporating boiling sugar syrup into lightly whipped egg whites until stiff peaks are obtained and the temperature is dropped. The high temperature involved denatures ovalbumin perfectly resulting in a very stable foam. Therefore, it can be used for piping and topping pies. Finish off your Baked Alaska by topping it with Italian meringue, either blow-torch it or bake it to give it a golden brown hue.

Swiss meringue

It is made by whipping the eggs with sugar over a hot water bath called a bain-marie. It is later baked to get a gummy center like a marshmallow.

Australian meringue

This one uses acid and cornflour/corn starch and is specially used to top pavlova or you can eat it alone by baking it and topping it with whipped cream, berries, chocolate, or lemon curd.

Eggless meringue

This is perfect for vegans and is made by replacing egg whites with aquafaba or potato protein.

Tips for making the perfect meringue


In this article, we discussed whether we can over-whip meringue, how to fix over-whipped meringue, and a detailed guide on how to get the perfect peaks in your meringue along with its 4 different types.


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