Can you get sick from eating expired pretzels?

In this brief guide, we are going to answer the question “Can you get sick from eating expired pretzels” and discuss the shelf life of pretzels, how to identify spoiled pretzels, and the proper way to store pretzels.

Can you get sick from eating expired pretzels?

Yes, you can get sick from eating expired pretzels, both soft and hard pretzels. Soft pretzels are bakery products similar to breads and are susceptible to spoilage by several microorganisms, including yeasts, molds and bacteria, such as Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis (6).

Hard pretzels are considered low moisture foods and therefore are less susceptible to microbial spoilage, as the low water available in these types of products does not favor microbial development (1). However, once the moisture is increased, dormant bacteria and spores may develop and cause spoilage, as well fungi, that can grow and produce toxins.

In addition, long term ingestion of expired dry pretzels can lead to diseases, if the pretzels contain oxidized lipids. Although dry pretzels contain low amounts of fats in their composition, the fat can oxidize and generate compounds which are considered toxic to the body (2). 

Aldehydes, ketones and alcohols resulting from the oxidation of fats may interfere in the cell metabolism and react with the DNA, causing mutation. In the long term, this can lead to diseases, such as cancer (3).

What are the risks of eating spoiled pretzels? 

The risks of eating spoiled pretzels, such as soft pretzels that are contaminated by microorganisms or their toxins, you may experience an episode of foodborne illness. Staphylococcus, Bacillus and fungi are commonly found in breads and baked goods (6).

The possible symptoms of a foodborne disease are diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and flu-like symptoms (4).

The ingestion of spoiled pretzels manifest in a long-term effect, as mentioned earlier in this article. Inflammatory diseases, as well as heart diseases are possible consequences of frequent ingestion of oxidized lipids. Pretzels when they expire can become rancid and should therefore not be consumed (1,2,3).

In addition, several cases of food outbreaks were reported related to low-moisture foods such as pretzels, due to the contamination by poor handling. Salmonella and other pathogenic bacteria were involved in these outbreaks (1).

What is the shelf life of pretzels?

The shelf life of pretzels vary, if they are soft or hard pretzels and depending on the storage conditions, as follows (8):

soft frozen pretzelsnot recommended3-4 days9 months
soft baked pretzels1-2 daysnot recommended3 months
hard pretzels unopened4-9 monthsnot recommendednot recommended
hard pretzels opened3 weeksnot recommendednot recommended

How to tell if pretzels have gone bad?

To tell if pretzels have gone bad, you should be able to identify any unusual or unpleasant characteristics on the smell, color, appearance or taste of the pretzels.

Spoiled hard pretzels manifest off-odors and off-flavors, due to the presence of lipid oxidation products, such as aldehydes, ketones and alcohols. These compounds also characterize off-flavors in oxidized foods (2,3).

Spoiled soft pretzels may manifest by (6):

Growth of mold: formation of colonies on the surface of the pretzel may indicate mold growth. The colonies can be white, green or black and form spots on the surface

Generation of off-odors: formation of odors such as rancid, sour or musty are possible signs of spoilage

Loss of texture: loss of flavor and crispness, increasing the crumb and crust firmness and staling are indications that the pretzel is old and may not be more suitable to consume

How to store pretzels properly?

Unopened packages of hard pretzels should be stored in a cool, dry, and dark place away from direct sunlight and heat (5). 

Once you open the package of hard pretzels, it is recommended that you store your pretzels in an air-tight jar or container to hinder its air exposure.

Moreover, you can store your homemade pretzels in a cool, dry, and dark corner of your pantry or kitchen cabinet for about 2 days. Your homemade pretzels can keep good for about 3 months in the freezer.

Moreover, if you want to store your pretzels in the refrigerator then it is recommended to either store them in the air-tight container so that the high moisture content of the fridge won’t mess up its texture or flavor or you can store the pretzels in a vacuum-sealed plastic bag to preserve its freshness and quality for a long time.


In this brief guide, we answered the question “Can you get sick from eating expired pretzels” and discussed the shelf life of pretzels, how to identify spoiled pretzels, and the proper way to store pretzels.


  1. Kuehm, Jeff, and Diana Casas. Salty snack foods. The Microbiological Safety of Low Water Activity Foods and Spices. 2014, 295-314.
  2. Grootveld, Martin, et al. Potential adverse public health effects afforded by the ingestion of dietary lipid oxidation product toxins: Significance of fried food sources. Nutrients, 2020, 12, 974.
  3. Barden, Leann, and Eric A. Decker. Lipid oxidation in low-moisture food: A review. Crit rev food sci nutr, 2016, 56, 2467-2482.
  4. Foodborne illness and disease. United States Department of Agriculture.
  5. Van Laanen, Peggy. Safe home food storage. Texas FARMER Collection. 2002.
  6. Saranraj, P., and M. Geetha. Microbial spoilage of bakery products and its control by preservatives. Int J Pharmaceut biol arch, 2012, 3, 38-48.

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