Can you freeze brined chicken?

In this article, we will answer the question “Can you freeze brined chicken?” and discuss the difference between before and after freezing

Can you freeze brined chicken?

Yes, you can freeze brined chicken. Brining chicken dissolves sections of the protein structure and increases the muscle cells’ water-holding capacity. Freezing causes ice crystals to form in the flesh, which pierce the cell membranes, reduce texture, and induce moisture loss.

When cooked, the chicken loses 22% of its moisture without salting or brining. Additionally, it loses 15% of its moisture during the brining process before freezing. Because the salt has time to perform its function while the meat is frozen and then thawed, pre-treating the chicken is preferable to treating it after it has been frozen.

Is it true that brined meat lasts longer?

Yes, the meat that has been properly brined will last for years. One way to lower the salt level is to soak the meat before cooking and then drain the water out. To flavor the meat, spices may be added to the salt.

Brining Before or After Freezing: Is There a Difference?

Pre-cooking, brining or salting chicken allows it to retain more moisture while it cooks because brining alters the protein structure of the meat. For many of our readers, buying and freezing chicken in quantity is a common practice.


All of the chicken breasts were brined for 45 minutes, salt-sprinkled for an hour, and then frozen for a week before being analyzed. After freezing the samples, we brined three and salted three of the previously untreated ones, respectively. – This was followed by cooking the chicken breasts in a sous vide machine, which allowed us to assess how much moisture they had lost.

Prior to freezing the chicken, we discovered that this method resulted in poultry that was well-seasoned and lost only 11 percent of its weight when cooked (the samples that were brined before freezing lost 15 percent). 

After thawing, chicken that had been salted or brined lost 16% and 20% of its weight, respectively. The untreated frozen chicken weighed 22% less than it did before it was frozen.


Because the salt has more time to accomplish its function while the meat is frozen and then thawed, treating the chicken before freezing is preferable to treating it after freezing. In order to get as much salt into the flesh as possible, you should salt the chicken before it is frozen, rather than bringing it. 

The meat retains more moisture when it has a greater salt content (up to a point, at least; concentrations above a certain amount can actually have a negative effect).


Chicken breasts should be salt-seared before freezing in order to preserve the greatest amount of moisture and flavor. Fortunately, it’s easier to salt a large number of chicken breasts before freezing than it is to salt smaller batches after they’ve been thawed. 

Refrigerate the chicken breasts for an hour after sprinkling both sides with kosher salt (112 tablespoons per pound). This allows the salt to do its work. Wrap and store in the freezer.

How many times can a brine be used?

According to food safety rules, brine can only be used once when it has been contaminated with food. The bulk of germs found in food dwell on the meat’s outer layer. Your brine will actually be swimming with it. The brine should not be reused! After using the brine, discard it.

Is it possible to season meat and then freeze it?

Seasoning before freezing has little to no advantage, as Ember points out. Frozen meat may be SV cooked straight from the freezer, which many Anova users use for convenience. Alternatively, you could SV boil your portioned meat, cool it in an ice bath, and then freeze it.

Is it possible to brine frozen meat?

Yes, it is possible. Place your frozen meat in the brine after making sure it’s no warmer than room temperature. Put it back in the fridge until it’s totally thawed if it’s still frozen in the centre. It took me approximately an hour and a half to defrost and brine a pretty thick bone-in pork chop.

Is it necessary to fry right after brining?

No, it’s not necessary. Brining adds water, therefore dry cooking techniques will result in a luscious and moist chicken supper. After extracting the chicken from the brine, you don’t have to cook it right away.After brining, grill the chicken and baste with a delicious sauce of your choice.

Is it true that chilling chicken causes it to dry out?

Yes, it is true. In the freezer, the cell plasma in your chicken freezes and forms ice crystals. In the 0 to -4°C range, cell plasma expands rather than shrinking because it contains over 90% water. The crystals slash through the cell walls. When you thaw and cook frozen meat, the cell plasma leaks into the pan, leaving you with dry meat.

To learn more about freezing brined chicken click here

Other FAQs about Chicken that you may be interested in.

Can you cook chicken by boiling it?

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In this article, we answered the question “Can you freeze brined chicken?” and we discussed the difference between before and after freezing.


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