Can you get sick from eating eggs from a sick chicken?

In this short article, we will answer the question, “can you get sick from eating eggs from a sick chicken?” and we will also discuss safety measures to be followed to prevent infection among chickens and safe egg handling.

Can you get sick from eating eggs from a sick chicken?

No, you cannot get sick from eating eggs from a sick chicken.  Eggs can be a carrier of the disease if it has feces, saliva, or any nasal secretion of an infected bird. Although the consumption of properly cooked chicken or eggs from diseased chickens does not transmit bird flu, the offering of runny eggs should always be avoided.

How to prevent infection among the birds?

It is well known that chickens are very susceptible to a wide range of illnesses and disorders, the most majority of which are respiratory in origin and many of which are contagious.

  •  Remove the sick bird from the flock and provide her with comfort and warmth.
  • Assume that the illness is contagious and that your whole flock may be affected.
  •  Do not eat or sell any eggs that have been deposited by a sick chicken.
  • Do not allow any of her eggs to hatch (or any eggs fertilized by an ill rooster)
  • Avoid introducing new chicks to your flock or breeding new ones. • Avoid adding extra birds to your flock.
  • Do not sell or rehome sick chicks or birds, since they are contagious.

Safe collection practices of eggs

Collect eggs regularly and at an early stage

You should collect eggs at least twice a day, if not more. A lot of benefits may be gained by collecting eggs regularly. While eggs are naturally protected from germs by an antibacterial barrier that surrounds the shell, this barrier begins to disintegrate after 96 hours of storage.

Microbes may multiply by tens of thousands in as little as 20 to 30 minutes when exposed to their optimal temperature, which for certain bacteria is about room temperature. When kept chilled between 35 and 40 degrees F, germs are unable to develop and the bacterial load is reduced as a result of this method of sterilization.

Check Which are the best tasting chicken eggs.

Keep an eye out for abnormal eggs

Even while it’s easy to get into the habit of collecting eggs without paying careful attention to them, taking the time to look for unusual eggs may help you determine the health of your flock. Thin patches (i.e., areas of the egg that are not fully calcified) or soft-shell eggs may be signs of sickness in chickens.

Although abnormal eggs are not necessarily symptomatic of sickness or a particular ailment, they should be investigated to determine whether or not further action is required (e.g., isolating sick birds).

Disposable containers should be used.

It is recommended to use egg filler flats made of plastic that are simple to clean. It’s normal to get used to collecting eggs in the same container without cleaning it daily, especially if the container does not seem to be dirty at first glance

Before each usage, be sure that the container has been properly washed and disinfected to avoid cross-contamination. Paper containers should not be reused since they are unable to be cleaned properly.

Keep Egg Hunting to a minimum

Check to see if your hens are making use of their nesting boxes. It may seem like allowing them to lay their eggs wherever they choose is pleasant or natural, but daily egg hunts are not always enjoyable, and floor eggs are often dirtier and more contaminated than eggs laid in nest boxes. 

Predators will return after they have been attracted to the site and have learned that eggs are accessible. Egg-eating predators include raccoons, skunks, mink, and a variety of birds, to name a few.

Unclean Eggs Should Be Tossed

Eggs that are excessively dirty, broken, or holed should not be kept in the refrigerator. Try dry cleaning instead of sandpapering the area if there is visible dirt or debris. Sandpaper eliminates the cuticle and may cause the pores to become larger. A healthy cuticle is essential for maintaining low bacterial levels, and increasing the hole size allows for more germs to enter the body.

If dry cleaning does not provide results, consider throwing them away. Washing eggs at home is not recommended due to the risk of damaging the cuticle and introducing more germs into the egg via the pores if done incorrectly.


In this short article, we answered the question, “can you get sick from eating eggs from a sick chicken?” and we also discussed safety measures to be followed to prevent infection among chickens and safe egg handling.


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