Can you keep scrambled egg mix in the fridge? (7 Facts)

In this brief guide, we will answer the question, can you keep scrambled egg mix in the fridge? We will discuss ways to properly store eggs and the recommended guideline provided by the FDA to ensure the safety of both cooked and uncooked eggs. 

Can you keep scrambled egg mix in the fridge?

You can keep scrambled egg mix in the fridge for 3-5 hours. Scrambled egg mix will spoil depending on how they were handled prior to storage and cooking.

The ingredients you put in your scrambled egg also have an impact on how long they keep. Your scrambled eggs may have oil, butter, cream, cheese, or milk depending on how you like to prepare them.

Some ingredients such as salt or sugar in your scrambled eggs may prolong the stability and the life. Other ingredients such as those which are dairy-based shorten the stability of the eggs. Cheese, milk, and cream are perishable food that will make your scrambled eggs spoil faster. 

If you put salt in the uncooked scrambled egg mix then they would last longer than they would otherwise. 

Eggs that were cracked open must be consumed because they are susceptible to Salmonella poisoning. To eliminate the risk of failing to food-borne disease, cook the scrambled egg mix and then store it in an air-tight container for 4-5 days. 

How long do scrambled eggs last in the fridge?

Scrambled eggs last up to four days after being thoroughly cooked, wrapped, and refrigerated.

Before consumption, it is better to reheat it to ensure its safety. 

You should refrigerate your eggs in an airtight container or bag to ensure safety.

Hard-cooked eggs including casseroles, Quiche, and scrambled eggs last for a week, while eggs in a cooked dish should stay edible for 3 or 4 days. 

Cooked eggs and egg dishes will stay good if you store them in the fridge and do not leave them out for more than 2 hours.

The FDA has stated the guideline regarding the storage and safety of eggs. Raw eggs that are slightly beaten should be consumed within two days when stored at a temperature between 35 to 40 Fahrenheit. 

If you suspect that the eggs were improperly stored, check for signs that indicate spoilage such as degraded flavor or texture. An off-smell is a good indicator that signals that the egg mix has succumbed to spoilage and must be thrown out.

Can you keep raw scrambled eggs in the fridge?

You can keep raw scrambled eggs in the fridge for up to three days or in the freezer for up to six months. 

 It is best not to store raw scrambled eggs in the fridge as they do not taste good and can have a rubbery texture.

If you want to store scrambled eggs, put them in an airtight container. Uncooked scrambled eggs can be easily stored in the fridge overnight or longer. The time it takes for raw scrambled eggs to spoil depends on various factors including the other ingredients and the amount of time it was left out of the fridge. 

How to store raw and cooked eggs?

Eggs must be stored in their natural form; intact in a shell. The raw egg stays protected until they are in its eggshells.

To store the eggs, leave them in their original carton as they protect the eggs from an impact and also prevent odors and contaminants from entering the eggs. Washed eggs must be put inside the refrigerator as the natural layer that protects the eggs has been removed. 

You can freeze both cooked and uncooked eggs. However, raw eggs in their shells must not be kept in the freezer, rather stored in the refrigerator and consumed before their expiration date.

Whole eggs and egg whites only, can be frozen and stored for up to six months. Put the eggs in a sealed container and place them in the far end of the freezer where the temperature stays stable and cold.

Egg yolks can not be frozen as easily and require special treatment. The reason is that egg yolk gelatinizes when it is subject to freezing temperature. If you would like to freeze the egg yolks, then you can take some measures to slow the thickening process.

Use either salt, sugar, or corn syrup and beat them thoroughly to hinder the gelatinization of the egg yolks. 

Other FAQs about Eggs that you may be interested in.

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In this brief guide, we answered the question, can you keep scrambled egg mix in the fridge? We discussed ways to properly store eggs and the recommended guideline provided by the FDA to ensure the safety of both cooked and uncooked eggs. 


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