Can you eat with an NJ tube?

In this short article, we will provide an answer to the question “Can you eat with an NJ tube?” and the information on NJ tubes.

Can you eat with an NJ tube?

Yes, you can eat with NJ tube. It is possible to simply insert the NJ tube through the nose and into the stomach because of its soft and flexible nature. The jejunum is an area of your digestive tract that is well-suited to absorb both food and medication.

What is an NJ tube?

A nasojejunal tube, also known as an NJ tube, is a tube that runs from the nose down to the intestines. Children who cannot consume enough food to meet their nutritional needs may be fed through a nasojejunal (NJ) tube, which is a thin tube inserted through the nose and into the small intestine. This allows the kid to receive nutrients.

How exactly does one go about placing a tube into the nasojejunal passageway?

After a numbing gel is administered to the nose, a very small tube will be guided through the nose, down into the throat, and then into the jejunum (also known as the small bowel) with the help of fluoroscopic (X-ray) guidance. To better visualize the stomach and small intestine, a tiny amount of contrast (X-ray dye) will be injected into the tube at this time. After the tube has been successfully inserted, a piece of adhesive tape will be used to secure it to the cheek.

Is the procedure going to be painful?

The tube can be uncomfortable when directed down the nose in this manner. Sedation might be required if your child is too young or has a particularly complicated medical history.

What are some of the risks that could be associated with the procedure?

The operation is considered to have a minimal risk overall; yet, there is a chance of experiencing the following complications:

  • Nosebleed
  • Injuries to the esophagus, stomach, and/or small intestine

What about the type of feeding tube?

There is a wide range of possible configurations and dimensions for feeding tubes, and each one serves a particular purpose. One kind of feeding tube goes around the pyloric sphincter and feeds formula to the small intestine directly, while another type of feeding tube goes around the stomach and delivers formula directly to the stomach. There is also a type of feeding tube with two ends, one for the stomach and the other for the small intestine. This allows the patient to get nutrition in any location.

The term a feeding tube comes from how it is placed into the body as well as the placement of the end of the tube. For instance, a nasogastric tube is a tube that begins in the nose, travels down the esophagus, and ultimately ends in the stomach. The word “naso” refers to the nose, and the word “gastro” refers to the stomach.

PEG stands for “percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy,” which refers to a feeding tube that has been implanted endoscopically and is placed in the stomach. One such kind of tube is a jejunostomy tube, which is inserted into the jejunum and then removed (the second section of the small intestine).

Is It Possible To Leave A Feeding Tube In Indefinitely?

Customers of all ages, including infants and young children, can benefit tremendously from the utilization of feeding tubes as a technique for meeting their nutritional requirements. Patients who are recovering from serious diseases or who have just had surgery frequently receive nutritional support through the use of feeding tubes. 

It is common practice to recommend a longer-lasting tube, such as a PEG, to a patient who will be dependent on a feeding tube for more than four weeks. For some people, a feeding tube might be the best option for a long-term feeding solution. Especially for persons who have gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, problems with malabsorption, or a potentially fatal swallowing danger, to name a few examples.

Do You Have To Stay In The Hospital If You Have A Feeding Tube?

Some patients are being fed by feeding tubes and are now hospitalized and maybe in poor health. Some people who require long-term feeding tubes can continue living at home and leading active lives despite having these devices. The formula may be delivered either at a rate that is constant (throughout 24 hours) or at a rate that is cyclic (e.g.,12 hours-overnight). 

Others may be given a bolus feed, which consists of a higher dose being administered at specific intervals throughout the day. All of them are valid options, and the optimal formula regimen can be decided upon with the assistance of a registered dietitian.


In this short article, we provided an answer to the question “Can you eat with an NJ tube?” and the information on NJ tubes.


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