Can you freeze Azteca taco salad shells?

In this brief guide, we’ll address the query: “Can you freeze Azteca taco salad shells?” Also, we’ll explore how users can freeze Azteca taco salad shells, what Azteca taco salad shells are, what the nutritional content of Azteca taco salads is, and whether or not they’re healthy to eat. 

Can you freeze Azteca taco salad shells?

Yes, Azteca taco shells, like many other tortilla-based food products, can be stored frozen. Freezing extends the shelf life and can help users reduce their waste if the product in question won’t be wholly consumed before it spoils. 

On average, store bought tortillas can keep for up to eight weeks in refrigeration (as they’re made with preservatives)m whereas those homemade from cornmeal can keep for up to ten days in refrigeration. 

Freezing tortillas (that’ll later be made into taco salad shells) can extend their freezer life for up to six months.  

Below, we’ll describe how users can preserve their taco salad shells in the freezer. 

How can I freeze Azteca taco salad shells?

Azteca taco salad shells can be frozen by placing them in the freezer while still in their original packaging. 

If this is no longer feasible, opened taco salad shells can be taken out and placed in a freeze-resistant container, or a heavy-duty freezer bag. If the latter, users should push out the excess air from the bag to prevent desiccation and freezer burns. 

Frozen, Azteca taco salad shells can be preserved for up to six months at peak freshness, though they may remain safe to eat after said time has elapsed. 

To defrost Azteca taco salad shells, users can leave them overnight to thaw out in refrigeration, or they can be taken out and used directly from the packaging while still frozen. They can be heated on a griddle or in a microwave oven to make them more malleable. 

What are Azteca taco salad shells?

Azteca taco salad shells alludes to a brand of tortilla shells that are made by Azteca foods and distributed by various retailers. 

The manufacturer maintains that they’re formulated sans any preservatives, and ingredients in the dough include; flour (from wheat), corn starch, vegetable oil (sourced from sunflowers, corn, and canola), water, glycerin, palm oil, and various salts. 

Despite their name, they can be used to make various recipes such as rolls, salads, sundaes, and other foods that require a crust or flaky basin. 

Azteca Foods is a venture based in Chicago, operating since 1969. It came about when its founders sought to introduce traditional, quality-Mexican food products to the area and communities. 

Currently, it caters to many markets, both foreign and domestic, and boasts a commitment to community service and welfare.  

What is the nutritional content of Azteca taco salad shells?

The manufacturer’s nutritional statement maintains that a 44-gram portion (equivalent to one of their taco salad shells) can provide: 

  • 210 calories – of which 110 are sourced from fat
  • 3 grams of protein
  • 12 grams of fat (19% of the recommended daily intake) – of which 2.5 grams are saturated fat (12% of the RDI),
  • 22 grams of carbohydrates (7% of the RDI) of which 1 gram is dietary fiber (3% of the RDI)
  • 140 milligrams of sodium (6% of the RDI)

Additionally, the same portion will provide 8% of the recommended daily intake of iron. 

*The recommended daily intake values are calculated based on a diet of 2000 calories a day. 

Is eating Azteca taco salad shells healthy? 

When consumed occasionally and in moderate portions, Azteca taco salad shells should have no detrimental effects on a person’s health. 

However, due to their calorie content, fat and carbohydrates, users should avoid making them a staple in their diets.

It’s also important to note that how they’re prepared is also important when weighing their health benefits. For example, deep frying can make taco salad shells less nutritious, due to the added fat content that’ll come with frying them. 

Additionally, they may not be ideal for celiac patients to consume, as they’re made with wheat flour. 

Ultimately, how users choose to consume taco salad shells will affect their quality and nutritional benefits. 

We encourage our readers to always bear in mind what their caloric needs are, to avoid overeating, and combine calorie-rich meals with a healthy, active lifestyle and a balanced diet. 

Other FAQs about Tacos that you may be interested in.

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In this brief guide, we’ve addressed the query: “Can you freeze Azteca taco salad shells?” Also, we’ve explored how users can freeze Azteca taco salad shells, what Azteca taco salad shells are, what the nutritional content of Azteca taco salads is, and whether or not they’re healthy to eat. 


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